When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 599 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

The man in black seemed mute and didn't even look at her. He looked like an emotionless machine carrying people.

Ningqiu was being carried, and she was shaking all over. She couldn't hold it back any longer, so she gritted her teeth and said, I know you want to save me, but...can you stop carrying me?

The man in black had a cold face and turned a deaf ear, carrying her like a sandbag all the way to the destination.

Luo Shui was led by Zhongli and stopped in an exquisite courtyard. It seemed that he had not left Tantai Villa.

Just as he stopped, Luo Shui suddenly thought of Ling Xiao and said to Zhong Li: My guard Ling Xiao is not with me. Can you ask Alliance Leader Zhong to pay attention to it? If you see him, please bring him here?

Zhong Li readily agreed, Okay, I'll send someone to guard him. If he sees him, he will be brought over. Miss Luo can rest assured.

At the same time, the man in black who carried Ningqiu put her down, turned around, and disappeared in a whoosh.

Ningqiu felt dizzy, feeling like the world was spinning, something rolling in her chest, and she just wanted to curse.

Seeing that she was really uncomfortable, Luo Shui pressed the acupuncture points on her head for her, and Ningqiu stopped fainting after just a few strokes.

Thank you, miss. I thought I was going to die just now. That person is so hateful! The little girl said aggrievedly, with an expression of dissatisfaction as if she was complaining to an adult.

Luo Shui looked at Ningqiu, who was becoming more and more lively, and shook his head helplessly.

Zhongli watched from the side as Luo Shui relieved the little maid's dizziness with two strokes, his eyes flickering, and he couldn't help but have expectations in his heart.

Maybe Yaowanggu can really cure his sister's disease!

After ordering the maid to send Luoshui's master and servant to the courtyard where they were temporarily staying, Zhongli left.

People in the martial arts world are so murderous and filled with righteous indignation. What if they knew that several people from Qingqiuyuan were missing?

Luo Shui and Ningqiu followed the maid inside. This was an extremely quiet courtyard. Even the slightest sound of wind could be heard clearly. It had no trace of the elegance and splendor of Tantai Villa, and looked a bit like an ordinary farmyard.

What is surprising is that there are no colorful flowers or objects in the yard. Compared with the youthful and gorgeous Qingqiuyuan, it is like suddenly entering a world of black and white from the splendor, which is dull and desolate.

Miss, why do I think this place is weird? Ningqiu glanced at the yard and whispered.

Luo Shui also felt strange.

It's too quiet and depressing here, and the maids are also dumbfounded and silent.

Let's play it by ear.

In this way, the master and the servant settled down temporarily.

the other side.

Ling Xiao took Nangong Jue to avoid the people in the villa, found a path, and quickly headed down the mountain.

Although the master said that she had her own way to leave, as a bodyguard, Ling Xiao's duty was to protect her master. As soon as she left her side, she felt inexplicably uneasy.

Now he just wants to put Nangong Jue in a safe place and return to rescue his master.

Nangong Jue has outstanding martial arts skills and is a leader in the martial arts world. He is thin in body but strong in willpower. He woke up soon.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I noticed someone was beside me, so I reached out and slapped him.

Ling Xiao's skill was not weak. He felt the strong wind and hurriedly dodged sideways, but his speed was not as fast as Nangong Jue's and he was hit on the shoulder.

He dodged his body and retreated a few meters away from Nangong Jue. He covered his shoulders and coughed, ...cough...

For a moment, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The true energy is released, and it truly lives up to its reputation!

Nangong Jue's black eyes flashed red, and his aura was violent and cold. He was completely different from the person in Ling Xiao's impression.

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