When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 601 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Everyone, be careful! he shouted.

Yes! everyone replied, fiercely attacking the man in the middle whose murderous intent seemed to be condensed into a knife.

Nangong Jue smiled softly, and walked through the group of people, releasing his true energy. Wherever he passed, the man in black was either slapped away with a palm, or vomited blood and fell to the ground, looking like a murderous god that made people tremble.

Nangongjiao stood in the corner and watched this scene with excitement, her eyes full of excitement.

Brother is awesome! There is someone on the right...ah, this is a good move... She giggled, the smile on her face was sweet and innocent, but the words in her mouth were chilling.

I never thought that the injured man in black was from the Demon Palace, I just thought it was exciting and fun.

Ling Xiao clutched his chest, where his internal organs seemed to have been displaced. Looking at the chaotic scene, he suddenly felt that he was very lucky to not have died at Nangong Jue's hands.

At the same time, he became more and more thankful that he had the wound medicine given by his master, otherwise he would not have been able to recover so quickly.

After regaining his strength, Ling Xiao got up and planned to go back to the villa, but by chance, he caught Nangong Jiao's eyes.

Are you from Yaowang Valley?

The little girl with pretty features jumped up to his eyes, her beautiful eyes curved into a crescent moon.

Ling Xiao looked indifferent and wanted to return to Tantai Villa as soon as possible.

After such a long delay, he didn't know what happened to his master. He was anxious and did not answer the little girl's words.

Seeing how cold he was, Nangongjiao's eyes showed interest. She put her hands behind her back and took a cute step forward, getting closer to the man, almost in front of his eyes.

Why don't you say anything? My name is Nangongjiao, what's your name?

Ling Xiao turned sideways to avoid her fiery eyes and said his first words, ...Please respect yourself, girl.

Nangong Jiao chuckled, with a pure smile, Why are you so proud? Don't people in the martial arts say that people in the world don't stick to trivial matters? Why are you so old-fashioned?

As he said that, looking at Ling Xiao's cute baby face, a hint of darkness flashed in his eyes.

Such a cute face...I really want to keep it forever!

Ling Xiao felt that the woman in front of him looked at him with a strange and excited look, but he didn't know why she was like this.

He frowned lightly and said, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first.

After finishing his words, he turned around to leave.

Nangongjiao's favorite prey would never be let go. Her eyes flickered, and she plucked the cuffs of her sleeves with her fingertips. She pulled Ling Xiao and walked around him. With a flick of her wrist, a light layer of powder spread out.

Ling Xiao was stunned for a moment when this seemingly harmless girl succeeded.

But for a moment, his expression became dazed, and the next second he fell to the ground with a bang, raising a cloud of dust.

Nangong Jiao looked at him quietly, with a faint smile on her lips.

At this moment, a group of men in black finally exhausted Nangong Jue and restrained them.

An Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but when he turned around, he saw that the eldest lady had knocked Miss Luo's bodyguard unconscious.


Having two masters like this is such a waste of hair!

Sighing deeply in his heart, An Yi walked over and said, Miss, this person is Miss Luo's bodyguard, and he is not someone who can be moved casually...

Nangong Jiao smiled cutely and blinked, Miss Luo? Who is Miss Luo? Is she the one that my brother likes?

An Yi didn't see what his master was thinking, but he vaguely felt that he treated Miss Luo very differently. When he saw Miss Luo, his eyes became warm.

...I don't know this, but this man is the master's savior. The master will not allow you to hurt him.

You said the injuries were minor, but the lady always cuts people into slices, okay?

Nangongjiao heard what he meant, and her displeasure instantly showed on her face, and she said dissatisfiedly: Okay, I understand, I won't hurt him, don't worry.

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