When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 732 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Lin Yan's face was filled with joy, Okay, I'll lead the way.

Si Yao, who was sitting quietly next to him, became bored and stood up, Let me go and have a look too!

Seeing that he was wearing heavy costumes and makeup, Luo Huai said sheepishly: Thank you for your hard work!

Si Yao smiled lightly and didn't mind.

Since you are in this line of work, you have to get used to these situations.

When the staff nearby heard this, they followed suit.

Luo Shui was so surprised that he opened his mouth slightly when he saw a group of aggressive people.

Why do these people look like they are going to fight in a big group?

Luoluo, are you holding clothes in your hand? Lin Yan could not suppress a smile on his face.

Yes! Luo Shui handed it to her.

When Si Yao saw Luo Shui, his eyes showed joy and his heart beat wildly, Luo Luo, I didn't expect to meet you here.

The calm and aloof Actor Si was as bright as the fanboy who saw his idol at this moment.

Luo Shui was a little surprised. After taking a look at him, he felt that this man's outfit really suited him, and he suddenly had countless design inspirations in his mind.

The Hanfu shop she runs is called Luo Qi Pavilion, which is taken from The Sixth Palace of Luo Qi and Three Thousands, and the Concubine Pan is charming and fragrant. All the clothes in it are designed and sewn by her.

It's you, Si Yao. I didn't expect you to be in this crew. You look so handsome! Luo Shui said with a smile.

The smile in Si Yao's eyes grew stronger, and he stood up straighter, looking at her deep eyes with a little tenderness.

Luo Huai's face was full of surprise, Si Yao, do you know him?

Luo Shui smiled and said: Hello, Director Luo, my name is Luo Shui. I am a friend of Lin Yan and Si Yao.

Hello, I am Luo Huai.

Luo Huai heard that she had placed Si Yao in the back, and looked at Si Yao with a playful look.

Unexpectedly, the actor Si, who is loved by both men and women, would be treated like this one day.

He was somewhat interested in the girl with strange bones in front of him. After all, Si Yao's face was very lethal.

Si Yao didn't care where Luo Shui ranked him. He only knew that he had become Luo Luo's friend. His heart beat faster, as if there was a little person beating gongs and drums in his heart, which shocked him into a trance.

It would be better if you add the word friend in front of it!

Hey, Yanyan, these are the clothes you want. I wonder if they are okay? Luo Shui handed the clothes he brought to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan immediately took it out and unfolded it, and a wide-sleeved long dress with off-white upper body and light green lower body appeared in front of everyone.

The skirt has three layers in total. The bodice is embroidered with beautiful patterns, the waist is a patterned ribbon, and the cuffs of the skirt are embroidered with large pink petals. It is elegant and fairy-like, and the clothes are flowing and flowing.

It's so beautiful! Lin Yan exclaimed, Luoluo, your craftsmanship is getting better and better. How long did it take to make this dress?

Luo Shui is also very satisfied with this work, It will take three days, one night to complete the design draft, and two days to sew.

Everyone was stunned, ...

Although this dress looks very simple and elegant, the embroidery and detail processing on it probably take a lot of time.

Si Yao didn't expect Luo Shui to do this. He looked at her with admiration and said, Luo Luo, you are so awesome!

Of course! Luo Shui raised his chin slightly, happy to be praised by the handsome guy, and immediately said: If you like it, I can design and make one for you.

She visually observed that Si Yao was in extremely good health. He was an undoubted dressmaker and looked good in anything he wore.

Si Yao suddenly felt a fire burning in his heart, and looked at Luo Shui with hidden joy in his eyes, ...it's my honor.

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