When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 959 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Wang Wanniang felt that what she said made sense, but she didn't want to take advantage of her daughter, so she hesitated: But...

Luo Er interrupted her, Okay, just listen to Luo Luo!

His eyes deepened and he narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression looking inexplicably deep.

His family only has three acres of land.

Even if he and his two sons work odd jobs all year round, food and clothing are a problem for the family, wife, children and young children.

The daughter now puts the opportunity in front of them, how can they not accept it.

The matter of Luo Luo's marriage that his wife had just mentioned made him feel a sense of urgency.

The biggest problem we face is that our family doesn’t have enough money.

How can such a poor family support Luoluo in the future?

Luo Er felt so bitter when he thought about it.

Luoluo, give the prescription to your elder brother. This is what the family owes you. It's because dad is incompetent. He felt very guilty.

The two brothers Luo Jin and Luo Sen also lowered their eyes and looked at their sister apologetically, their faces turning red.

Luo Shui shook his head.

Father, mother, brothers, do you think I will get married in the future and don't treat me as a family member...

Luo Er's face straightened up and he said sternly: Luo Luo will be a member of the Luo family all his life, even when he gets married.

Damn it! Why does my daughter want to get married?

Heart hurts.

Before Wang Wanniang had time to speak, Luo Sen said in a very sweet voice: Dad is right, Luo Luo, you will always be part of the Luo family and my sister.

As long as the second brother is alive, he will always protect you. If anyone dares to bully you, the second brother will fight him to the death.

Luo Shui: I’m very touched, but it’s unnecessary.

She can protect herself.

Seeing how moved his family was, Luo Shui quickly changed the topic.

Dad, how long do you think it will take to build a bamboo house?

Luo Er thought for a while and replied: If I do it alone, I'm afraid it will take ten days to complete. If I have two more helpers, the time can be reduced by half.

After all, we have to go to the mountains to chop bamboo!

Let's invite someone. Luo Shui said with firm eyes.

Ten days is too long.

The sooner you build it, the sooner you get on track.

Luo Er understood what his daughter meant, nodded and said, Okay, let's invite someone. I'll ask your Uncle Cai to come with me. If you can't, please invite someone else.

Well, sorry for bothering you, Dad!

Luo Er smiled bitterly, Silly girl, why is daddy troublesome? My girl has handed her job to daddy.

If your father can't afford it, wouldn't your father and I be a useless person?

Who says daddy is useless? Dad is good at farming, good at hunting, and he loves his wife and children. He is the best dad. Luo Shui coaxed in a very sweet tone.

Her voice is as sweet as a lark, and she is so sincere when she coaxes people that no one can doubt her.

Luo Er almost grinned to the back of his head with joy.

His whole face was radiant, and his whole body was in a different spirit.

As a parent, this is all you want!

My daughter just knows how to talk, he said with a smile.

Luo Shui pursed his lips and chuckled, looking at Wang Wanniang.

Mom, your task is to deal with the petals collected by my second brother.

Face cream cannot be separated from various petals, so the quantity and quality must be guaranteed. My second brother will check it.

You're going to do a second inspection here. This facial fat costs five hundred cents. It's not cheap. The quality of the stuff we put out has to pass.

Wang Wanniang was still in a daze when she heard her daughter say that a box of dough cost 500 yuan.

For fear of delaying Luo Luo's affairs, she temporarily put aside the shock in her heart and nodded.

Don't worry, Mom will check it carefully.

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