When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 761 Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Some fans are really touching. They support the ones they love silently and without saying a word. They clearly distinguish between reality and star-chasing. They purely hope that their idols will be well. This is really touching.

There are sane fans, and of course there are irrational ones.

Scroll down, Luo Shui saw a very spiteful comment.

[My mother announced that she has quit being a fan]: “Yue, after being a fan for more than five years, I am announcing that I have quit being a fan today!!

I thought Si Yao would be a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry, but I didn’t expect that I overestimated you. No matter how fast the hot search was removed, the screenshots were taken. I didn’t expect you to be such a Si Yao, haha!

In the eyes of your fans, you should be cool and cold as a god. How could you fan a bitch? Is she worthy?

How could the male god in our hearts be so ruined? The key is that you took the initiative and willingly! !

When I saw that video, my heart ached, and I was a little confused. Is the temperament you have shown to the public these years true? Or are they all just characters?

I can't stand my male god losing his backbone in front of those bitches, which makes me look down on...

You are so good, so good that you are not worthy of a mortal. No one else is worthy of you. Isn't it good to be alone and beautiful? Why fall in love, why let us fans down...

Are you worthy of us who have supported you over the years? If you still care about us fans, just post a video and say that you have no relationship with that woman, and there will never be any relationship in the future... Heartbroken.jpg

This comment was followed by many replies and likes, with over 20,000 likes.

It is worth noting that Si Yao responded to this comment in person.

[Si Yao]: I don't need fans like you who don't know what is right and wrong. I am actively pursuing that girl. She is very good, so good that sometimes I don't know what to do!

Ever since I entered this circle, I have not relied on selling characters or buying hot searches. As for disappointing you? What does my personal life have to do with you? Please speak with dignity!

When he was typing these words, he was already prepared to withdraw from the circle if the fans reacted too violently.

When Luo Shui saw this reply, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Who in this group of celebrities dares to be so tough? There was only Si Yao.

After brushing for a while, Luo Shui felt that his eyes were a little dry, so he simply put down his phone and closed his eyes to rest.


Xu Heng was so excited that he didn't sleep well last night. He felt that the contract had not been signed and was worried that something might happen, so he rushed to the Rock Group early in the morning.

It's just that he lives in the suburbs, and it was almost ten o'clock when he arrived at the Lowe Group.

Luo Shui got the news of Xu Heng's arrival from the front desk and asked him to take him to the conference room first and meet him with Luo Jingshuo.

Xu Heng held a half-used briefcase and sat nervously in the conference room, his heart beating a little fast.

Hope it goes well, I hope it goes well...

Luo Shui and Luo Jingshuo entered the conference room. When they saw Xu Heng, she smiled and said hello, Director Xu came very early!

Brother, this is Xu Heng...Director Xu. Today we are talking about a variety show he planned. I think it is pretty good. You can check it out later.

Luo Jingshuo stepped forward and shook hands with Xu Heng, Hello, I am Luo Jingshuo, Luo Luo's brother.

Xu Heng knew him. Of course he knew the famous CEO of Rock Group.

At first, he wanted to come here to sell his ideas, but he was worried that the industry leaders would look down on him. After struggling for two days, he never came.

Hello, I am Xu Heng.

Looking at the powerful young man in front of him, Xu Heng sighed slightly in his heart.

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