When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 737 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Si Yao met Luo Shui's serious eyes and knew that she was sincere. The smile on his lips became deeper and deeper, As long as you like it.

Luo Shui thought this man's smile was a bit seductive, so he changed the subject and said, Do you want to take pictures later?

Only then did Si Yao realize that he hadn't changed out of his costume yet. He pinched his eyebrows and smiled helplessly.

No, I came here today just to catch up on some shots, and I plan to rest for a while.

Luo Shui nodded and said, Well, I won't bother you anymore. You can go change your clothes!

Si Yao took a deep look at her, stood up, and asked casually, What about you? Do you still want to wait? It should be evening after your friend finishes.

Based on his understanding of Luo Huai, once he finds a good actor and changes the script to the top, it won't end so quickly.

Because he is such a serious, rigorous and obsessive-compulsive artist-director. You can tell that from his works.

Luo Shui didn't care. He leaned on the chair on the set and looked at Lin Yan, who was listening to Luo Huai's talk. Her eyes were gentle.

Well, wait! Yanyan finally got this opportunity. I am here to cheer for her. I think she will be less panicked and uneasy. Even if I can't give her any help, I still want to tell her that I am here!

Lin Yan seemed to notice that the two mentioned her, and looked back with a smile. She was really as gorgeous as Yu Xiangxiang in the play.

She looks flamboyant and domineering, but as soon as you look into her eyes, not only do you not find her annoying, but you feel like that's the way it should be.

When Luo Shui saw his friend turn around, he made a cheering gesture towards her.

Lin Yan smiled so hard that his eyes turned into crescents, revealing a beautiful and healing smile.

When Si Yao heard Luo Shui say that she would wait, he felt relieved, and then said: ...I'm lucky to have a friend like you. I'm going to change clothes first.

Luo Shui waved his hand, Go ahead, it's uncomfortable to wear the costume all the time!

As for what Si Yao said about how happy he is to have a friend like her, that is not the case, because no matter what kind of relationship it is, only those that are fluid, interactive, and come and go can last.

She treated Lin Yan like this, and it was Lin Yan who cared about her!

Luo Shui watched the man's upright figure leave, squinted his eyes and rested for a while before looking at Lin Yan.

He is obviously an inexperienced weakling who gets stuck time and time again, unlike Si Yao who knows exactly where the camera is and how it should be performed.

Lin Yan on the set was like a deer that had just wandered into a forest that he was not familiar with. He was frightened, annoyed and stubborn.

She has never acted seriously, let alone received professional training. She is tossing around in the field she loves with full enthusiasm. Day after day, year after year, she has to play a small role, acting in a way that no one will take a second look. Role……

Luo Shui felt heartbroken when he saw such a good friend.

At this moment, she and Lin Yan were clearly two people in her eyes, one was as cheerful as a little sun, and the other had a heart-wrenching gaze.

After being called several times, Lin Yan walked up to Luo Shui in despair.

Her eyes were dark, her face looked a little sad, and her lips turned white as she said, Luoluo, am I so bad?!

Don't think about it! Luo Shui frowned and pulled her to sit under the tree. Drink some water first to calm down. Are you too nervous? Your expression is stiff.

Even a layperson like her could tell that she would certainly not be able to pass it in the hands of a director with such high standards as Luo Huai.

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