When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 852 Best Actor Si’s True Beloved Wife Is Super Rich

Luo Shui pursed her lips and smiled, leaning on his chest and closing her eyes.

I didn't get much rest on the plane, so I felt sleepy now.

After this sleep, Luo Shui didn't wake up after arriving home.

Si Yao carried her back home. The person in his arms slept deeply all the way without opening his eyes.

Looks like he's really tired. Si Yao put him on the bed, touched Luo Shui's face with his fingers, and said with a smile.

He went to the bathroom, soaked the towel, wiped his wife's body, went back to the bathroom, took a shower, and lay down on the bed.

When I woke up again, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Si Yao woke up first and looked at Luo Luo, who was sleeping soundly in his arms with her arms and legs wrapped around him, her eyes overflowing with affection.

I saw it was getting late.

The man patted Luo Shui's shoulder, his voice hoarse as if he had just woken up.

Luoluo, it's time to wake up. If you don't wake up, you won't be able to sleep at night.

His voice was low and sweet, and his tone was gentle and coaxing, which made people want to stay in bed even more.

Luo Shui was drowsily asleep. He felt the warmth at the base of his ears and opened his eyes.

what time is it?

Her eyes were dull and unconscious, and she yawned. Her black eyes were covered with a thin layer of mist, and against her red face, she looked more beautiful than flowers.

Si Yao kissed her red lips and said, It's past eight o'clock. You must be hungry. You take a moment and I'll cook.

He stood up, took the clothes beside the bed and put them on.

Luo Shui's body felt a little weak as he slept, and he got out of bed.

...My waist is a little sore from sleeping, and my body is sweating. I'm going to take a shower first. She slapped her sore waist.

I don't know why my waist has been uncomfortable for the past two days, and I feel groggy all over.

Your waist is still sore? A worried look appeared on Si Yao's face. He sat on the bed and stretched out his hands to massage her. The strength was just right. Let's go to the hospital after dinner.

Luo Shui simply lay down on his stomach and hummed comfortably. Hearing this, he said, No need, I must be tired. Just rest for two days and you'll be fine.

Si Yao frowned slightly, as if he was worried, Then rest first, and tell me if you feel uncomfortable.

Luo Shui lay on his stomach, turned towards him, smiled and nodded, Don't worry, I'm fine.

Si Yao kneaded her for a while and picked her up.

It's getting late. I'll knead you after eating. Don't you need to take a shower? Go quickly. You can eat after you finish washing.

Luo Shui rested his head on Si Yao's shoulder, kissed the man's chin after a moment, and said with a smile, Well, thank you for your hard work, husband!

After saying that, he got out of bed.

Si Yao took out Luo Shui's pajamas, sent her to the bathroom door, and tangled her long hair.

Be careful and call me if anything happens.

I'm fine. Don't be so nervous. I'm going to wash up.

The man heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and went to the bathroom outside the room to wash up before going to the kitchen.

It was getting late, and Si Yao didn't want to cook anything complicated, so he ordered two bowls of noodles.

Counting the time, when Luo Shui came out, he carried two bowls of noodles and walked out of the kitchen.

Hey, it seems I've calculated the time just right. Are you hungry? Come and eat.

Luo Shui came over obediently. He was indeed hungry, and his stomach rumbled as soon as he smelled the fragrance.

It smells so good, thank you, husband. She sat down and looked at Si Yao with crooked eyebrows and praised.

I didn’t expect that he could cook, but he actually did a good job!

Every time Si Yao heard her call him husband, he felt a slight tremor in his heart.

Even now, when he heard the soft words husband, the man's dark eyes seemed to be dyed with ink, and they were dark.

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