When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 993 Madam, I have earned my life for you.

Rosen was thinking wildly and walked into the kitchen.

Dad, thank you for looking for me.

Before Luo Er could react, he looked up and saw Xie Yu.

And he... was washing the dishes!

This...let the junior see him washing dishes...

Doesn't he want to lose face? !

Rosen is itchy!

He glanced at his son sinisterly and finished washing the dishes without changing his expression.

After cleaning his hands, he left the kitchen.

Aren't you in trouble? Why don't you go quickly! Luo Er looked at Luo Sen with an expressionless face.

My son is really here to collect debt!

Lawson: ... What happened to him?

Curling his lips silently, Rosen left the house without looking back.

The whole family is a treasure, but he is grass.

Luo Er looked at Xie Yu, Are you looking for me?

He was even more confused than Luo Sen. He couldn't even imagine what Xie Yuan wanted to do with him.

Xie Qiu curled his lips and said with a smile: I heard yesterday that you want to find a husband for An An, and I happen to have someone to recommend to you. What do you think?

Although it was a question, he was confident that Luo Er would agree.

Because the Luo family's foundation is really weak.

It is really difficult to find a suitable gentleman.

Luo Er's heart was moved for a moment, and he looked at Xie Yu with deep meaning in his eyes.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Who knows what this kid is planning?

He refused outright.

No need, An An is still young, you can look for her slowly, we are not in a hurry.

Favors are hard to return.

He would rather go the extra mile than take advantage of others.

What's more, we don't know each other very well.

Xie Yu didn't expect that he would be rejected outright.

The expression on his face almost collapsed, and he became anxious in his heart.

Uncle, please listen to me!

...The person I want to introduce is my grandfather, you should have met him once.

My grandpa had countless disciples, and he enjoyed teaching for half his life. This time he came here to accompany me.

I did have selfish motives for asking Grandpa to teach An An!

The old man is too old to teach too many students, but he has a restless temper.

Staying at home all day makes people very depressed.

The younger generation saw that An An was smart and stable, so he introduced her to his grandfather.

My grandpa said that everything should wait until we meet in person, so what happens next is unknown.

I say this, is Uncle Luo still unwilling?

Luo Er hesitated.

If that's the case, then...

Before he could respond, Wang Wanniang's voice came from behind.

We agreed! I will take my son to visit the old gentleman tomorrow. Thank you very much, young master.

Xie Qiu's eyes lit up and he saluted Wang Wanniang.

Thank you Aunt Luo for trusting me, you won't be disappointed.

Seeing that his wife agreed, Luo Er put aside all the questions he had in his mind and nodded to Xie Yu.

After the young man left, he looked at Wang Wanniang.

Why did you agree, madam? Aren't you afraid that that boy has other agendas?

What's there to gain? Wang Wanniang shook her head with a smile.

Xie Yun comes from an extraordinary family, and even if he stays here, he won't last long.

Looking at his words and deeds, you can guess that his grandfather was at least a great scholar.

Famous teachers are hard to find. Now that I have this opportunity, I want to seize it for An An.

Even if he doesn't study for long, the teachings from a great scholar, even a little bit of knowledge, is enough to benefit An An for a lifetime!

Especially since An An is still young, the benefits in the future are needless to say.

Her father told her these truths.

Mr. Wang is not stupid. After passing the scholar examination, it is not impossible to go further.

It just stops there because no one teaches it.

Therefore, Mr. Wang does not force his children to study.

How easy is it for a poor family to change their family background?

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