When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 995 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Mr. Wang glanced at Wang Xiao unexpectedly, with an emotionless smile in his voice.

The eldest son is filial, your mother and I can live with the eldest son.

It’s just that we’re not young anymore, so I’m afraid we won’t be able to do the work in the fields in the future!

Also, the whole grains and wild vegetables taste tasteless. Your mother and I want to eat white flour.

By the way, meat is also indispensable, and there are two pairs of clothes for one season...

It is said that he is a scholar and at the end he can be a teacher.

But the village is so poor that it is difficult for people in the village to eat, let alone study.

Even children from rich families looked down upon a poor scholar like him, whose knowledge was useless.

Of course, Mr. Wang said these words deliberately, and he just wanted to dispel his eldest son's thoughts.

Wang Xiao and Wei, ... Want to eat shit? !

They themselves cannot afford white flour and meat.

The two old ones still want to eat white noodles and meat.

What a beautiful idea! ! !

Wang Xiaopi gave a half-hearted smile.

Dad, are you kidding me? How can my son afford white flour and meat?

There are also clothes, just wear some. It would be a waste to wear two in one season!

My father and mother are not very old. Who among the old people in the village doesn’t work?

The villagers would point their fingers at an old man who doesn't work and curse him, Dad shouldn't want to, right?

If only he could be served so carefully.

Why is he arguing with his stupid second brother?

Do you really think he is the founder of a charity?

Mr. Wang's expression remained unchanged.

Your father, am I kidding you? I'm not kidding you.

As for what you said about being laughed at by the villagers, what does it have to do with it?

Your mother and I will take good care of ourselves and try to live a few more years.

Those infamy? You can't hear anything when you close your eyes, so why bother with so much!

Wang Xiao was so heartbroken that his breathing almost stopped.

I have already begun to curse the old immortal in my heart.

When did his father become so shameless? !

Haha! Wang Xiao laughed.

If you follow the dick, will you eat like this and dress like this?

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

It would be nice if Wang Yaoqiong's jingle could make them eat whole grains and wild vegetables.

Wang Yao and Han looked at each other with guilt and shame on their faces.

It's because they don't have the ability...

Mr. Wang patted his second son's shoulder comfortingly.

Of course not, your brother is suffering!

I don't have a spare copper on hand,

You all know to be filial to me and your mother and support this family.

How can we have the nerve to force your second brother like this?

As he spoke, he looked at Wang Xiao.

It's you, you have a lot of money and earn more than Yao'er.

Your mother and I have suffered all our lives, and it's time to enjoy the blessings.

Mrs. Wei sighed inwardly and looked at the old couple with very unkind eyes.

She and her husband are just being taken advantage of!

Two old immortals are worthy of each other.

The partiality is obvious, and there is no fear of retribution.

Mrs. Wei was so angry that she didn't even look at Wang Xiao and just laughed.

Oh, look at what you said, dad, my husband and I are suffering!

As he spoke, he wiped away non-existent tears.

She said without changing her expression, The two boys at home are growing, and they want to kiss each other in the future.

My husband can’t do too heavy a job, so I take care of the house.

Everywhere requires money, it’s difficult for a daughter-in-law!

Unlike my younger siblings, I don’t have a boy, so I save an incredible amount of money.

Since my father and mother took the initiative to go to the second room, I guess that’s what they thought too!

Since our parents feel sorry for us, my husband and I agreed.

Even if I am speaking to the outside world, I would like to ask my parents to say a few words for us as a couple...

This was said very shamelessly.

It's obvious that he got a good deal and behaved well.

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