If it is more tiring than killing zombies, it is sleeping with warmth.

    Killing zombies is very simple, she only needs to continue to output firepower, and after a while, the zombies will be roasted by her to be charred outside and tender inside.

    But not the same as a warm bed.

    She couldn't control her cry, her voice was soft and soft, which surprised her that she could make such a reverie and shy voice.

    She couldn't control her body, her body was weak and weak, like a puddle of water, no matter how warm she was, she could make some splashes.

    The house is not big, but warmth can always play tricks in this small house.

    Up against the wall, on the table, under the shower head, on the mirror...

    Sang Er felt that she was about to be spoiled by warmth.

    She looked at the sunset outside, the sunset was infinitely beautiful, but unfortunately it was the sunset of the second day.

    Sang Er was lying on the bed weakly, her body had been cleaned, no accident, she was warmly played again while taking a bath.

    She was like a paralyzed patient, staring blankly at the sunset, taking deep breaths constantly, and exhaling the breath that had been unable to breathe comfortably.

    As soon as she came out of the warm bath, she heard Sang Er let out a long sigh of relief, she pressed her eyebrows, and knew that Sang Er had been tossed badly during this time.

    It's just that the evil fire came too violently, she couldn't control it for a while, and she tormented Sang tirelessly and relentlessly.

    Warm felt that she was so out of control all of a sudden, and it was definitely related to An Min's second-generation antidote, thinking about going to ask An Min what happened tomorrow.

    Warm walked to the bed, and just sat on it, she saw Sang Er's body tense, she smiled helplessly, stroked Sang Er's hair, and her tone was apologetic.

    "I'm sorry, I can't control it, is it uncomfortable?" Wen Nuan checked Sang Er's body, except for some redness and swelling in some places and the marks that she had bitten and pinched all over her body , and other places are fine.

      Thirty hours! Thirty hours! Fortunately, the heroine's body in this mission world is strong, otherwise, she will be killed by your old beast life! 】

    He touched his nose warmly and embarrassedly, and said embarrassedly: "I don't want to, I think it was An Min's drug attack, and I couldn't control myself for a while, so..."

    The system kept explaining warmly, and kept scolding her [beast—]

    With a warm sigh, she hugged Sang Er in her arms, rubbed her waist, and whispered: "Little Er, I was wrong, or you scold me or hit me, it's fine. ?"

    Sang Er's eyes gradually recovered from lack of clarity, she turned her head mechanically, and was silent for a moment: "...It's okay."

    Although physically tired, she is also very comfortable.

    She looked at her warm eyes, probably because she had just taken a bath, her warm eyes were watery, like stones in a mountain stream, very beautiful.

    "Why are you... like that?" Sang Ye couldn't tell, anyway, she felt the warmth as if she had lost control.

    In the past, when she cried and begged for mercy, she was warmly appeased. It was like last night, no matter whether she cried or resisted, she was warmly and more powerfully suppressed.

    Sang Er felt the warmth as if she was really going to eat her.

    Heard her hoarse voice, took the water from the table and fed her, "It may be related to the medicine An Min gave me, go to the laboratory tomorrow morning and ask."

    Sang Er took two sips, and felt that her dry throat was relieved a lot. She rolled her throat, "...It's okay."

    Warm put the water glass back, and when she heard what Sang said, she wondered, "What's alright?"

    "Compared to the last test, your reaction is better this time."

    The warm eyelashes trembled: "I've tossed you into this, what's good?"

    "It's not the same," Sang raised her still sore hand and touched her warm and smooth cheek, "I'd rather be in pain than you were in pain like last time."

    "You're helpless like that, I can't help you."

    "I can help you this time, so it's good."

     With a warm and moving expression, she blinked her sour eyes, bowed her head and kissed Sang Er, "Little Ear, you are so kind to me."

    So good that I don't know how to love you to be worthy of you.

    Sang Er wrapped her arms around her warm neck and pressed the two of them tightly together, "I'm good without you."

    You don't know...how much you mean to me, nothing compares to your life.



