When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 581 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

If something happens to Elder Zhang here, Tantai Villa will definitely be responsible. You don't have to do this. I, Tantai Ce, keep my word!

After saying that, he turned around to face the other forces and bowed his hands, ...I really don't want something like this to happen today, but the matter has come to this, so I can only ask for your forgiveness, seniors.

This has shocked everyone. When the seniors leave, Tantai Villa will express their apologies with a heavy gift. Today, the seniors are asked to go back and rest first. After the juniors have taken care of the matter, I will inform you of the follow-up matters separately. I’m sorry to bother you all!

Everyone here who has a little sense of right and wrong knows that Tantai Villa is really unlucky after this.

The death of the Blood Sea Alliance elder has nothing to do with the Villa. It is purely a private fight between the two sects. It's just that Tantai Villa has more power and money, so it's normal to be remembered.

The Blood Sea Alliance really lives up to its reputation!

My dear nephew, you're welcome. We'd love to stay at the villa for a few more days. You can do as you please. We're not in a hurry. A man said with a hearty smile.

Yes, yes, there is food and drink in the villa. Even if we are kicked out, we are not willing to...

Under the understanding and comfort of everyone, Tantai Ce Yuzu's heart finally recovered, and a warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

...Junior would like to thank all seniors here.

The first meeting, before a few words had been spoken, ended in a sloppy way with the death of one person.

On the way, Ye Wange curiously asked Luo Shui: Luo Luo, do you know the leader of the Poison Sect? Why do I feel like she has a grudge against Yao Wang Gu?

When she talked about Medicine King Valley, she deliberately lowered her voice for fear of being overheard by someone who didn't know where she was.

Luo Shui looked confused, I feel the same way, but I have never seen her, and I have never heard of any enemies in Yaowang Valley. It's just that... my father rarely lets people in the valley leave the valley.

That's it, then you have to be careful. The leader of the poisonous sect is very cruel. Ye Wange looked worried.

Well, I will. You should also be careful. Luo Shui said.

Those people were like crazy dogs, biting anyone they caught, regardless of whether they had any grudges or not. Their dark hearts were terrifying.

When Luoshui and the others mentioned the Poison Sect, other forces in the world couldn't help but complain.

This poisonous sect is really poisonous. A disagreement can kill people. It's really...

Isn't it? By the way, aren't we talking about the Cangyan Sect's annihilation? Why did this happen inexplicably? Could it be that the Cangyan Sect just doesn't care about it?

Someone said this, and the scene suddenly became quiet.


The people who had been having a lively discussion looked at each other in confusion and made poor excuses one by one.

I suddenly remembered that it was something else, so I left first. You can do whatever you want. The leader of a small sect said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong man also spoke, Wait a minute, I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. I have something to do, so let's go together!

While talking, the two of them left together.

The others didn't even bother to make excuses. Some shook their sleeves and left, and some patted the speaker on the shoulder and left.

In the end, only the person who asked the question was left, his innocent face messy in the wind.

He didn't say anything. Due to the morality of martial arts, a sect has been destroyed, so he should take care of it a little bit!

So indifferent, what if the next person to be exterminated is his own sect?

Jianghu people, who have always flaunted themselves as chivalrous, looked on with cold eyes and did not keep the affairs of other sects in mind. If the fire did not burn themselves, who would care.

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