When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 816 Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Thinking of Le Yu making a lot of money through Luo's Dongfeng, her eyes turned red with envy.

If this achievement were hers, maybe her father would be impressed by her!

Thinking of being recognized by Le's father, Le Jingyuan's eyes glowed red with excitement.

Luo Shui didn't seem to expect that she would be so persistent and would mention investment when she saw him.

He looked at her in surprise and said, I'm busy dating. My elder brother is in charge of investment matters. I'm too lazy to get involved. There are too many things to be busy with.

Luo Qige is out of the industry, and her business is getting better and better. She is already very tired of running this store, okay?

As for investing? If there is a good project, she will mention it to her eldest brother and leave it to the group to take full responsibility. It will save trouble. Why do you have to do it yourself!

ah? Le Jingyuan's excited heart suddenly felt like a bucket of ice water had been poured on her.

How is this possible?

She hurriedly advised: Hey, Luoluo, there is no conflict between falling in love and investing and making money. Nowadays, men are too careful.

Women, you still have to have your own career and you can’t put all your thoughts on men.

There are so many bad things happening in society now, which can serve as lessons for others.

No matter what time, you can't lose your career. No matter how good the relationship between two people is now, who knows whether it will change in the future? The human heart is the last thing you can't gamble with.

Luoluo, you have to think clearly...

Le Jingyuan persuaded Luo Shui with words, but she felt unspeakable contempt for Luo Shui in her heart.

I never realized before that this person is a brainless person with a love brain, and his IQ is completely lost when it comes to falling in love!

Can men believe it? How naive!

Luo Shui listened carefully and said with a smile: I have a career. Besides, I have a brother, so I don't have to worry about anything.

She knew that Le Jingyuan envied her the most for having a strong, capable brother who doted on her, so she directly poked this man's seven inches.

Sure enough, Le Jingyuan's face changed. She gritted her teeth secretly and continued to say gently and tenderly: Your brother is good, but it won't be so when you have a sister-in-law. You still have to rely on yourself.

God is so unfair, why didn't he give her a powerful brother? She worked so hard like this.

Luo Shui acted like a dead pig and was not afraid of boiling water.

No, my eldest sister-in-law must be like my brother. My eldest brother said that even if you marry a wife, you must marry someone who likes me and Xingxing.

Besides, it’s not certain whether he has a sister-in-law or not!


Le Jingyuan: ...

I have never seen someone who is so unmotivated. It is so enviable and despising.

the other side--

While Luo Shui was chatting with Le Jingyuan, Luo Jingshuo came outside Yan Chi's ward.

He drove all the way here after staying up all night. He looked sleepy, his clothes were slightly wrinkled, and there was stubble on his chin that had appeared at night and he had not had time to deal with it. He looked a little embarrassed.

Father Yan stayed in the ward all night and saw Luo Jingshuo when he left the ward early in the morning.

Who are you? From the looks of it, this person looks like the person who was on trending searches together with his son.

Luo Jingshuo saw that this man was somewhat similar to Yan Chi, and nodded slightly with a clear voice.

Hello, I am Luo Jingshuo.

As expected, it was that person, and Father Yan's expression instantly became complicated.

Hello, I'm here to see Chi'er. Come in.

Luo Jingshuo followed him into the ward and saw Yan Chi lying on the bed, his face and lips were pale, and he seemed to have lost weight.

The man was lying quietly, his head wrapped in gauze, breathing weakly, and wearing an oxygen mask.

Luo Jingshuo looked at the person on the hospital bed, his eyebrows immediately knitted together, and unbearable flashing appeared in his eyes.

I called yesterday and heard that Yan Chi's condition was not very good. I didn't expect that the situation would be so bad.

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