When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 793 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Le Yu smiled faintly, said nothing, and went out to ask the nanny at home to call Le Jingyuan.

Dad, as long as you are aware of this matter, I will go back to the room to sleep first.

As for Le Jingyuan, this time she has a real shot, and she is facing the Luo family, which is as big as a tree in the sky. Presumably her father will no longer be confused and treat her lightly.

She just needs to watch the show silently!

Le's father suppressed the anger in his heart and asked: Yu'er, what happened to your sister on the Internet...

On the surface, the Le family looks fine, but their own family knows their own affairs, and they are no longer as good as the Luo family, which is in full swing. They finally got a ride on the Luo family, but they can't let their ignorant little daughter ruin it.

Therefore, the illegitimate daughter is not as good as the legitimate daughter. It's also his fault that he didn't pay attention to being plotted by that scheming bitch, otherwise he wouldn't have come up with such a thing.

well! Shame on you!

Le Yu comforted his father who was about to get angry, The matter online has been resolved. You don't have to worry about the Luo family. I talked to Luo Shui and there will be no problem!

If the family caused this incident, I'm afraid some profits will be made in the second season.

Interests are important, but this cooperative relationship is even more important!

Le's father was very reassured about his eldest daughter and said calmly: Okay, Yu'er, you responded quickly and did a good job.

Yu'er has always been quick to respond and courageous in doing things, which is what wins his heart the most.

At this moment, Le Jingyuan, who was called over by the nanny, knocked on the study door.

Father Le instantly put away the gentle smile on his face and said coldly: Come in.

Le Jingyuan panicked when she heard her father's emotionless tone, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

She quickly entered the study obediently, smiled softly and said: Dad, what did you want me to do?

Le Yu was annoyed when she saw this illegitimate sister who spoke grumblingly and was not crisp at all. She didn't want to stay in the same place with her, so she said to Le's father: Dad, if there's nothing else, I'll go back to the room. ”

The coldness in Le's father's eyes suddenly disappeared when he looked at her, and he said gently: Okay, it's getting late. You should go to bed early.

Le Yu nodded and left the study without even glancing towards Le Jingyuan.

After her figure disappeared, Le's father looked at Le Jingyuan expressionlessly.

Jingyuan, do you know what happened online today is wrong?

Something online?

Le Jingyuan felt guilty, her eyes flashed and she said: ...Are you saying that I shouldn't spread negative remarks about the Luo family on the Internet?

Instead of talking about the conspiracy against Luo's family, he replaced it with publishing bad remarks. He can advance and retreat or defend. The language trap is really high.

Le's father looked at her deeply, thinking that if Yu'er hadn't printed out the evidence and handed it to him, he might not have discovered his daughter's little thoughts.

Oh? Just unfavorable remarks? Le's father's tone was lukewarm, making it impossible to hear his true emotions.

I'm afraid you don't want to deliberately ruin the cooperation between Yu'er and the Luo family, right?

When he asked these words, the air in the study seemed to be stagnant, and Le Jingyuan froze a little.

... He also vented some of his dissatisfaction after being rejected by Luo Shui. Did my sister tell you this? Her mouth softened as she spoke, but a flash of resentment flashed in her eyes.

Le's father knew before that Le Jingyuan's daughter was not as kind as she appeared, and now the feeling was even worse.

She doesn't look like the Le family at all, just like her biological mother who has all the tricks and scheming minds.

I don't care whether you are slightly dissatisfied or major, don't delay Yu'er's retreat. This is my advice to you. I hope you will keep it in mind. His tone was cold, and he looked at Le Jingyuan with a somewhat impatient look.

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