When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 711 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

**New World***

There are many illusions in this world, and people in the world often wear masks. I give you this heart, you don’t have to believe in this world, but you don’t have to be worried about me. ——Si Yao

City A, a high-end luxury hotel.

...Fuck, I feel so dizzy...

Luo Shui opened his eyes in a daze, his eyes hurting from the bright lights above his head.

Where is this? she whispered softly.

At this moment, there was a dull pain in my mind, but for a moment, the memory of the original owner came rushing back like a sea wave.

The original owner is the only daughter of the wealthy Luo family. She has had everything she wants since she was a child. There are five people in the family, including mom and dad, an older brother and a younger brother. If nothing happens, they will be stable and happy for the rest of their lives.

But things in this world are so bizarre, and the Luo family was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Luo's mother Rongge went abroad, Luo's father Luo Hongru jumped from a building and died, Luo's eldest brother Luo Jingshuo lived a decadent life, Luo's younger brother Luo Xingzhou was beaten to death by a group of gangsters, Luo Shui worked several jobs to make money to pay off debts, and finally became rich from overwork. Illness, an incurable disease.

Not a good ending for the family...

Luo Shui recalled the memories in his mind, but he knew in his heart that the Luo family blocked the way of the hero and heroine and was cannon fodder.

...Tiandao is blind again! Luo Shui was very dissatisfied and curled his lips and said, Now that I'm here, I don't know who will win!

When talking about the male and female protagonist Luo Shui, I can't control my anger.

As a daughter of a wealthy family, Luo Shui has no worries about food, clothing, or future. She is happy every day, and her only hobby is chasing stars. Who would have thought that she would chase a wolf from the mountain?

Xie Lu, the little fresh meat, has neither power nor backing, and he became popular because of his deer eyes and cute temperament.

Luo Shui saw that the young man was innocent and spent a lot of money to fan him. He saw him being liked by more and more people, and saw him walking toward the stars and becoming radiant.

Just such a person, after something happened to the Luo family, he didn't say a word to help. Instead, he said that Luo Shui was using his power to oppress others and that he was forced to do many things that he didn't want to do.

At that time, he was already a big star with tens of millions of fans, and a simple sentence caused a huge response.

The products of Luojia Company were boycotted by the entire network, and the stock fell to the lowest point.

In just a few days, the huge group collapsed like a building. The once glorious Luo family fell from a high altitude and instantly became the ruins of the building.

As for the heroine Le Jingyuan, it's even more extreme. She is the illegitimate daughter of the Le family and was originally not accepted by the rich circle. It was Luo Shui who saw her pity and accepted her and brought her into the circle.

Unexpectedly, this man was also a white-eyed wolf. After the incident in the Luo family, he immediately broke off the relationship with Luo Shui, and finally became a couple with Xie Lu.

After recalling the memories of his previous life, Luo Shui was speechless.

What weird things are these!

Fortunately, Xie Lu's male Bai Lian is still a 19th-level person, making a miserable living on the edge.

Luo Shui's current place of stay is the Xingyue Hotel in a neighboring city. This is where she first met Xie Lu.

Recalling the memory of the original owner carefully, she found that everything was an absurd coincidence. Xie Lu seemed to know her and was waiting here specially.

If that were the case, that person would be even more hateful.

Luo Shui rubbed his eyebrows, his head felt dizzy and painful, and he felt like he was hungover.

She got up from the bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, and took the key card out of the room.

Just as I closed the door, my cell phone rang suddenly.

Luo Shui saw that it was his friend Lin Yan and clicked the call, Yanyan, what's the matter?

Lin Yan was silent for a while and then asked with concern: Luoluo, I saw your circle of friends. Did you go to a neighboring city? Did you quarrel with Aunt Rong again?

After filming, she checked her WeChat Moments and saw the updates posted by her friends. She guessed that she might be in a bad mood and made a phone call.

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