When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 799 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

You're right, it's true. Jiang Yuting looked at his expression with admiration.

This is the first time he and actor Si have collaborated.

There were rumors that Si Yao was calm, punctual, and polite to others. He originally thought it was a rumor, but he didn't expect that the real Best Actor Si Yao had a more charming personality than the rumors.

After answering their confusion, the waiter brought the food, and the three of them chatted about everything while eating.


On the first day after joining the crew, Luo Shui met Xie Lu, who had been developing rapidly this year.

His face was much longer than when we first saw him, with red lips and white teeth. He was wearing a white robe and a black hairband, with innocence in his eyes.

He plays the young prince, which fits the character very well.

If nothing unexpected happens, this person will definitely become more popular through this drama.

It's him! Luo Shui looked at the high-spirited man and murmured softly.

long time no see!

Si Yao had just changed into his costume and came out. He heard her murmuring and looked at the person not far away.

Who? He looked a little wary.

Si Yao had already changed into his costume, and he was dressed in snow-white clothes. The clothes were loose and elegant, making his not-so-generous figure become thinner and thinner, giving people a feeling of distress.

When Luo Shui saw his appearance, his face was as white as snow, his lips were as sharp as pills, and he looked like a sickly man, she felt heartbroken.

Sit down quickly. She said, pushing the person to sit down.

Si Yao met Luo Shui's distressed eyes, felt warm in his heart, and rubbed her hair.

It's just makeup, don't worry, just take a look if you don't believe me. He took Luo Shui's hand and gently rubbed the makeup on his face.

Luo Shui came back to his senses and realized that he had overreacted. He quickly pulled away his hand and said, Oh, don't! If it's broken, you have to work hard to rebuild it. Don't you think it's troublesome?

Si Yao's eyes were gentle, It's okay. It won't come off if you touch it lightly. Don't worry about it, right?

Who is worried about you? Stop talking nonsense and read your script quickly! Luo Shui said harshly, but his ears were stained with a faint blush.

She just didn't react.

Si Yao chuckled softly, but for fear of offending her, he simply changed the subject, You haven't said who that person is yet? Do you know him?

When asking, his eyes glanced at Xie Lu, who was not far away and was being served by two assistants, happily drinking fresh juice.

You don't know him? Luo Shui blinked and looked at Si Yao with surprise.

That person imitated him and took photos, bought trending searches to gain his popularity, and bragged outside that he and Si Yao were relatives...

Xie Lu did all kinds of tricks to gain popularity, but the person involved didn’t pay attention?


Should I know him? Si Yao was extremely surprised. Is that person famous?

Luo Shui looked at his serious and confused face and suddenly laughed out loud. His body was swaying with laughter and he couldn't stop at all.

Si Yao was afraid that she would fall off the stool, so he hurriedly reached out and half hugged her, frowning and said: Slow down your smile, don't lose your temper.

Luo Shui coughed lightly and rested his head on the man's shoulder. His eyes were shining with tears in his eyes. When he looked up, his starry eyes were filled with Si Yao's shadow.

You're so awesome! That person is so excited about you, why don't you pay any attention to him? Where's your team? Didn't you notice it either? Luo Shui said with a smile.

It doesn't make sense. She has seen this 2G network speed. After all, Xie Lu's team has purchased several hot searches, how could they not have noticed it?

Si Yao was silent, as if he had said it, but he didn't think it was a big deal so he didn't care, but Luo Luo was disgusted.


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