When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 942 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

All her family's money was used for her brother's education, and she didn't even have a red-headed rope.

I'm so embarrassed. How can I take advantage of you? My mother will kill me if she finds out. She shook her head and said.

Tian Yang smiled coquettishly.

Oh, what's this?

If aunt is really angry with you, just say that I had to give it to you.

This is a matter between us sisters. Nothing will happen to my aunt.

If nothing else, Mr. Guo still put a lot of thought into the upbringing of his children.

It's just that Fan Xiaohua's temperament is inherently crooked, and no matter how hard you teach her, you can't teach it.

Fan Xiaohua hesitated for a moment and nodded.

Okay, thank you then.

Tian Yang's family has better conditions, and her parents dote on her.

She didn't care that it was just a pearl flower, so she gave it away.

What's the point? We are good sisters!

Fan Xiaohua looked at the smile on Tian Yang's face and felt a little moved.

Yes, good sister.

Yangyang is better than her mother. If she can be his sister-in-law, then...

Thinking of this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Fan Xiaohua looked at Luo Shui's graceful figure as delicate as willows on the river, with a flash of jealousy in her eyes.

Hu Meizi, she looks very charming even at a young age.

There was no way she would let Luo Shui be her sister-in-law.

Luo Shui didn't know that some people were overthinking. She knew that Fan Xiaohua didn't like her, so she didn't even look at her.

Luoluo, why are you so white?

Tian Fang felt sour when she looked at Luo Shui's skin as white and tender as snow.

What rouge did you use? It looks natural.

There are only two rouge shops in the town. Could it be a new product from another shop? !

Luo Shui was slightly startled.

rouge? Can she be said to be naturally beautiful?

Thinking of his current difficult family situation, Luo Shui's black and white eyes turned and he suddenly paid attention.

I didn't use rouge, I just put on some face cream I made myself.

Tian Fang's voice rose by a pitch.

What? You said you did it yourself? How do you know how to make rouge and gouache?

There was deep disbelief in his tone.

Can anyone make rouge gouache?

If that were the case, everyone would open a rouge shop.

Luo Shui smiled faintly.

If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do about it. My family has just been separated, and having enough food is a problem. How can I have money to buy rouge and gouache?

She possesses peerless medical skills and can easily make rouge, gouache and other things.

As for her face, her soul power had repaired it, and her skin was of course as snowy as jade.

Yes! Tian Fang curled his lips and said.

The second room of the Luo family is so poor that they can't afford to eat. How can they afford rouge and gouache?

Is what Luo Shui said true?

Tian Fang looked suspicious.

Are you serious? Are you really good at making rouge?

It's not rouge. Luo Shui shook his head, It's just facial fat to prevent the face from drying out.

Rouge and gouache are for makeup.

The facial cream she plans to do is hydrating and whitening.

Tian Fang glanced at Luo Shui's white and smooth face and felt itchy in her heart.

If she had such good skin, maybe she could really get what she wanted.

How much does your facial fat cost? I'll buy it! Tian Fang counted the money on hand and looked at Luo Shui and said.

If it's not expensive, I'll buy it.

Luo Shui's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: The price of my facial butter is not cheap. I make it for myself, and the materials are hard to come by. I managed to make two boxes.

If you really want it, I'll give you a box for 100 Wen.

Don't think it's expensive. One box is not a small amount. Just use it sparingly. It can last for several months.

Don't say I robbed or anything. If you hadn't asked, I wouldn't want to sell it!

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