When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 542: I accidentally abused my lucky stepsister by studying

... He looks so good. Look how much his little mouth looks like Luo Luo! Luo Cheng looked at the infant baby with loving eyes and said with a smile.

Gu Mingye nodded repeatedly from the side, Yes, she is indeed my granddaughter. She is so good-looking.

The two grown men exchanged words with each other, chatting about their parenting experiences, appearing to understand each other very well.

Gu Yanran rolled her eyes and held the little baby in her arms, shaking her arms lightly.

The two old men were not afraid of scaring the little boy.

Yanran, don't hold her, and let us take a look. Gu Mingye said dissatisfied.

He hasn't even seen his granddaughter yet!

Luo Cheng, who was next to him, nodded and expressed that he wanted to see it.

Gu Yanran hugged the baby and didn't want to let go. Realizing that she had obviously provoked public anger, she smiled and put the baby on the crib.

Pei Cuanyao and Luo Jin came in at this time.

As soon as the two came in, they saw several elderly people surrounding a crib, looking at it with gusto and smiling lovingly.

Pei Chuanyao didn't notice the little baby on the crib, but glanced at Luo Shui, who was resting with his eyes closed on the hospital bed.

He walked over slowly and held her hand gently, his expression was distressed and guilty, and his whole body was a little dim.

After Gu Yanran saw him, she gave the grown men a look and left space for their family of three.

Before Luo Jin could take a look at the little baby, she was forcefully dragged out.

Pei Chuanyao sat on the edge of the bed and looked deeply at Luo Shui, his thin lips pursed slightly, and his deep eyes seemed to be thinking about something.

He didn't want to go through this situation again where Luo Luo needed him and he wasn't there.

Luo Shui was in good health, but he was out of strength. He woke up not long after and saw Pei Chanyao when he opened his eyes.

...Yuan Yao? Are my eyes hallucinating? Her voice was hoarse, no longer as soft and crisp as before, and her tone was still mixed with uncertainty.

Pei Chuanyao suddenly felt a pain in his heart.

He stepped forward to raise the bed and gave her some water. The man sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her intently.

Luoluo, I'm sorry, I came back late and you suffered. And... thank you!

Only then did Luo Shui realize that the person in front of her was not a hallucination caused by her sleeping too much, but a real person who appeared in front of her.

She only felt that her nose was inexplicably sore, and her eyes turned watery for a moment when she looked at him.

It's not hard, I just miss you. Luo Shui said.

Pei Chuanyao's eyes turned red and he hugged her gently, I miss you too.

I really, really want to think that every night when I close my eyes, it will be her.

Luo Shui was held by him. The man's unkempt stubble on his chin stung her skin slightly.

This slight pain also made her feel more real. Yuanyao was back, the baby's father was back...

Suddenly thinking that he hadn't seen his child when he woke up, Luo Shui hurriedly pushed him away and asked:

Yuan Yao, where is the baby?

Pei Chuanyao took a look at the little baby who was still sleeping obediently and not making any noise, and thought to himself, this child is a caring person.

Just as he finished thinking, a whimpering baby cried.

Before the newly appointed young parents could react, a few elders rushed in.

Gu Yanran walked in front and quickly picked up the baby, Oh, why are you crying? Are you hungry?

Luo Cheng was also anxious, ...Are you sure? I'm going to make milk powder.

Gu Mingye looked calm and said, Did you pee?

Gu Yanran subconsciously took a look and saw that it was indeed wet, It's true.

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