When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 569 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Luoluo is so cute! Nangong Jue looked at her with deep eyes and laughed softly.

There was no response or denial, a smile on his face, but a hint of darkness flashed in his eyes.

Luoluo didn't have any martial arts skills, but he could see clearly that the woman who came in for the first time had poisoned her when she caught the shopkeeper.

The poison shouldn't take effect for the time being, but I'm afraid it will torture the shopkeeper to death once those people leave.

This group of people are like crazy dogs, causing misfortune wherever they go, making people more frightened than the Demon Palace.

After all, the Demon Palace will give people a clean break, but the Poison Gate will mostly torture people to death...

Luoluo, be careful tonight, but you don't have to be afraid, I will protect you. Nangong Jue suddenly said.

Thinking of the malicious look in the eyes of the people from the Poison Sect when they looked at Luo Shui, the soft sword on his waist could not wait to drink blood.

Luo Shui thought about how miserable he was when they first met him, half dead, and it was hard to believe what he said.

After a moment of silence, she silently took out a pack of medicine and said, Thank you, this is for you.

Nangong Jue was flattered, his beautiful eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: ...Give it to me?

Luo Shui's heart felt sour, his eyes softened, and he nodded, Yes, it's for you. I'll give it to you after you use it.

As soon as he said this, he realized that it seemed wrong to ask people to use up the medicine as quickly as possible, so he added: Don't use it too fast.

Nangong Jue was ecstatic in his heart, holding the packet of medicine as if it were some peerless treasure, his eyes brightened when he looked at Luo Shui.

People who rarely get warmth want to hold it tightly when they see light. Once the light loses warmth, the world will be dark.

That night, everything fell silent.

Nangong Jue did not go back to sleep in the house, but leaned on the roof of Luo Shui's room.

He was dressed elegantly in white, with white skin and red lips. He did not avoid anyone at all, silently guarding the sleeping woman in the room.

It was very dark tonight, with no stars or moon visible, and only a few scattered houses were lit with candles.

In the silence, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Shui's room. She looked like a woman.

She first put her ear to the door and listened carefully to the sounds inside. She noticed that the person seemed to be fast asleep. She planned to use the sword in her hand to open the door and lock it. When she was about to do it, she suddenly noticed a cold look in his eyes.

The Poison Gate really stinks! Nangong Jue said coldly.

The woman, that is, Xuan Yi, was startled. She looked at the man who suddenly appeared in shock. Her whole body was tense and she was on guard.

Who are you?

Nangong Jue's red lips curled up in a faint arc, as if she was worried about waking up the sleeping people in the room, and whispered: You want to hurt my people, but you ask me who I am, why? Could it be that you were kidnapping people with your poisonous sect? , don’t you want to find out the other party’s identity?”

Xuan Yi's face turned stern, and without any nonsense, he directly raised his sword and stabbed Nangong Jue.

Nangong Jue dodged her attack and led her away from Luo Shui's room.

What do you want to do with your poisonous sect? he asked coldly.

Xuan Yi smiled sinisterly, with a very disdainful expression.

Is it possible that what their poisonous sect is going to do must be reported to these careless people?

What does it have to do with you? I advise you not to meddle in other people's business and make enemies of my poisonous sect. Be careful not to seek death but to live! Xuan Yi said coldly.

Nangong Jue raised his eyebrows casually, Oh? What if I have to be an enemy of your poisonous sect?

He is a mortal enemy that cannot be eliminated. He became an unrelenting enemy more than ten years ago. Even if the poisonous sect does not come to him, he will not let the poisonous sect go.

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