When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 71 The emperor’s favorite ran away

There is a magnolia tree at the foot of Cuishan Mountain. It is in the early spring when the winter has gone and the snow has melted and the grass is green. Its pure white petals have fallen to the ground.

On the big rock under the tree, Huangfu Ling held his chin and looked at the winding path, sighing from time to time.

He must have been deceived. There is no one named Mo Xun in the city. These names are all fake.

Yu Tuo must be too stupid. Even as an adult, he didn't realize that the name was fake.


While thinking about it, Huangfu Ling looked at him with resentful eyes.

The child's eyes were too naked, and Yu Tuo could see the complaint in his eyes at a glance. He touched the tip of his nose and silently turned his head away.

The moment he heard the name 'Mo Xun', he did have doubts for a second, but he thought that the other person's child would not lie to him.

Besides, since the other party is the young master of Cuiyuan, even if he gives a false name, he won't be found.

It turned out that the name was really false, but the person was still found by the prince.

The reason why he and the young prince are looking at each other here is just because the prince deceived the young prince into giving him a false address, making their trip in vain.

Why is it all his fault now?

Just as Yu Tuo was silently complaining, the sound of horse hooves could be heard at the end of the road.

Why did you come here? I've been waiting for you for a long time. Huangfu Ling saw Yan Hui getting off the carriage and ran over immediately, saying hurriedly.

Yan Hui frowned his delicate brows, looked at him with a headache, and asked him: Why are you waiting for me?

He has never seen anyone talk so much, and the chattering is so annoying.

I'm here to play with you. Didn't we agree yesterday? Huangfu Ling's little bun's face bulged into a big bun, with a slightly hurt expression on his face.

Yan Hui frowned and looked at Zhao Shi, asking him with his eyes.

Is this guy talking to Uncle Zhao?

Zhao Shi nodded lightly, as the young master didn't know anything about this, so could it be that this trip was just to trick him? !

Yan Hui pulled Huangfu Ling's hand that was holding his sleeve and sighed resignedly, Okay, am I here now?

Yu Tuo and Zhao Shi on the side: ...

When they didn't know that he didn't know about this at all, could his expression be more perfunctory?

Huangfu Ling chuckled. He was not angry at all when he was disliked. Instead, he said softly: Then what is your real name?

Yan Hui glanced at him in surprise. He couldn't tell that this silly boy actually knew that the name he gave was a false name.

Yan Hui.

Yan Hui, Yan Hui...it sounds so good! Huangfu Ling felt as if he had gotten candy and smiled sweetly.

Although Yan Hui disliked his stupidity, he still took him to play with him, and his performance of verbal and physical integrity was very vivid.

Even if he matures early, he is still a child after all.


Time flies by quietly, and the gossip about the Zheng family and the Wang family in Beijing has become more and more intense in the past few days.

Some are true, some are false, the false and the true come together. The two families are newly rising aristocratic families with unstable foundations. They have become more settled during this period.

It is said that the power of rumors is great everywhere.

This evening, Chunfeng Tower.

At this time, in a private room decorated with wealth and elegance, a tall and handsome man was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking out the window.

Is there still no news? Huangfu Yuan asked Yu Tuo solemnly, his voice was low but dignified.

When Yu Tuo heard the question, a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on his back. He immediately knelt down to plead guilty and said with shame: My subordinate is incompetent. Miss Luo disappeared four years ago. There has been no news from her and she has never returned to Qingshui Village.

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