Luo Shui frowned, looking at the black mist that he couldn't see what it was, and said softly: ...What is this? Bai Jing, do you know?

Bai Jing, who was being cueed by her, shrank her body, covered her eyes with her little paws, and shivered.

Ahhhh! ! ! It's the Great Demon King...

Thinking of the last time he was almost crushed, Xiaotuanzi felt bitter in his heart.

Luo Shui didn't hear the little guy's response. When he lowered his head, he saw that the whole ball had shrunk into a ball, and its soft fur was blowing slightly. He looked like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Is it necessary to be so scared? she said with a smile.

She didn't know why, but she felt that the black mist wouldn't hurt her.

Xiaotuanzi glanced at Luo Shui cautiously and nodded repeatedly. He was afraid. How could he not be afraid? This is a terrible existence!

Don't you know what that is?

Bai Jing glanced at the black mist above his head that was eager to swallow him in the next second, and felt an inexplicable chill all over his body.

...No, I don't know. He said timidly.

Luo Shui didn't quite believe it, and looked at him inquiringly, without pressing him, and raised his eyes to look at the black mist.

I saw the black mist suddenly becoming violent and scurrying around in the small space. In just a moment, it restored the unknown territory and turned into a devastated appearance.

Luo Shui frowned and looked at the black mist with displeasure.

Stop! she said calmly.

Heiwu seemed to be conscious. After hearing Luo Shui's words, he paused for a moment, and then jumped up and down again like a naughty child.

Luo Shui pursed his lips slightly, gathered his soul power, and faced him directly.

A ball of white light is facing the dark fog, one is bright and one is dark, one is strong and one is weak, like vines clinging to each other, but no one is submissive to the other, and they are intertwined with each other...

The two forces were obviously stronger and weaker. Time passed slowly and Bai Guang was obviously struggling. At this moment, the black mist suddenly became excited and the white light hurriedly retreated back to Luo Shui's body.

Luo Shui's soul was shocked, his face suddenly turned as white as snow, and his soul became a little dim.

...Are you okay? Bai Jing asked worriedly.

Luo Shui shook his head and looked intently at the black mist that suddenly stopped, with an inexplicable expression.

Jun Yao? But you?

As soon as these words came out, the black mist seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation and suddenly became manic.

Luo Shui unconsciously took a step forward and murmured: Are you really Jun Yao? Or are you related to Jun Yao?

But how is it possible?

Although there is no specific appearance of Jun Yao in her memory, she vaguely remembers that the man was clearly a gentleman like jade, and he was like a man high in the clouds.

It seems that he is standing casually, and he is as graceful as the beautiful trees in the Yaolin. When he moves, his broad sleeves are as elegant as the wind, his spirit is as rich as jade, and he is graceful and graceful.

How could it be like this now?

The woman murmured, and the black mist became more violent and rushed toward her.

After only one encounter, Luo Shui fainted.

She passed out, but her consciousness was truly awake.

In the desolation, she looked around, but there was nothing. The emptiness was so despairing.

Is there anyone there? Luo Shui said softly.

As she finished speaking, a rustling sound of wind reached her ears, and suddenly a black figure suddenly appeared next to her.

The figure hidden in the black mist was very tall and his face could not be seen clearly. The moment he saw Luo Shui, he froze in place.

...Who are you? Luo Shui felt his heart hurt.

The figure didn't speak, slowly walked to her side, and hugged her Xuxu.

Luo Shui couldn't feel any warmth from the man's body. He was like a gust of wind and clouds, just passing through her world.

Jun Yao, is that you?

Inexplicably, Luo Shui's nose felt a little sore, and his throat seemed to be blocked. A simple sentence seemed to be forced out of his mouth.

At this moment, the black mist on the man's body moved slightly and flashed before her eyes. Before Luo Shui had time to react, he closed his eyes and truly fainted.

When she fell asleep completely, the dark room gradually dispersed but not completely. The man's whole body was exposed, only his eyes that were as deep and vicissitudes of life as if they encompassed the mountains and rivers.

These eyes seemed to be filled with stories, revealing a kind of hopeless and paranoid madness, as if he had been waiting for countless years and experienced the vast torrent of time, and finally waited...

...Luoluo. A soft call, without making any sound, started from the lips and teeth and ended at the lips and teeth.

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