When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 571 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Cheng Yanlan stared at the woman's side face, which was as beautiful as a flower even though she was frightened, and caressed the lines on her face, her expression suddenly turned ferocious.

You didn't hear anything, could there be a ghost?! In anger, she picked up the tea cup and smashed it into the woman's bright face.

She was very strong and threw it hard. The woman's face was scratched, blood flowed out, and her charming face instantly lost its beauty.

When Cheng Yanlan saw this scene, her anger subsided a little. She stood up, put on her clothes, and said coldly: Bury the person!

The injured woman and the disciples of the poisonous sect had long been accustomed to her cold temperament, but they still couldn't help feeling sad.

If you are so indifferent to your loyal subordinates who have been following you for a long time, what about these little minions whose names the sect master doesn’t even know?

Cheng Yanlan didn't care what the people in her family thought. Anyway, these people didn't dare to betray her, so it didn't matter what they thought.

What she cares about is that Xuan Yi was killed, which brought shame to the poisonous family. She must find a way to pick up the face that fell to the ground.

After cleaning up, Cheng Yanlan left the room and sat in the lobby, occupying a large table for each person.

She glanced around and found that she didn't see the group of people she met last night, so she sat in the corner and waited with her eyes closed.

When Luo Shui and others came down, what they saw was the eager eyes of everyone in the Poison Sect.

Did you kill the disciples of my Poison Sect? Cheng Yanlan looked at Luo Shui with cold eyes and asked with murderous intent on her face.

The more she looked at these eyes, the more similar they felt to those in her memory.

Luo Shui felt that the woman was looking at her with vague hostility, and she felt confused and confused.

Did she do anything to offend anyone? What else did she do to kill the poisonous sect disciples? Is this... passing the buck or trying to get away with it?

We don't know your poisonous sect disciples, why do you want to kill people? Luo Shui said straightforwardly.

Cheng Yanlan was stunned for two seconds by the question.

What could she do? She can't say that Xuan Yi was sent by me to kidnap you.

...My disciples saw with their own eyes that one of you killed the first protector of my Poison Sect, do you still want to make excuses?

Luo Shui was very dissatisfied with her unreasonable and direct condemnation, and asked with a calm expression: When and where did your poisonous sect disciples see it with their own eyes? Who among us killed him?

Moreover, you came to stop us without any basis. It doesn't look like you want to seek justice. I'm afraid you have other purposes?

Cheng Yanlan has been wandering around the world, and has never seen such a naive and serious goose who only wants an answer. He is so pure that it makes people want to dye him black.

She sneered, the coldness and malice in her eyes barely concealed, What's the purpose? It's just that my poisonous sect would rather kill ten thousand more than let one go.

The only fault is that you have a pair of eyes that are exactly the same as Luo Xuetang's, which makes her want to dig them out with her own hands!

Luo Shui felt a chill in his heart. Just listening to her words was enough to see the usual activities of the poisonous sect. His eyes became cold and his voice became colder.

You are really unworthy of human beings. You look like a dog on the outside, but you can't hide your stinking black heart. However, those who play with eagles all year round should be careful of being pecked in the eye by an eagle...

She always believes that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and that if you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts.

Cheng Yanlan was a poisonous woman who was feared by everyone in the world. She had long been used to being called all kinds of vicious words, and the graves of those who cursed her were several feet high.

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