When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 533: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

Pei Chuanyao guessed, Yan Yi?

Luo Shui's eyes flickered, but he did not deny it. He was deeply puzzled.

Could it be that the news is false? Thinking like this, a vague joy arose in my heart.

Pei Chuanyao didn't know how the news of his engagement spread unknowingly, and he felt very unhappy.

I haven't dated anyone, I don't want to get engaged, and I don't have the idea in a short time... he explained seriously.

None of the above, just a... baby kiss.

Luo Shui opened his mouth slightly with a surprised expression, How did the news get out?

Pei Chuanyao knew that this matter must have something to do with his grandfather, and it was inconvenient to tell her the cause and effect, so he skipped the topic.

Luoluo, you... Thinking of what he was about to ask, his Adam's apple twitched and he felt nervous.

Huh? What about me? Luo Shui asked confused.

Pei Chuanyao had been taciturn since he was a child, and he could only talk more in front of her. But now he was so clumsy and tongue-tied that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

The young man stretched out his slender jade-like fingers, pinched his eyebrows, and looked away from Luo Shui's bright and hopeful eyes.

You and that man... Pei Chuanyao was obviously speechless.

Especially last time because of that man, his relationship with Luo Luo fell to a freezing point for the first time. If he could, he really didn't want to mention that man again.

Luo Shui was also uncomfortable, It doesn't matter. I promised my dad that time to go see him, but I didn't expect to be entangled inexplicably.

...That person never came to see you again, right? Pei Cuanyao looked slightly cold.

Luo Shui shook his head, No.

What she didn't say was that when she got home that day, she told her family about the man's strange behavior. They were so angry that Gu Yan and Luo Jin almost picked up knives and rushed to the man's house to chop him.

Fortunately, he was stopped by Gu Mingye.

But after this experience, Gu Mingye no longer believed in the so-called 'young talents' spread outside. Really, don't insult the words young talents.

Because he was so flustered and nervous, Pei Chuanyao didn't notice anything and said calmly: That's good.

Luo Shui thought he was weird and stood in front of him, looking at him intently with a pair of watery eyes.

Brother Yuanyao, why do I think you are weird? Do you have something to say?

Pei Chuanyao froze, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on his back.

...Lolo, what do you think of me? he asked.

The black man in Luoshui asked, What, what, how are you doing?

It was easy for people to misunderstand this question, so she decided not to think too much about it this time.

Pei Chuanyao pursed her thin lips nervously, gritted her teeth, and asked directly: Marriage partner, what do you think of me as your marriage partner?

After asking, he stared at Luo Shui with a stiff expression, and every muscle in his body froze.

Luo Shui: !!!

Is that what she... meant?

...You, what do you mean? Luo Shui was so surprised that his voice trembled.

When Pei Chuanyao saw her look of disbelief, he felt as if someone poured a basin of cold water on his head in the middle of winter.

In a panic, he was a little confused. He didn't know how to explain it, so he said, We have been engaged since childhood.

Luo Shui was even more confused.

Baby kiss? Is it the baby kiss she knows?

What era has this been...

...Me and you? She pointed at Pei Chuanyao and then at herself, and asked rather disillusionedly.

Pei Chuanyao nodded, Well, Grandpa Gu should know.

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