When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 789 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Yan's mother looked at her husband, her heart indescribably complicated.

Her beloved husband is strong and gentle. Even if there is a storm in his heart, he is rational and tolerant towards his family, and values ​​the happiness of his children more than his face...

The two of them grew from green to gray, and she fell more and more deeply in love with this man who was always by her side!

Precisely because her husband is here, she has the courage to put aside worldly ideas and fulfill her son's wishes!

Your father is right, as long as you are happy, son. Yan's mother sat next to Yan Chi, patted his shoulder and consoled him.

Yan Chi thought that his parents would be furious, that they would call him to the study for a stern analysis, or that they would call his brothers and sisters to persuade him...

His parents' reaction was something he didn't expect.

Yan Chi felt his eyes were sore and said in a slightly hoarse voice: Dad, Mom, I'm sorry.

One is the bad impact his incident has had on his family, and the other is that he is ashamed of his parents' teachings.

Yan's mother hugged him, and her heart clenched when she remembered that her son was scared when he first knew his feelings, but their parents had no idea.

Fortunately...fortunately, my son is fine!

Silly boy, is there anything you can't tell your family?

Your dad and I never force you siblings to do anything you don’t want to do.

Don't hide anything in the future. We just can't help you. It will be much easier if you tell us.

That was when Yao'er suddenly wanted to apply for aviation school. She and her father told him to give it serious consideration, but secretly they searched for information and connections to pave the way for him.

Yan Chi hugged his mother back, his eyes wet, Well, thank you, parents.

When Father Yan saw that his wife was almost crying, he quickly changed the subject, Okay, it's getting late, it's time to go to bed.

If the elder brother hadn't dared to ask Yan Chi directly after seeing the hot search, but instead called the couple and asked them to ask Yao'er what happened, they would probably both be asleep by now.

Upon hearing this, Yan Chi glanced at the time and saw that it was indeed getting late.

Mom, you and my dad should go and have a rest.

My mother sleeps very regularly, but if she goes to bed too late, she will feel very lackluster the next day.

Okay, then Mom is going to bed. You should also go to bed early. If you have any questions, we can talk about it tomorrow morning. Yan's mother said gently.

After saying that, the Yan family returned to their room.

After returning to the room, Yan's mother was lying on the bed, still looking a little sad.

Husband, if the boss and the others know that this is true, then...

She was worried that Yan Chi's brother and sister would grumble in their hearts and treat Yao'er with strange eyes and attitudes.

Father Yan's brows furrowed indistinctly, No, you have to have more confidence in our children.

Having said that, he took the phone and sent a message to the family group.

Younger will decide his own affairs, so you don't have to worry about it. What your mother and I say is that it's fine as long as your brother is happy. What's your attitude?

By the way, I liked everyone.

The Yan family brothers and sisters were still on the front line eating melons. When they saw that all the parents had spoken, they expressed their attitudes one after another.

As long as you are happy!! The eldest brother of the Yan family.

As long as you are happy!! The second brother of the Yan family.

As long as you are happy!! said the third sister of the Yan family.

As long as you are happy!! The fourth brother of the Yan family.

After expressing their attitudes one by one, Fourth Brother Yan made a silly expression and said: Ahem, I didn't expect that my youngest would be so silent and trending on the trending searches, but it scared Fourth Brother... …”

Me too, I took a quick-acting heart-saving pill silently. If there is any big news, I won't be afraid anymore! Sanjie Yan also said.

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