When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 742 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Si Yao was secretly happy, and his impression of the two light bulbs at the back became much better.

Luo Shui found some snacks and gave a few packs to the two people in the back row, Yanyan, Xiaoyou, let's eat some snacks first to cushion our stomachs.

Thank you, Sister Luoluo! Xiao Youtan stepped forward to take it and said with a smile.

You're welcome, there's not enough.

Lin Yan took a sip of mineral water first, smiled, and said half-jokingly: Of course you won't be polite. You are such an enviable and jealous rich man, Xiaoyou, let's eat up all her snacks today.

Luo Shui opened the biscuits, ate one to reward his empty stomach, and then said, Okay, you guys can help me eliminate them, and I'll just go buy new ones.

Lin Yanyan was desperate, so she and Xiaoyou just started eating together.

She was extremely tired today, not only physically but also mentally. She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes after eating a few mouthfuls.

When Xiaoyou saw it, he quickly covered her with a blanket and closed his eyes to recuperate.

Seeing that the two people behind him were quiet, Luo Shui guessed that they had taken a rest and lowered their voices.

She leaned her head towards Si Yao who was driving next to her and whispered: Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?

Si Yao wanted to look at her uncontrollably, but he always remembered that he was driving. He resisted the desire to look back and said without squinting: I'm not hungry. You can eat. After eating, rest for a while. It's time for me. Call you.

Luo Shui wanted to sleep, but felt guilty, so he quietly tore open a bag of bread, took out a piece and handed it to his mouth.

...Don't refuse, hurry up and eat. If you don't eat, I won't be able to sleep.

After filming for so long, how could you not be hungry at all? It's not made of iron.

Si Yao took the time to look at her quickly, opened his mouth and ate the bread that Luo Shui brought to his mouth.

It was fragrant, soft, and sweeter than anything he had eaten in the past twenty years or so.

Next, one by one, Si Yao ate all the snacks in the car.

Luo Shui shook the last snack bag and whispered: ...It's gone! Are you still hungry?

When asked this question, Qingxiu's brows were knitted together, a little worried.

If this person is still hungry, forgive her...it's really gone!

Si Yao ate those sweet and greasy cake snacks to a great extent.

Hearing her say no more, I breathed a sigh of relief.

But he looked very calm and said: I'm not hungry anymore, thank you Luoluo.

If he hadn't been reluctant to give up this rare closeness to Luo Luo, how could he have eaten so many sweets? God knows he never eats sweets!

Sure enough, it was self-inflicted, and the lust made her unconscious.

The confusion in Luo Shui's heart disappeared instantly, That's good.

Si Yao nodded slightly, was silent for a moment, and then said: ...Can you please open a bottle of water for me?

Oh~ Sorry, I forgot! Luo Shui looked embarrassed and opened a bottle of water for him.

Si Yao took it and drank several sips, and the sweetness in his mouth was only half gone.


Luo Shui covered it and put it back, then looked at him blankly.

Si Yao was a man she found more attractive every time she looked at him.

Just like now, he was driving quietly, his body upright, his eyes steady and firm, looking ahead.

The profile of his face was sharp and angular, and his long eyelashes were curled upward. Under the half-dim light of the car, he exuded a special attraction.

He is indeed a male god with hundreds of millions of fans. Who wouldn't like such a handsome and talented man! Luo Shui thought to himself.

She was lost for a while before she couldn't bear it and closed her eyes and fell asleep.

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