    The next morning, the two rushed to the laboratory to find An Min to settle accounts.

    There is only An Min in the laboratory, Gao Zhengwu and Chu Han are not there, not even ordinary experimental assistants, because An Min does not like to have people beside him when he is doing experiments.

    A weird guy.

    An Min watched the two men come to fight, and there was no surprise. Instead, he took out the third-generation antidote and asked for a warm try.

     Before Nuan could speak, Sang Er stood in front of her and looked at the third-generation antidote vigilantly, "What is the effect of the drug this time?"

    If it is still like the first-generation antidote, she will not allow An Min to take this warmly.

    An Min was keenly aware that Sang Ye was a little unsteady, and raised his eyebrows: "The effect of the third-generation antidote is very mild, and it won't make it difficult for you."

    Sang Er didn't understand the meaning of An Min's words, but Wen Wen understood immediately.

    She pulled Sang behind her and took the white capsule in An Min's hand, "So you already knew that the effect of the second-generation antidote was..."

    I didn't say everything, but the three people present knew it well.

    Sang Er's ears turned red, and she gave An Min a vicious look.

    An Min spread his hands: "It's not like I already knew, the results of the blood test."

    "Why didn't you tell me?" Nuan was not notified by An Min.

    An Min raised his chin towards Sang Er: "Because the antidote is by your side."

    Sang Er heard ambiguity and watched the two literati play dumb puzzles in front of her.

    Warmly startled, then laughed: "You see very clearly."

    An Min reached out, "After all, the brain is not developed in vain."

    "Does it hurt again?" Warm gave An Min treatment.

    "It hurts all the time."

    An Min knew that his deadline was approaching, so he was speeding up the process to make an antidote.

    He sighed warmly: "How long will it take?"

    "If the effect of the third-generation antidote is not so strong this time," An Min's eyes were deep, "It will be within half a month."

    "What about you?"

    An Min paused and smiled: "It's about the time."

    Warm withdrew her hand, "Don't you have any other way to save yourself?"

    "Yes," An Min's eyes were very calm, unusually calm, he was as indifferent when facing death as when facing the daily rising and setting of the sun.

    He said lightly: "It's not needed."

    This is atonement, his most sincere apology to the world.

    Sang Er frowned, she naturally knew that An Min would die, and also knew that he was atonement for the research and development of H medicine.

    Although she hates An Min, she has to admit that An Min is the most selfless person.

    "I've never understood, why are you looking for a warm reagent?"

    Sang Yee wanted to ask An Min this question for a long time, he was clearly researching the antidote for the sequelae of H medicine, obviously he could use zombies to test medicine, why should he use warmth to test medicine?

    He said that warmth is the most successful and perfect medicinal effect of H medicine.

    An Min did not answer Sang Er's question directly, "A lifetime is short for you, but for warmth, she is eternal."

    "The antidote I originally planned to make is extinct. As long as the human body has a reaction to the after-effects of the H drug, both zombies and supernatural beings will become the victims of this apocalypse," An Min Looking at the warmth, "But she won't. She is the perfect embodiment of the H medicine. She has no reaction to the after-effects of the H medicine, so the antidote I made at the beginning has no effect on her."

    Sang Er immediately understood An Min's words. If An Min's antidote is successfully developed, the zombies can be completely destroyed, and the zombies can be restored to human consciousness, but their lifespans will be shortened a lot.

      When the antidote is developed, their lifespan will also be shortened. Only ordinary people can really survive in this world, and they will be the vitality and prosperity of the new era.

    And they will slowly die with the zombies in this dilapidated world.

    But the warmth will not, she will live forever.

    Sang Ye looked warm in disbelief, her eyes were sour, and she choked: "Did you... intentional?"

    Give up immortality at your fingertips, which is the dream of all human beings.


    It would be so boring without you in this world.

    Immortal, eternal, this is not the gift of the world, but the most cruel punishment.


    It will also slowly die in this world along with Sang.

    Immortal life is someone else's dream, the only warm dream is Sang Er.

