When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 578 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Elder Zhang of the Blood Sea Alliance didn't recognize her, and he saw that she was a woman. She didn't look threatening, with dissatisfied eyes and a sarcastic tone.

To put it simply, the Demon Palace can scare the entire world. It is not easy to deal with. You women have long hair and short knowledge. How can you join the world with your brains? Go home early, get married and have children...

The old Jianghu people who knew Cheng Yanlan's confidence took a deep breath and felt their hearts in their throats when they heard his words that were not afraid of death.

There are really not many people who dare to talk to the poisonous lady like this. Those who mocked her back then were all sent to the underworld to drink tea.

Cheng Yanlan laughed loudly and looked at Elder Zhang of the Blood Sea Alliance with interest.

...I haven't seen someone so unafraid of death for a long time. It's really interesting. I have to think about how to 'reward' you. After all, I haven't been this happy for a long time!

Elder Zhang felt insulted and his face turned red with anger, You old woman... You old woman are really shameless!

Cheng Yanlan prides herself on being as beautiful as a flower. Even if she makes her face look old by refining poisons and trying poisons, she still won't be able to hear anyone say a word about old age.

The word 'old woman' the old man said pierced her sensitive heart.

Cheng Yanlan's eyes turned cold, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, she waved her arm lightly, and a wisp of powder invisible to the naked eye was wrapped by her internal power and sprinkled towards Elder Zhang.

Her internal strength is not deep, but she is more than capable of poisoning people when they are not paying attention.

I never get angry. Usually when I get angry, I take it back on the spot. I hope you can bear with it! Cheng Yanlan said with a smile.

Elder Zhang didn't realize anything, or even knew why, or what Cheng Yanlan was talking about. He raised his head and glanced at her arrogantly, and turned his face to the other side, as if looking at her too much would make his eyes dirty.

Ye Wange watched this scene and quietly moved his face towards Luo Shui.

Luoluo, did you see it? That old poisonous woman from the Poison Sect poisoned me.

Luo Shui nodded and silently put on the veil on his face.

She thought to herself that it was thanks to Elegy that she wore the veil, otherwise she would definitely be in trouble if she faced someone from the poisonous sect.

As for whether there will be a fight later, let’s wait until that step!

It's too poisonous! Luo Shui was amazed in his heart.

It was just a few words of bickering, but it turned out to be poisonous. The Poison Sect was truly poisonous.

Ye Wange heard her whisper and looked shocked.

Luoluo, do you know what poison she poisoned?

Soul-eating. Luo Shui said calmly.

The reason why she knew about this poison was because her father, the King of Medicine, left a handwritten copy of the Poison Scripture.

She has a good memory, especially when it comes to medicine, and she has a photographic memory, so she remembers it very clearly.

Ye Elegy had never heard of this poison and asked curiously: What is Soul Devouring? Is it scary?

Luo Shui shook his head, It's not scary.

Really? It doesn't match the name at all!

Luo Shui continued to add slowly: This poison will not take effect immediately, it will take at least a quarter of an hour. When the poison takes effect, there will be chest pain first, and then pain as if the internal organs are displaced. It will not kill the person immediately, but It's like there are tens of thousands of bugs in the body that are constantly biting the poisoned person's internal organs, slowly torturing the person to death...it's very poisonous anyway!

Ye Yange's expression suddenly changed. Isn't this scary? !

Is there an antidote?

Luo Shui didn't know how to answer, shook his head and sighed: This poison can be detoxified, but the required medicinal materials are difficult to find. Furthermore, the detoxification process is very troublesome and it is already too late.

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