When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 754 Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

When Xu Heng heard this, he immediately became serious, Can you make the decision?

Seeing that this girl was young, he was a little unsure whether she could take charge.

Don't worry, since I came to you, I will definitely make the decision. I just don't know how much Director Xu wants to sell?

When Xu Heng saw that Luo Shui was serious, his heart beat faster. He pursed his dry lips and said nervously: ...Eight, eight million!

Eight million is just enough money to cure Qin Wan's illness and continue to maintain his health.

Luo Shui was surprised.

She thought Xu Heng would ask for at least 10 million, but she didn't believe that he couldn't see the commercial value of that thing.

A good idea is priceless!

Sensing Luo Shui's unclear smile, Xu Heng thought she felt that he was being a little harsh.

He gritted his teeth, gave up one million, and said: ...Seven million, if that works, I'll sell it to you, but I'm in urgent need of money and have to pay it off in one go.

My wife's illness has caused a lot of delays, and the family's savings have been spent to a great extent. Now they are at the end of their rope.

Is Director Xu so unsure of his creativity? Wouldn't it be a pity to sell it like this? Luo Shui smiled, looked at him and asked.

Xu Heng glanced at Qin Wan beside him, grabbed her hand and patted it gently. He endured the bitterness in his heart and said: The creativity is gone when it is gone. If I think about it again, this is the one I love most.

I wanted to save my wife, so it would be a pity to sell two years of my hard work, but there is always something more important than this.

Luo Shui felt a little moved.

In his previous life, Xu Heng sold his idea for five million, but Qin Wan's illness had worsened. He only lasted two years and died. Xu Heng, the genius variety show planning genius, was also 'wasted'.

Xu Heng had no idea that his failure to sell was not because of a bad idea, but because he was controlled by He Capital.

Now that she appears a year earlier than in her previous life, the He family shouldn't have appeared yet, right?

Luo Shui guessed wrong because the He family had already appeared.

It's just that they want to acquire Xu Heng's idea at a price of no more than 5 million. They haven't really seen the commercial value of this idea yet, so they feel that they have time to work with him, so there is no rush.

The He family had a thorough understanding of Xu Heng's situation. How long could a director with no background hold on when his wife was seriously ill?

Everything was according to their plan, but they didn't expect that something like this happened in Luoshui.

Luoshui is not short of money and values ​​good fortune.

She appreciates talented people, and even more appreciates people with upright values ​​and good character. For people like Xu Heng, she is willing to give him benefits.

Again, talent and ability are priceless.

I'll give you ten million. Luo Shui said seriously.

Xu Heng's heart beat rapidly and he looked at her with unbelievable eyes.

The same was true for Qin Wan beside him. The couple's hands shook even more tightly.

Why? Xu Heng's voice was dry.

Which of the people and companies who come to him are not lowering prices?

Everyone wished that he would not take money and give them his ideas for free. The cold-blooded stench of capital's pursuit of profit was fully exposed.

This is the first person willing to pay 10 million.

Luo Shui touched his chin and said with a smile: Why? Why are there so many things in the world?

I think you like it, okay? Director Xu is a breath of fresh air. As long as you are willing to switch Sister Qin's life, I will.

Not only that, if the show does well in the later broadcast, you will definitely deserve it later. If you really want to ask why, just think of me as a talent.

One thing is, if there are any problems during the process, I hope Director Xu will give me some guidance. These will be written in the contract.

Director Xu, don’t worry about me changing my mind, the Rock Group can still afford the money, how about that? Director Xu, are you willing?

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