When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 921 Madam, I have earned my life for you.

He walked to the bedside, patted Wang Wanniang's arm, and whispered: Wait a moment! I will remember what I promised you, and when the time comes, I will propose a separation.

It is a trivial matter to get beaten up for rashly mentioning the separation of families. I am afraid that the separation of families will never happen again.

Wang Wanniang's face continued to look sad, But...

The old lady would definitely not agree to the separation of the family.

There is no but, my wife, you believe me!

Luo Shui lived in a small room separated by wooden boards, and she could hear their voices no matter how low they were.

Separating the family is indeed a good idea.

That damn old woman didn't like their second wife and tried every means to rub him off all day long. Who could bear this?

I just don’t know how dad would propose to separate the family...

There is only one elder in the Luo family, Mrs. Luo. Mrs. Luo has three sons, Luo Da, Luo Er and Luo Xiucheng.

It is said that Luo Xiucheng was originally named Luo San, but when he was just born, an old Taoist said that this boy had great potential, so Mrs. Luo spent a few coins to invite scholars in the village to give him such an educated name as Xiucheng.

Luo Xiucheng is currently studying in school and comes back once a month. He has not yet married.

Boss Luo also knows a few words, is good at business, and works as a bookkeeper in a restaurant in the town.

Luo Da married a Li family and had two sons and one daughter. One of the two sons was named Luo Wen, the other was named Luo Wu, and the daughter was Luo Fufu.

Luo Er married Wang Wanniang and had three sons and one daughter. The sons were Luo Jin, Luo Jin and Luo An, and the daughter was Luo Shui.

The family's ten acres of land are managed by Luo Er's family, and they never have any free time a year.

When Luo Er was a child, he learned some trap-setting techniques from the old hunters in the mountains. Occasionally he could catch a hare and pheasant.

This morning.

After the Luo family finished eating, Mrs. Luo arranged the work and spoke to Luo Er.

Second brother, leave the rest of the work in the fields to Wang and the younger ones. The family hasn't eaten meat for a while. You go to the mountains to have a look.

Luo Er's expression did not change and he responded directly.

Wang Wanniang looked at him worriedly, pursed her lips and said nothing.

Every time the child's father went to the mountains, she was so worried that she couldn't eat or sleep.

The mountains are dangerous!

When Mrs. Luo heard that her son had agreed, she had a rare smile on her face. She patted Luo Er on the shoulder and went directly back to her room.

Luo Fufu's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: Second uncle, please be safe!

I don’t know if I can eat meat at night.

She licked her lips as she thought of the greasy chicken and braised rabbit.

Luo Er glanced at the niece who had been pampered by the old lady and grew up. He really couldn't help but like her, so he nodded slightly and said nothing.

You can’t blame him!

Two girls were born in the same year and on the same day. This niece was well fed, clothed and pampered.

And his biological daughter is obviously well-behaved and sensible, her clothes are patched, and she has barely eaten a few meals of meat, let alone tasted those pastries.

How could he feel comfortable as a father?

He obviously made a lot of money, but the person who benefited was not his own children, but his niece who was not related to him. Who could be relieved about this?

Luo Fufu didn't mind that his second uncle didn't answer, he smiled and went out with the small basket.

Luo Er walked to Wang Wanniang and said with a smile: Don't worry, I will be careful. Let's go, I will see you off on the way.

Luo Shui frowned and looked at Wang Wanniang, Mom, don't you need to bring some food and water to my father?

To be honest, she might gain more from a trip to the mountains than her father did in a year.

But she didn't want to take advantage of the Luo family, so she didn't think about it for the time being.

Even if you go, you still have to take good care of yourself.

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