When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 900 The anorexic boss has a secret love addiction

Are you stupid? I only believe you in my eyes. How can I believe what others say?

She just didn't know how this person was driven to such a crazy and violent state, it made her heartache just thinking about him.

Gu Shu met her distressed eyes, and suddenly sunlight broke into his heart that was soaked in ice, and his heart was shaken violently.

The next moment, he couldn't help but reached out and hugged Luo Shui.

Gu Tie pressed his cold face against Luo Shui's neck, his eyes burning.

It was a shock to see flowers blossoming out of a deserted land!

It’s the moving expression of a hole in one’s heart being broken by love!

He thought he was very much in love with her.

That's why I worry so much about gains and losses, and it's hard to calm down.

Lolo, thank you!

Luo Shui patted Gu Shu's shoulder, smiled and said, What's there to thank you for? People who love each other should trust each other and take care of each other!

Even if this person doesn't have her in his memory, he won't hurt himself.

You said you can't control your emotions, what's going on? There can't be no reason!

Gu Shu's body stiffened slightly, and the images of being imprisoned, beaten, and punished flashed through his mind one by one.

For a moment, his breathing became rapid.

This time he didn't hide himself. He held Luo Shui's hand to give him strength and said:

Ms. Duan, my mother, treats me as an enemy. This was the first sentence he said.

Then Gu De opened his memories.

She thinks I'm the scapegoat who killed my dad, and she always wants me to die.

Ever since the car accident, in which my father died on the spot trying to save me, my originally gentle mother has completely changed.

She became a devil.

I was still young at the time and didn't know anything about death. My mother told me to take me to my father, and I happily agreed.

She took me to a very remote and backward town. The house was shabby and small, like a small attic.

We stayed.

It was okay at first, she just lost her temper all the time, was mean to me, and wouldn't let me eat.

Later, her mood became more and more uncomfortable, and she would take action at every turn...

We stayed there for seven years. I forget if it was seven years. This is what my elder brother said,

It seems that one day, my eldest brother pestered my grandparents and said that he wanted to see me. My grandparents couldn't bear the pestering.

So I came over without telling Ms. Duan in advance. Only then did I see the truth and knew that the videos Duan Lanfa and others had made all those years ago were all fake.

Then he took me away from there, and then I woke up from the nightmare and started a new life.

Seemingly feeling that this topic was a bit heavy, Gu Da smiled and rubbed Luo Shui's hair.

Luoluo, you must not know that I met you when I was a child.

Luo Shui's heart clenched, but she didn't expect that the truth was more uncomfortable than her guess.

Her voice was slightly hoarse, When? Why didn't I know.

Gu Di could tell that something was wrong with her tone, and his heart felt sour.

I met him after I came back from the small town.

He didn't want to mention more details.

Because the encounter between the two is his dark history.

Luo Shui thought for a while but didn't remember it, so he simply stopped worrying about it.

After hearing Gu Di's experience, she felt indescribable disgust for Duan Lan.

I guess Gu De's anorexia and what those people call 'irritable and crazy' were both present at that time!

Some people are truly unfit to be mothers.

After the young couple finished talking, Chu Shao clearly felt that the young boss and her boyfriend were obviously closer.

It’s not that it wasn’t sweet originally, but it turned out to be a bit restrained.

Now the two people looked at each other calmly, and pink bubbles seemed to be rising around them.

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