When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 705 The beautiful, powerful and miserable devil kidnapped the little fairy from Yaowang Vall

Ye Wange said regretfully: Why didn't you say anything? If I wanted to know, even if I had something important at hand, I would have pushed back to attend your wedding. You are already married, and I didn't even give you a wedding gift. How embarrassing!”

She had felt that there was a connection between the two of them as early as when they were at Tantai Villa, and she was right!

Nangong Jue patted the back of Luo Shui's hand and replied on her behalf: The wedding was not a big event. We only worshiped heaven and earth in front of my father-in-law. The guests were not invited. This time, I brought some wedding candies with me. Everyone is happy.”

He had already said that. Of course, Ye Wange had nothing to say and said with a smile, Okay, it just so happens that Jiayan and Yixing like to eat wedding candies.

Just then, a high-pitched, high-pitched voice came.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived...

Ye Wange stood up and looked at the door with a respectful look. If you look closely, you can see that she is absent-minded.

Not long after Luo Luo arrived at the General's Mansion, Yun Yao got the news. This prince's control over Yundu was evident!

Thoughts flashed through Ye Wange's mind, and Yunyaoren appeared.

Yun Xiu: I pay my respects to His Highness the Crown Prince...

Ye Elegy: My wife pays homage to His Highness the Crown Prince...

Get up. Yun Yao waved his hand.

As soon as he entered the hall, he frowned, and Balabala said like a chatterbox: Luoluo, why didn't you just come to me directly when you came to Yundu? Have you forgotten that you have me as your senior brother? Your favoritism towards others is really hurtful. I won my senior brother’s heart!”

Luo Shui quietly listened to his senior brother complaining, and then said calmly: How could I forget? I originally planned to visit my senior brother tomorrow.

Yun Yao felt much better, but found that his junior sister's eyes had not met his, and her brows furrowed even more.

Luoluo, what's wrong with your eyes?

Luo Shui felt tired when he heard this question now, his eyes flashed, It's okay, I haven't congratulated senior brother for solving the Jianghu problem.

Don't change the subject. I just want to know what's going on with your eyes? Yun Yao's face looked ugly.

He valued Luo Shui more than his own sister, and asked him to ignore her problem, which he couldn't do.

Luo Shui lowered his head silently, resisting silently and saying nothing.

When Nangong Jie was about to speak, he gently pinched his fingers to signal him not to speak.

Seeing her unwillingness to say anything, Yun Yao sighed heavily, glanced at Nangong Jue coldly, and asked, Can it still be cured? What does the master say?

No wonder the letter last time was written by this guy. I think there must have been something wrong with Luoluo's eyes at that time.

My father has seen it and it can't be cured. Senior brother, don't worry. I'm used to it now. Talking about it more will just make me sentimental. If senior brother feels sorry for me, please give me more medicinal materials.

Luo Shui really didn't want to mention it, and Yun Yao had no choice. The coldness on his face became lighter, and he smiled and said, Did you receive the things I asked Ling Xiao to bring last time?

I received it. I'm very surprised. Thank you, senior brother. Luo Shui smiled gratefully and continued: It would be great if senior brother can help me find some medicinal materials.

Please ask her senior brother to find medicinal materials. This is the main purpose of her coming to Yundu this time.

Medicinal materials? What medicinal materials are you looking for? Yun Yao had a question mark on his face.

Luo Shui silently took out a piece of paper and gave it to him, I need all the medicinal materials on the paper. Please leave it to my senior brother.

When they were in the Demon Palace, they originally planned to detoxify Nangong Jue, but found that several medicinal materials were missing. They heard that some medicinal materials were owned by Yundu, so they came.

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