When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 730 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Luo Huai was too lazy to deal with that drama queen and looked at Lin Yan, It's up to you. Hurry up and change your clothes and start shooting right away...

I hope this can happen once and for all, he frowned tightly.

Luo Huai obviously underestimated Han Chacha's work, and soon the staff in charge of clothing hurried over.

Director Luo is in trouble...

What's wrong again? Luo Huai could hardly control his temper.

The staff member wiped his sweat and said, Yu Xiangxiang's clothes were torn by Han Chacha!

He had just gone to the dressing room to tidy up his clothes, and when he opened the door, he saw that Han Chacha had already left. There were pieces of Yu Xiangxiang's clothes in the drama on the ground, and the things on the dressing table had also been swept to the ground, leaving a mess.

Luo Huai laughed out of anger, secretly cursed 'weird', and looked up at the staff, Is there a replacement?

The man had a wry smile on his face and said, Director Luo, there are so few female characters in our play. There are no costumes. Even if we have them, they are for maids and cannot be used.

Let a young lady wear the clothes of a maid, unless you think the audience is a fool.

Luo Huai twirled his hair irritably, looking irritable and looking very ugly.

That's why he doesn't like those female stars who are full of dirty stuff. They have no acting skills, and they are all busybodies, disgusting idiots who only hold things back.

The staff didn't know that Director Luo was scolding people in his heart, and said: Director Luo, what should we do now?

This place is at least two hours away from the city. They have to change venues in the afternoon, and there is no time at all.

Luo Huai said with a dark face: ... Take photos, videos, and expose the matter. I can't bear this bad breath. I will shoot if I can. If I really can't change the script.

Han Chacha was the first female star who really pissed him off, and she really disgusted him.

...Change the script?! The man was surprised.

Lin Yan was applying ice to her face and froze when she heard these words. To be honest, she finally got this opportunity to leave the country and didn't want to give up easily.

But... fate always changes like this.

Regardless of what others thought, Luo Huai said: Okay, let's break up quickly and think of a solution first.

With that said, he went to find Si Yao in anger.

Luo Shui came at this moment.

Yanyan, I'm here. She said happily. Seeing the red palm prints on her friend's face, she looked unhappy, What happened to your face? Who hit it?

Lin Yan did not hide anything for the perpetrator. After telling her, he said: It's okay. That person's role was changed and replaced by mine. Don't be angry, Luoluo. It's okay. I changed my role with just one slap. It's worth it. !”

These words are not what she said to comfort her friends, they are her true thoughts.

Only after entering this industry did I realize that it is really difficult to get ahead without connections and resources. Not to mention that there are no movies to film, and even people may not want you to play a small role.

Luo Shui pursed his lips slightly, his eyes covered with a layer of frost, and responded: Yes.

She didn't think that a slap in exchange for an opportunity was worth it, but she knew that Lin Yan did not have such superior conditions as her.

I can't comment on my friend's choice, I can only support it.

It's just that the one named Han Chacha will be on her blacklist in the future.

Sister Yanyan, is that ice bag no longer cold? Get a new one! Xiaoyou said, taking a new ice bag.

Luo Shui took it and said with a kind smile: Thank you, I am Yanyan's good friend Luo Shui.

Xiaoyou heard Lin Yan mention her, but he didn't expect that she was so good-looking, even more beautiful than the top stars in the entertainment industry.

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