When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 954 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Luo Shui waited in the lobby for a while.

A rather wealthy middle-aged man in his forties came out.

Is this a girl looking for me? he asked with a kind face and a smile on his face.

The man looked at Luo Shui quickly.

The little girl is not very old and looks to be as old as his daughter.

He is rare good-looking and has a good temperament.

She has the nobility and elegance of a lady, but looking at her clothes and hair accessories, she is obviously a country girl.

There are few people with such contradictory temperament and appearance.

Yun Changfa looked at Luo Shui with inquiry and curiosity in his eyes.

Luoshui Shui didn't change his expression and smiled.

Well, good job, I made something that I would like you to see.

With that said, he took out a box of pasta from the small basket and handed it to Yun Changfa.

Of course, when doing sales, you have to use the product to speak for itself.

Before Yun Changfa could react, there was something in his hand.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a small wooden box that was not very delicate.

Yun Changfa glanced at Luo Shui and opened the lid of the box.

A faint, particularly pleasant scent of jasmine rushes toward the nose.

The fragrance is like the curls of smoke.

It was spinning in the air, making people feel shocked all over.

Yun Changfa's eyes flashed brightly and his brows raised slightly.

I think it's interesting.

My surname is Yun. Are you selling this girl? he asked.

Manager Yun... As soon as Luo Shui finished speaking, Shuanzi beside him couldn't help but speak.

Girl, this belongs to our shopkeeper.

He wanted to tell this little girl before, but he didn't have time.

Thank you, brother.

Luo Shui thanked the young man and blessed Yun Changfa slightly.

Sorry, Shopkeeper Yun, I really want to sell facial fat here. What do you think of my facial fat? Is Yiren Pavilion willing to accept it?

Yun Changfa hesitated for a moment.

Before he opened his mouth, he saw a customer coming into the store.

It's not convenient to talk here, little girl, do you dare to go in and talk to me?

Luo Shui nodded, Please lead the way.

What is she afraid of?

Yun Changfa smiled heartily, Young lady is so cheerful.

This unpretentious and cheerful temperament is really endearing.

While talking, the two of them arrived in the back room.

There was also a woman inside.

The woman was well-maintained and looked to be in her early thirties.

Wearing a hosta on her head, with exquisite makeup, and two faint dimples on her face when she smiles, she looks very kind.

Ms. sir, where did you kidnap the little girl? She's really pretty.

Her eyes were shining, and she took a few steps forward, holding Luo Shui's hand. Every microexpression on her face was filled with curiosity.

Which family are you from? the woman smiled softly.

Hello, madam, I am from the Luo family in Xinghua Village. Luo Shui replied with a smile.

Yun Chang found that his wife's old habit had returned, and he pinched his brows helplessly.

Madam, don't scare the little girl again. If you do this again, the little girl should run away!

This was whispered into Yunshi's ear, but Luoshui didn't hear it clearly.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Yun immediately controlled the excited expression on her face.

Call the maid to make tea and snacks for Luo Shui.

Don't bother, I... I'm just here to do my business.

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mrs. Yun.

Oh, no trouble, no trouble at all. There is no shortage of tea at home, and there is no shortage of food. If you eat enough, your Uncle Yun will be able to make money!

Give food and drink to the pretty little girl, she will be happy!

Inexplicably, there was an extra Uncle Yun in Luo Shui: ...

Luo Shui cleared his throat, took out the items in the basket, and started selling them directly.

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