    Sang Ye couldn't control her tears, her eyes blurred instantly, she hoarsely complained in a low voice: "But...but you will hurt."

    "It doesn't hurt," Huannuan hugged Sang Er and coaxed softly, "With the small ears, the warmth will not hurt."

    "The little ears are warm and "huhu" so it doesn't hurt."

    Sang Er's tears flowed more fiercely, any "huhu" is a deceiving trick.

    After those old grandmothers gave her "huhu" before, she was still in pain.

    So the warmth still hurts, she will still hurt.

    An Min walked out of the laboratory in a timely manner, giving them a quiet environment to "huhu" each other.

    He wiped his nosebleed, looked at the unexpectedly clear sky outside, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

    "It will end."

    "Humanity must be the victor of this last age."

    No doubt.

    Chapter 137

     Nuan took the third-generation antidote, and the effect of the drug reaction was exactly as An Min said, the reaction was not very severe, but slightly drowsy.

    In order to monitor the warm condition at all times, An Min did not let the warm leave the laboratory.

    Sang Er did not leave the laboratory, and she would not affect the experiment between the two. She sat obediently and watched the drowsy warmth in the closed room.

    "Does she hurt?"

    An Min paused and said softly, "It will hurt a little."

    The experiment process is not peaceful, all kinds of sudden situations will appear, and unexpected surprises will come quietly.

    Sang Er clenched her fingers and said in a difficult voice: "Does it have to hurt?"

    "Probabilistic questions, I can't answer you accurately," An Min looked at Sang Er, "Are you afraid of pain?"

    "I'm afraid she will hurt."

    An Min put down the pen in his hand, turned to look at Sang Er, and said seriously: "Actually, you are afraid of pain, so you are afraid of her pain."

     Her fingertips trembled slightly, her eyes dimmed for a moment, "Really?"

    When wandering, when begging, when hungry.

    Because she was too hungry, she wanted to eat a bun, but the merchants beat her and scolded her to satisfy her hunger, so she almost got bitten from the mouth of a wild dog.

      Law gave her a small place to catch her breath.

    Sang Er looked at the warm and beautiful eyebrows and frowned, she was suffering inside, and she could only look at the warmth and pain outside and could not do anything.

    She didn't like the powerlessness.

    An Min can feel Sang Er's mood is low, but he is not a very comforting person.

    "I think you should trust her," An Min looked at the warmth in the closed room, "she is stronger than you think."

    Sang Er drooped, her fingertips turned white, "But...I can't help her."

    Whether it was before or now, she couldn't help the warmth, and achieved nothing.

    "No," An Min looked at Sang Er and said lightly, "You are very useful to her."

    Sang Er's eyes were explored and surprised, "What?"

    "If you want to count it down, you are the antidote to the warm release H potion."

    Sang Er's eyes flashed: "What... mean?"

    An Min said unhurriedly: "Actually, it's easy to explain, when the warmth is testing the medicine, the reaction is usually huge, others can't get close to her, or even be attacked by her, but you won't ."

    "You can get close to her, touch her, and soothe her."

    "You are her top priority."


    For a whole week, An Min made the antidote very fast, and the frequency of warm reagents was also very fast, even the zombies that the ability user had just caught had no time to replenish the reagents.

    The antidote has been developed to the seventh generation, and the effect of the drug has gradually become balanced, and there is no strong reaction. The zombies, power users or warm people who eat the capsules have very different reactions. Peaceful, and the H medicine in the body is rapidly disintegrating and collapsing.

    Zombies began to appear human consciousness, their memories will only stay before they become zombies, and the memories after becoming zombies do not remain at all.

    After taking the seventh-generation antidote, they can feel the fluctuation of the supernormal ability in the body, which is the reaction of the seventh-generation antidote.

    As for warmth, she could feel that the perfect reaction chain of the H medicine in her body was completely destroyed. From now on, she will become a short-lived ability user.

      Before his arrival, he was just a mediocre ordinary person who accidentally inspired supernatural powers and became the overlord of the world in the apocalypse. Naturally, he was unwilling to give up such preferential treatment.

