When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 535: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

Luocao was very concerned about the name Luocao when she was little. She felt that she was as worthless as the grass in the field. After Luoshui gave her a different interpretation, she suddenly felt relieved.

No longer feel inferior to yourself, no longer belittle yourself, learn to appreciate yourself, love yourself, and honestly accept all your good and bad qualities.

Luocao was infinitely grateful to Luoshui in her heart, but she had always been clumsy and unable to say a word of thanks.

She felt that if she didn't say it today, it might be harder to say it in the future.

So he braced himself and said: Luoluo, I've always wanted to thank you, but I always feel embarrassed. I feel that it's pretentious to say thank you formally. I was thinking just now that if I don't say it, I might not be able to say this in the future, so I want to use this I have the opportunity to say some heartfelt words to you,

Luoluo, I want to say thank you, thank you for pulling me out of that quagmire, and thank you for letting me see the vast sky and giving me a different life...

Luocao said all the things she wanted to say but didn't dare to say at once. She was so emotional that she blew out a bubble in her nose when she was so excited.


Looking at the snot bubbles she blew out, Luocao, who was already a mother, suddenly froze in expression, and the tears on her face seemed to have condensed on her face. She was completely embarrassed.

What a shame!

Luo Shui couldn't help but want to laugh, but he was really worried that Luo Cao would become angry, so he held it in, but he couldn't help but not laugh.

...Ahem, I understand. She cleared her throat and said.

She originally wanted to say some words of comfort to Luocao, but the image of blowing bubbles was too clear and could not be dissipated from her mind for a while. She was worried that she would accidentally burst into laughter, so she held back.

The two talked for a while, and the auspicious time for the wedding arrived. At the wedding, relatives and friends from both parties arrived early.

The day before the wedding, Luo Cheng and Gu Mingye had a big dispute over who sent Luo Shui to Pei Chuanyao. They argued endlessly. In the end, Mr. Gu couldn't bear it anymore and asked the two fathers to come together. Left and right send Luo Luo off to get married.

As for Luo Jin and Gu Yan, who didn't mind the trouble and also joined in the trouble, they were frightened by the old man's smiling face and immediately retracted their excitement.

Luo Jin cried in his heart. Grandpa was too scary. He didn't want to do so much homework anymore!

Gu Yan's face was stiff. The old man had a dark heart and would not let him see his precious daughter if things went wrong. He didn't want to be unable to see his daughter for several days. He could just do whatever he wanted with his sister's wedding. He didn't want to worry about it anymore!

The bride's two brothers gave up their struggle and the wedding went smoothly.

Witnessed by a group of relatives and friends, Pei Chanyao and Luo Shui swore to each other and formed a new family.

Today's wedding was very in line with the background of the era. The decoration was warm and not so luxurious. However, by the time it was over, Luo Shui was still very tired.

At this time, there was only a young couple left in the elegantly decorated wedding room. Until now, both of them still felt a little unreal.

Suddenly, they had the deepest bond with each other in the world, and the two young people felt indescribable joy and satisfaction.

Pei Chuanyao felt that the house felt a lot warmer after there was one more person in it. Especially when he thought about how he and Luoshui would collapse together and say good morning and night to each other in the future, he felt even more excited.

Glancing tenderly at his exhausted little wife, he stood up and walked towards the bathroom, and soon she came out.

Luoluo, take a shower first and change your clothes. It will make you feel more relaxed.

The sound of 'Lolo' seemed to crush all the affection and tenderness in the world.

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