When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 764 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

She just didn't know what the relationship was between her brother and Yan Chi. She didn't believe it if they said they were seniors and junior students.

As for other relationships, she was a little unsure when she saw the calm look in her brother's eyes.

With all kinds of speculations in his mind, Luo Shui looked at his eldest brother and Yan Chi with inquiring eyes.

Luo Jingshuo noticed the unexpected gossip in his sister's gaze, glanced at her lightly, and shook his head helplessly.

Seeing her presence, eldest brother and Yan Chi felt uncomfortable. Luo Shui stood up and said goodbye, Brother, brother Yan Chi, you guys chat, I'll leave first if I have something else to do.

Luo Jingshuo wanted to keep her, but he just looked at Yan Chi and gave up the idea.

Okay, Luo Luo, be careful on the road.

Yeah. Luo Shui waved his hand, took the bag and left the office.

When he closed the door, he looked at the two people in the office, and something strange flashed in his eyes.

Something's wrong, something's really wrong! !

After watching his sister leave, Luo Jingshuo turned his gaze back to Yan Chi, his eyes deep and emotionless.

...No need to go to so much trouble, the company will have food to eat.

From the last chance encounter, Yan Chi got Luo Jingshuo's contact information, and their interactions became more frequent.

Just like when I was a student.

Yan Chi acted as if he didn't hear anything and walked straight to the sofa by the window, took out the things he brought from his bag and laid them out one by one.

No trouble, you have a bad stomach, take care of it now to avoid it getting worse in the future. Yan Chi said with a warm smile.

Thinking of Luo Jingshuo's bad stomach in high school, he had a bad expression.

An invisible darkness flashed in Luo Jingshuo's eyes.

It's not a big deal, don't take it to heart.

No one in his family knew about his bad stomach, and this concern made him have mixed emotions.

Yan Chi's clear eyes looked at him with stubborn eyes.

It's okay that I don't know. Now that I know, I won't ignore it. I brought them all. Come here quickly...

Luo Jingshuo looked at him quietly for a while, then raised the corners of his lips in a slight arc, then stood up and walked towards the sofa by the window.

Yan Chi brought four dishes and one soup, all of which were good for the stomach, and every dish was Luo Jingshuo's favorite.

Today's dishes are all new to me. I don't know how they taste. If you think they don't suit your taste, just tell me and I'll pay attention next time. Yan Chi said with a smile.

Luo Jingshuo took a taste, and his expression couldn't tell whether he liked it or not. He said in a gentle tone: Not bad!

Yan Chi knew that he never said panic, if he liked it, he liked it, and if he didn't like it, he didn't like it.

Since he said it was good, he really felt it was good.

The smile in his eyes deepened, and Yan Chi's bright eyes shone with starlight, giving his handsome face a halo, which made Luo Jingshuo's eyes flicker.

Luo Shui left the Luo Group and the cell phone in his bag suddenly rang.

I took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. I immediately connected the number, Hello? Who is this?

Is this Miss Luo? I'm Luo Huai. Luo Huai on the other end of the phone introduced himself first, and then continued: I wonder if Miss Luo is free this afternoon? I want to discuss the cooperation matters mentioned last time with you.

Luoshui looked surprised, Whenever you have time, I've been waiting for good news from you, Director Luo, for the past few days...

She also wanted to ask Luo Huai to be the director of the variety show Dream Chasers. She just wanted to sleep and came up with a pillow.

After agreeing on a time and place with Luo Huai, Luo Shui saw that he was in a hurry, had a quick meal, and rushed to the agreed place.

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