When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 69 The emperor’s favorite ran away

Yan Hui's little face like a white bun was tense, with a blush on his cheeks after running, and he said softly: Well, I met a silly child.

Luo Shui smiled fondly, then tapped his forehead with her finger, Why are you talking like that!

I don’t know who this kid is following. He’s weird and has as many evil thoughts as a hornet’s nest.

Yan Hui chuckled and looked at Luo Shui flatteringly. His big watery eyes seemed to be able to talk, making people unable to bear scolding.

But we Yanhui also have friends, which is great!

Without his father by his side, it was ultimately unfair for Yan Hui to return.

Even though his family members treated him with utmost sincerity, rumors from outside still reached his ears to some extent.

Yan Hui looked at her mother's thumb raised in front of her eyes. Although she didn't understand its meaning, she still felt very satisfied.

He composed his expression, nodded solemnly, and said, Yes.

He doesn't think he needs a friend, but if his mother wishes it, that silly boy will be his friend from now on.

Yes, it is like that!

Okay, now that we've had fun, it's time for you to review your homework. Mom will call you later during dinner. Luo Shui touched Yan Hui's little head and said softly.

Yan Hui nodded hesitantly, feeling surprised in his heart, thinking that his mother wanted to get away from him.

Luo Shui only thought that Yan Hui was still a child, but he didn't know that the little guy already had some concerns in his heart, but he nodded obediently on his face and followed the maid to the backyard.

Madam, what happened? Zhao Shi saw her solemn expression and had a bad feeling in his heart, so he asked quickly.

A slight frown formed between Luo Shui's brows, and he sighed deeply and said: Today, the housekeeper of the Zheng family came to me directly and threatened me with many words. I'm afraid this matter will go wrong. Unexpectedly, here Under the Emperor’s feet, those people have nothing to fear.”

The Zheng family? Madam, are you talking about the Zheng family who have the power to follow the dragon? Zhao Shi confirmed that this was indeed the case.

Luo Shui nodded lightly and said, Yes.

Zhao Shi frowned and said in a deep voice: According to the Zheng family's style, as Madam said, this matter cannot be solved.

The Zheng family can find Madam and know that the real owner of Cuiyuan is Madam. Now we are afraid that we are under the eyes and ears of the other party. It will be difficult for us to leave without any damage.

I also know it's difficult. It's okay to lose an arm. But if the Zheng family is greedy, how can I let him have an easy time. Luo Shui tapped his finger on the rim of the cup, his voice was soft, and it was obvious that he had a plan in mind.

Or, let's do this... He called Zhao Shi to his side and gave instructions in a low voice.


A street is divided into two sections,

Fu Cui Garden is divided into two halves,

One Zheng family, one Wang family,

There are girls in the Zheng family with pearls on their temples, and there are sons in the Wang family with jade hair.

Poor Luo's wife, she lost both her pearls and her jade.

He was driven out of his hut and all his wealth was lost.

Only a little child is left, crying in my arms at midnight,

There are no cotton-padded clothes in winter and nothing left in summer...

The next day, this limerick was sung in the streets and alleys of the capital.

Luo Shui breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the people in the Zheng family who were staring at the dark place lowered their heads and left one by one.

Although this method treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, and is more likely to make the Zheng family's dog jump over the wall, for her, as long as it can be restrained for a few days, it is enough.

A few days were enough for her to be ready to leave.

It's just that I need to start over again, and I don't know how to confess it to Yan Hui.

Zheng's courtyard.

With carved railings, small bridges and flowing water, servants coming and going, and longing figures, it looks like a wealthy family at first glance.

But if you look closely, you can see that the servants coming and going in this family are somewhat chaotic and unruly.

The main courtyard is more spacious than other courtyards. There is a patch of green bamboo planted in the courtyard. The green bamboo is Yiyi. It is easy for people to think that the owner of this residence is a gentleman.

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