When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 811 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

In the Internet era of information explosion, traffic is king.

There is no attention and no popularity. It is normal for good works to fall to the floor and not make any waves.

Back to the topic, the reason why Luoshui is annoyed with Xie Lu is because this new traffic is too white lotus and too green tea.

She induces fans to make some mindless remarks all day long, which makes her want to jump along the network cable to the other end of the phone, catch those mindless people, and force them to fill buckets of ice water to wake them up.

Take a look at the following remarks, your ability to tell lies has improved again.

[Yoyo Lu Ming]: You said our brother is trying to gain popularity, but you can see clearly that Lu Lu is obviously more powerful, okay? Those people who are sour all day long, you have so much darkness in your heart, you don’t like others, we just want to support our brother and make you mad to death.

[The little deer is the cutest]: Passersby turned fans, Xie Lu’s costume is yyds!

[Shi Lai Lun]: To be honest, we don’t know him at all, okay?

[Dudu]: A fan of the original novel, Xie Lu’s performance of Rong Gao is exactly as I imagined. I love it!

Si Yao scanned these comments one by one with a calm expression on his face.

Are Luoluo dissatisfied with me? It's okay, don't worry.

He leaned on the head of the bed, his whole body exuding laziness and elegance, and his eyes as he looked at the woman in his arms were as gentle as water.

He is just a clown. He has no works of his own and does not improve his own strength. He will be miserable sooner or later. He has seen many such people.

Luo Shui was a little annoyed when he saw that Xie Lu bought all the hot searches on the Internet.

There must be dissatisfaction. This kind of hype is really annoying.

Si Yao saw that she had lost all the fun of scrolling through her phone, and became dissatisfied with the porcelain king named Xie Lu.

Just take advantage of the heat, it would be bad if it makes his girlfriend unhappy.

I'll handle it. Don't be angry. It's not worth getting so angry.

Si Yao took his mobile phone from the bedside and sent a message to his agent.

Looking at the hot search that suddenly exploded on the Internet, a certain agent who was furious received a message from the great movie star and opened his eyes wide.


Si Yao finally couldn't stand it anymore and was ready to take action?

Grinding his palms, the golden agent's lips curved into a villain's smile, and he issued instructions to the studio members.

Huh, let that guy named Xie Lu take advantage of him for so long, so it’s not too much for them to charge some interest.

Si Yao sent a message to his agent, put the phone back, and gently tapped the tip of Luo Shui's nose.

He said in a doting voice: Okay, I'll let someone handle it.

Luo Shui nodded with satisfaction, Yes.

She originally thought that if he didn't take action, she would solve it herself!

After playing with my phone for a while, I found it no longer interesting.

Luo Shui simply put down the phone, leaned his face against Si Yao's chest, stretched out his arms to hug the man's thin waist, with a gentle and happy smile on his face.

The only light in the room was the dim yellow light strip above their heads, and the halo of light shone softly on the two of them, making them feel a little more miserable.

Luo Shui suddenly asked: Si Yao, how long will this movie take to be filmed?

She is only responsible for the costumes and has little experience in the filming schedule. I think Si Yao has a lot of experience and should know.

Si Yao hugged her with one hand and stroked her white fingers with the other. His low voice looked very sexy and charming in this environment.

At most half a month, what's wrong? Do you have other plans?

That's not true. I just want to go back a little bit, Luo Shui said.

Rong Ge didn't call her again during this period, probably because he knew about the wonderful private life of that person in the He family.

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