      Antidote implementation policy.

    [The antidote has been made, are we leaving? 】The system asked.

    At this time, the blackening value of the heroine has dropped to 0.3, and it can be completely eliminated with only one opportunity.

    Warm took a breath, "Come soon."

    She looked at Sang who had walked downstairs, "After the antidote is released, how long will the lives of power users and zombies be shortened?"

    An Min didn't have the exact time, just saying one sentence would be short-lived.

    [It is speculated that within a month, both power users and zombies will completely disappear from this world. ] The calculation of the system will have a higher accuracy than that of An Min.

    In addition, the system also has the main storyline of this world. In the original storyline, after An Min developed the antidote, the power users and zombies will gradually disappear from the stage of history.

     Warm brows wrinkled: "The death of the main character in the world will not cause the quest world to collapse?"

    Although she has long known that the hero and heroine of this mission world will be short-lived, she still has some doubts.

    The system said: [This is a necessary condition, because the plot setting of this mission world is that An Min makes an antidote, overcomes the sequelae of the H medicine, liberates all mankind, and eliminates the end of the world, and the male and female protagonists It is the natural law of the Three Realms to complete their mission and retire, and there is no collapse of the world. 】

     Wen Nuan heard the door open, turned around, leaned back against the railing, and watched Sang come in.

    She raised her hand, "Little ear, come and give me a hug."

    Sang Er put her things aside, took off her dirty clothes, walked over, buried herself in her warm arms, and said in a muffled voice, "What's wrong?"

    "Just wanted to hug you."

    Sang Er felt a little warm and depressed, "What's the matter? Is there something unhappy?"

    "I'm not unhappy, I just miss you."

    "Missed me?" Sang poked her head out and smiled, "Warm, it's been less than a day since I left you, so you miss me?"

    He bowed his head warmly and kissed her forehead, "Well, as long as you leave me, even for a second, I will be crazy."

    The sadness and memory of you are getting more and more serious.

    Sang Ye's eyebrows and eyes curled, "Warm, you are so clingy."

    "Do you like being stuck by me?"

    Sang Er hugged her warm waist, dangling around her, and said with a smile, "I really like it."

    "Little ears?" She touched her eyebrows warmly and softly, "If you have one month left in your life, what do you want to do?"

    Sang Er blinked, thought about it, and said, "I don't know, but as long as I'm by your side, it doesn't matter if I die tomorrow."

    Warm and helpless smile: "Seriously, think about it, is there anything you want to do?"

    What do you want to do?

    Before, she wanted to have a home, to have parents who love her and love her, but later she felt that she was too delusional, so she changed her dream.

    She wants to live, to live in this sinful world, to live in this cruel apocalypse.

    But after Nuan died, she didn't want to live anymore. That was the first time she felt that living was a kind of torture, and it would torture people to the point of death.

    And now, Nuan has come back from the dead, she has always been by her side to accompany her, and the end of the world is about to end, if there is really something you want to do.

    "I thought about it." A thought flashed through San'er's mind.

     Warmly said: "What?"

    "I want a home."

    She still wanted to try her best to fulfill her original dream.

    Have a home?

    Sang Er is an orphan, and her biological parents cannot be found. Now in the end of the world, I am afraid that it has long been the mouth of the zombies, and the old couple who raised her have long since settled in the soil. Now Sang Er's relatives are also Mu Xuan.

    Warm doesn't know the meaning of "home" in Sang's mouth.

    She asked tentatively, "How do you want to...have a "home"?"

    Sang Er looked warm, this is the person she misses, the person she puts on the top of her heart, the person she can't bear to call her pain, the person she loves so much in her whole life.

    Why is it half a lifetime?

    Because An Min told them that once the antidote is released, the continuation of their lives will come to an abrupt end, and they will gradually disappear, and eventually disappear with the end times.

    Half life is the whole of Sang Er, her childhood was too hard, she was homeless, had no relatives, and survived without support to this day, she is very grateful to God for her mercy.

