When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 774 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

It was getting late, and she couldn't wait to go home. She would have a video chat with Si Yao when she got back.

Le Jingyuan was stunned for a moment, her watery eyes flashed with a hint of water, and she looked at Luo Shui aggrievedly.

Luoluo, do you not like me anymore?

Luo Shui's expression was solemn, and he looked at her with disapproval.

Why are these words so awkward?

She doesn't like cute girls, but she likes Si Yao, okay?

I don't like you to begin with! Luo Shui corrected.

If Si Yao heard what Le Jingyuan said, that person would be miserable for a long time.

Le Jingyuan's soft and weak expression froze, and she looked at Luo Shui in disbelief, her expression full of hurt.

Lolo, aren't we friends? Have I done anything to make you unhappy?

...I didn't say we weren't friends. Luo Shui frowned, Just don't say whether you like it or not. Others will think something happened to us if they hear it!

Nowadays, people's imagination is very powerful, and they can give you all kinds of real facts about things that are not true.

Le Jingyuan didn't expect that this was the issue she was struggling with, and the expression on her face was a bit hard to explain.

……ok, I get it.

Luo Shui's eyes seemed to be slightly relaxed, and he looked at Le Jingyuan with clear eyebrows, his eyes were probing, Are you just looking for me to hang out?

When Le Jingyuan met those clear and innocent eyes, she felt guilty inexplicably. She took a sip of water and looked at her expectantly.

Luoluo, can I ask how my sister snatched you away? You and I have been friends for many years. Why...why did you switch sides and go to Le Yu's place in the middle of the battle? Did I do anything wrong?

The woman's eyes were filled with annoyance and sadness, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly, making people feel a sense of pity.

Luo Shui looked at Le Jingyuan steadily for half a minute, then lowered his eyes and stopped looking at her.

She could use words such as 'bribe', 'buy', etc., but she chose to use the word 'rob', which shows that Le Jingyuan feels that she is hers in the bottom of her heart and will not help Le Yu. This is what the word defection means.

Robbing? Switch sides before the battle? Luo Shui smiled softly, You forgot one thing, I am from the Luo family.

I was born with the blood of a businessman in my body. Businessmen value profits. It’s okay if I didn’t care about it before.

Now that I'm awake, do you know what I discovered?

She looked directly at Le Jingyuan with her clear and burning eyes, which seemed to contain light that could pierce everything.

It's just that Le Jingyuan felt guilty and looked away after a while.

Did Luo Shui really find out that he was using her to deal with Le Yu? !

All the emotions disappeared in a flash, and a trace of just right doubt appeared on Le Jingyuan's face.

What did you find?

Luo Shui realized that this person was really good at managing her expressions. He looked at her and smiled and said, It's nothing. It's just that suddenly everyone in the world is interested in profit. It feels so good to be rich. You can do whatever you want.

Unlike in the previous life, when the Luo family went bankrupt, those who used to fawn over would not only offer a helping hand, but everyone would like to step on them.

Le Jingyuan didn't know that Luo Shui had been severely stepped on by her in her previous life, but she had a look of approval on her face.

Well, Luo Luo, you are right. Money is indeed very important when people live in this world.

If she had money, she could spend money to get Le Yu, and she could buy whatever she wanted. She wouldn't have to work so hard like now, and she would hardly recognize herself as a philistine.

It's just... Luoshui has everything she desires. What right does she have to lament here?

How hypocritical!

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