When the fast-wearing boss got the female supporting script

Chapter 997 Madam, my husband has earned your life.

Wang Wanniang felt warm in her heart, and her eyes when she looked at Luo Er seemed to be soaked in spring water.

On behalf of my parents, I would like to thank my husband.

She was already good-looking, but now her husband and son did all the hard work at home.

She also took good care of her body, and her face was even covered with skin care products specially made for her by Luo Shui.

Now her face is radiant, her temperament is scholarly and gentle, and she doesn't look like a country woman.

Luo Er looked at the smile on her lips and felt a fresh feeling of first marriage.

At that time, when the hijab was lifted, the lady also smiled slightly.

That smile came into his heart instantly.

Thank you for what? Isn't it right? My parents have been kind to me, my son-in-law, and I want to repay them!

In the past, it was okay to have more than enough ambition but not enough strength.

Now that our daughter is taking advantage of us, our family's life is better, so it's time to respect our parents.

Wang Wanniang's eyebrows and smile became more gentle.

When a daughter's family marries, how many men would like their wife to care about the Yue family?

I am lucky to marry my husband, and I am extremely satisfied with my life today.

She doesn't ask for much, her husband is considerate, her children are filial and sensible, that's enough!

Luo Er smiled and said: Are you satisfied now? There will be many good days in the future!

He felt that his family would not stop there.

That night, in the main room of the Luo family's second room——

Luo Anan knew that her father, mother, brother and sister were going to town tomorrow.

And he wanted to go to Xie's house to study with Mr. Lu, but he couldn't go, and his fair and cute little face suddenly fell down.

However, the child was calm and sensible, with a slightly resentful look in his eyes at most and not a single complaint.

Luo Shui loves his younger brother the most, seeing his aggrieved look.

He held the person in his arms and pinched Luo An's little face.

Are you aggrieved An'an? My sister will buy you candied haws on a stick tomorrow, okay?

Stop being angry. If you get angry again, you won’t be cute!

Luo An's little face was tangled. He wanted to say that he was a man but not cute, but he looked at his sister's crooked eyebrows.

He gave up on himself and thought, just be cute, as long as your sister is happy.

An An is not angry anymore. He pinched Luo Shui's little finger and smiled, showing his little milk teeth.

Luo Sen thought his younger brother was a bit cute and said, Second brother will buy you osmanthus cake tomorrow.

Luo An nodded.

Dad, Mom, should our family buy a mule? Rosen asked.

Horse-drawn carriages are expensive, ox-carts are slow, and mule-carts are inexpensive and can carry heavy loads. The key is convenience.

Mule? Luo Er pondered in his mind, The family should really buy a mule. It will be more convenient for going anywhere.

Moreover, mules are not expensive and are very useful.

Dad, do you agree? Rosen asked happily.

Luo Jin was also very happy.

After all, a mule is a big item!

What's the point of disagreeing? Let's go take a look tomorrow. If there's something suitable, we'll buy it and drive to your grandpa's place. Luo Er said.

Lawson clapped his hands and said, That's it.

He has already thought about it. He will find a few more middlemen tomorrow and he can always buy it.

Early the next morning.

Send Luo An to Xie's house at the entrance of the village.

Luo Shui and others planned to go to town.

Before they reached the official road, there was a sound of horse hooves and chariot wheels grinding across the ground from behind.

Luo Shui turned around and saw the driver of the carriage, who was clearly Xie Qiu.

Before he could react, he only heard a soft Oh... from the young man's mouth.

The carriage stopped in front of the Luo family.

Xie Yun first said hello politely and said: ...I just want to go to town, so I'll give you a ride on the way!

Li Sheng's cattle have to go to the fields today and cannot be sent to town.

Luoshui's family originally thought they were going to walk today.

Hearing Xie Chun's words, the whole family's eyes lit up.

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