When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 969 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

The young man Luo Sen was angry. After hearing his father's words, the dissatisfaction on his face faded away.

I know dad knows what love is and what hates him. He won't let us down.

Luo Er smiled and patted his back, and said with a wry smile: You brat, put a hat on your father's head!

If I ask your mother to make clothes for Fufu, will I disappoint you?

How can it be possible? How could Luo Sen admit it and deny it repeatedly, This is impossible. Dad has always been wise and powerful.

The fact that Luo Shui's engagement was annulled finally set off a wave of gossip in the village.

Just because Rosen and his men warned those tongue-tied women, the noise in the village became quieter.

The Luo family didn't know what those people were saying behind their backs. In short, they didn't dare to point fingers in front of the Luo family anymore.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

End of month.

Yiren Pavilion's carriage arrived as promised, and Shopkeeper Yun came with Shuan Zi.

The carriage passed through the entrance of the village and stopped in front of the courtyard gate of the Luo family's second room.

The villagers were shocked when they saw it.

Is that person who just got off the carriage, the shopkeeper of Yiren Pavilion? Ms. Zhang, who was kicked out of the facial fat production team by Lawson, opened her eyes wide.

My heart is full of regret!

Ever since she lost her job, she was complained by her family, couldn't get enough to eat, and had to work more than anyone else.

Even from time to time, I would be beaten and scolded by my husband-in-law and squeezed by my mother-in-law.

Compared with before, that is the difference between heaven and earth.

Mrs. Zhao, who was standing next to Ms. Zhang, had a sour face.

The whole person seemed to be buried in lemons.

Wang Niang is so lucky. Zhao said in a strange tone.

When she was in her parents' home, she was pampered by her scholar father, and when she got married, she was protected by her husband. It's really jealous.

They are all from the same village, so why does Wang Wanniang always live better than herself?

Could it be that she would never be able to escape from this man's shadow for the rest of her life?

Mrs. Zhang was also so jealous that she almost broke up with her husband. She said in a strange way:

...What's so great! Maybe the shopkeeper of Yiren Pavilion is here to cause trouble with the Luo family. I'm not sure what happened.

He was eagerly hoping that something would happen to the Luo family.

If it weren't for the Luo family, she wouldn't be complained like this by her mother-in-law and husband.

It’s all the Luo family’s fault!

The others looked at her lightly, saying it was nothing special.

However, other families in the village did not have the ability to let the shopkeeper of Yiren Pavilion come to their door.

And when you say this, could you please pay attention to your tone?

The sourness can match that of sauerkraut that has been stored for several seasons.

Some smart women murmured in their hearts, feeling that the Luo family was different.

You have to be more careful when speaking and doing things from now on!

The Luo family still didn't know that there had been a welcome change in the attitude of the people in the village towards them.

They were stunned when they looked at the money sent by Shopkeeper Yun.

This feeling of sitting at home and having someone come to give you money...

Surprised, happy, and relieved.

Every pore in my body seemed to relax in an instant.

I'm not just here to give you money today, I also have good news to tell you. Shopkeeper Yun didn't laugh when he saw that the Luo family was stunned.

When he made his first business, he was not as good as the Luo family!

It’s never too happy to make money with your hands.

Luo Shui's eyes lit up and asked: Good news? Is it necessary to increase the amount of facial fat?

Apart from this, she couldn't think of any other good news.

Shopkeeper Yun was startled, stretched out his hand and tapped Luo Shui, and looked at Luo Er.

Brother Luo, your daughter is so smart! He smiled with admiration on his face.

Not only is he smart, he also has an exquisite heart with seven orifices.

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