When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 908 The anorexic boss has a secret love addiction

The next afternoon.

After the Li family and his son learned that the cooperation was rejected, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood on the spot.

You must know that they worked on this project all night long for half a month, and spent countless manpower, material and financial resources.

Now that I told them that nothing was left behind, the Li family and his son could bear it if they didn't burst into tears on the spot.

Looking at the opponent who stole his family's business, Father Li's eyes were filled with anger.

Jiang Subaru originally fought for the project with the idea that it would be better if he could cooperate, and he wouldn't suffer a loss if he couldn't, but he didn't expect to be selected.

Double the surprise!

The whole person is somewhat radiant.

Seeing that the Li family's father and son looked unhappy, Jiang Subaru said with a smile: Boss of Mr. Li, I accept the concession!

These words were purely made to disgust the Li family.

When they first met, the father and son were more irritating when talking to each other, and he was trying to be polite.

Jiang Subaru smiled, held a multi-million contract, and walked away.

The Li family's father and son, who stayed where they were, were so angry that they turned red and thick-necked, and approached Gu De's assistant.

Assistant Wang, excuse me, we have something we want to ask about... Father Li said.

He couldn't bear this tone without understanding the reason.

When Assistant Wang saw it was their father and son, he immediately knew what was going on.

You want to ask about the project, right? The contract has been signed, so it's useless to ask so many questions.

Father Li accompanied him with a smile, We know that the contract has been signed, and we just want to ask the reason. Wasn't it fine yesterday? Why was it suddenly replaced?

Their company needs resources and talents, so why did it lose to Jiang Subaru's newly established company?

It doesn’t make sense!

Assistant Wang showed sympathy, shook his head and gave a kind reminder.

...I can only say, go back and take care of your daughter!

After just saying this, he went to work.

Father Li was puzzled and said to his son, He's talking about Tiantian?

Obviously, yes. Brother Li replied.

The two fathers and sons came with high expectations and left devastated.

After returning home, after repeated questioning, Li Tiantian refused to admit that she had offended someone.

It was after Li's father received Gu Yu's message that he found out that his daughter had been used as a gun by that woman Duan Lan.

What puzzled him was that Tiantian was provoking people from the Gu family. What did it have to do with the game company that wanted to cooperate but failed?

Could it be...

Some kind of speculation welled up in his heart. Father Li's expression changed severely, and he felt his blood pressure soar.

That would be terrible if that were the case!

Having too many children is a debt.

That night, Li's father and his wife discussed until midnight and decided to send their daughter back to her hometown to hide.

Li Tiantian grew up in a big city, and she disliked her hometown as much as she wanted.

I was very unhappy when I found out I was going to be sent back.

But the Li family and his wife had made up their minds, and she had no choice.

A few days later, Gu Di heard about Li Tiantian being sent back to his hometown by the Li family.

He was not disappointed with this result.

The Li family's hometown is very remote and backward. Li Tiantian will definitely not get used to it, and she will know how hard it will be when the time comes.

And the Li family is not in good stead. The company's capital chain has been cut off. It depends on how long it can last.

Even if Li Tiantian comes back, she won't be able to dance anymore.

Without Duan Lan, she wouldn't be able to make splashes.

After Gu Di settled the matter, he went to find Luo Shui.

You seem to be in a good mood. Is the matter resolved? Luo Shui pulled the man to sit on the sofa and said with a smile.

Gu Ye nodded, Well, it's settled. I've made you feel wronged. Those two people won't show up again.

There's nothing wrong with me. I just lost some flowers. I'll be fine now.

But her flowers are planted with care, which is a pity!

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