When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 983 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Of course, Mrs. Guo would not let go of the Luo family easily, gritted her teeth and said:

Who else could it be if it weren't you? The Tian sisters are the witnesses. Even if you sue the county master, it's still your fault!

Xie Yuan was still avoiding suspicion at first, but when he heard that this man actually used a mere county magistrate to suppress the little girl.

A coldness flashed through the peregrine-like black eyes.

Carefully place Luo Shui's favorite flowers and the bow and arrow on his body.

Xie Yu said, I borrowed it, and the crowd opened a path.

After passing through the crowd, he looked at Guo and Fan Xiaohua and said calmly: I beat him.

What I was thinking in my mind was whether the attack was too harsh, wouldn't it scare Luo Shui?

He didn't know why he felt a rage rising in his heart when he heard Luo Shui being scolded.

His whole body was on fire.

He temporarily interpreted all this as feeling guilty for Luo Shui!

Because when he first met Luo Shui and his family, he had a bad attitude and regarded the Luo family as shameless people.

Guo was stunned.

I didn't expect that there were other people involved.

Seeing the imposing Xie Qi, she felt inexplicably weak.

Who are you? You said you hit her, why did you hit my daughter?

The tone was obviously much weaker.

Xie Yuan looked coldly and said, Why? Probably because I'm in a bad mood!

That pig-headed mouth is too poisonous. The most important thing is that she disturbed me!

When he mentioned the word pig head, he glanced at Fan Xiaohua.

Fan Xiaohua's whole face turned red when she saw such a high-spirited and unusual-looking young man, with an expression of budding love.

Although no one can see this expression.

When she heard Xie Yun's vicious words, her face instantly turned pale and her lips trembled slightly.

That little bit of excitement dissipated instantly.

Pig, pig head?

Who caused her to turn into a pig head? !

Mrs. Guo also didn't expect that this young man who looked like an aristocratic young master would have such a vicious mouth.

She was stunned for a moment, and then said: Is the young master too overbearing? Why did my daughter disturb you at the foot of the mountain?

The implication is that the foot of the mountain does not belong to his family.

Guo wanted to be angry, but she knew she couldn't.

This boy is obviously unusual.

What if I offend him and ruin my son's future?

Xie Yuan's smile was slightly cold, In front of the public, your daughter's mouth is so bad that it offends me. I can't be angry?

Besides, he can teach anyone he wants to teach. Is there a problem?

There are few people in the capital who can control him.

What's more, in this place, of course, you can do whatever you want.

Moreover, when he used the county magistrate to threaten the little girl in a roundabout way, he was not so serious.

Come on, bully the weak and fear the strong!

He happened to be annoyed by this kind of person the most.

Mrs. Guo was so angry that her face turned purple, but she really didn't dare to be presumptuous.

He hit Fan Xiaohua hard on the back and pulled her back.

Damn girl, I let you talk nonsense, can you hold yourself back to death if you don't talk?

You learn all kinds of things that smell good and smell bad, why don’t you go to heaven...

While cursing, he pulled Fan Xiaohua home.

The honest old Fan bowed his head and looked at Luo Er and felt unable to lift his head.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't take care of my family well and caused you trouble.

Then, he went back without looking back.

When the two families broke off their engagement, Lao Fan felt that his wife had done something wrong.

He also knew that his daughter had a bad temper and was too talkative, and would suffer sooner or later.

But he has been accustomed to silence since he was a child. He cannot speak and has little status in the family. Nothing he says will work.

As soon as everyone saw that all the parties involved had left, they immediately dispersed.

In an instant, there were not many people left to watch the excitement.

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