    What made her even more unexpected was that God sent warmth to her, like a traveler who was about to freeze to death in winter, warmed by a beam of bright light.

    Nowadays, she greedily wants to keep this light by her side forever, even if she enters Jiuquan under the loess, she still wants to warm this light and only shine on her alone.


    She replied, "Well, I'm here."

    Sang Er's nose was sour, her voice trembled, and she said, "Let's get married, okay?"

    Warm widened his eyes and looked at Sang in disbelief.

    As soon as I said the words, tears could not help but flowed down my cheeks instantly.

    Sang Er wiped her tears and said solemnly: "Warm, let's get married, I want to have a family with you."

    She wants a home, and warmth is the "home" she has been looking for for a long time.

    Chapter 138

    An Min developed the antidote for the sequelae of the H drug, and the drug was named "Rebirth"!

    The successful development of "Rebirth" has immediately attracted the attention of human beings all over the world. Regarding the release of the antidote, everyone unanimously set the time on October 1st. This is a commemorative festival. From now on In the future, its significance will be even greater.

      Can, let the antidote quickly flow in the air and fly to a farther and wider place.

    Wherever you go, there is life everywhere.

    Half a month after the release of the antidote, two-thirds of the zombies in the world have been wiped out, and the number of zombies who have temporarily regained human consciousness is also gradually increasing, but the after-effects of the H medicine have already destroyed their bodies The functions are completely destroyed, and they cannot survive for a long time, but for them, even if they die, it is a good thing to die as a "person".


    The continuous death did not affect the S-class base in Kyoto at the moment. After all, they were busy preparing for the wedding of Wennuan and Sang Er, and everyone thought that they could have a wedding wine before they died. Died right.

    "Sister Sang, I got you the gold-type power user you wanted," Mu Xuan pulled a young man who looked to be in his early twenties and walked in, "Hey, he It's called Lin Feng, a Grade A gold-type ability user, one of the few gold-type ability users who has not died."

    Lin Feng rolled his eyes at Mu Xuan and said helplessly, "Can we talk properly? It's like he's expecting me to die."

    Mu Xuan smiled apologetically: "Okay, I don't want you to die, I will definitely die before you, okay?"

    Sang Er looked Lin Feng up and down, and asked curiously, "What did you do before?"

    Because people found that the power of the power user is closely related to the person's previous life, just like she worked as a cook for a period of time before, so the fire power was inspired.

    Chu Han seems to be a college student majoring in computer science, so he inspired the electric power. As for Mu Xuan, who studied civil engineering in college, he inspired the soil power. , The math scores are very good, and the understanding of geometric space is very thorough, so Sang Er suspects that Mu Xuan's space system ability has something to do with his good mathematical geometry.

    Lin Fengdao: "Learn design, jewelry design."

    Sang Er's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise: "This profession is good!"

    "...." Lin Feng was taken aback by her praise, "What's the good?"

    How does a college student studying jewelry design survive in the last days?

    Design jewelry for zombies so that they won't eat him?


    Lin Feng looked at the bag of crystal cores, "You don't want me..."

     Brother Sang patted Lin Feng on the back nicely, "Look, it's not bad you're a college student, you immediately understand the needs of customers."

    Mu Xuan accosted him and praised without hesitation: "That's right, Lin Fenglin is a top student in a famous design university, and his professional ability and ability to understand the real needs of customers are definitely leverage. !"

    Lin Feng: "...."

    I always feel like I've fallen into a wolf's den.

    Warmly looking at the arranged auditorium, white gauze and colorful flowers are decorated everywhere, a bit like the style of Western weddings held in churches before.

    Chu Han connected the wires on the side, and adjusted the lighting of the auditorium to have a special atmosphere.

    He saw the warmth coming over, "Have you tried the wedding dress?"

    Nodding warmly: "En, let's try it." She looked around for a week, "You guys are progressing fast."

    Chu Han patted the ashes on his palms and said helplessly: "Actually, there are still many things that are not complete, so I can only use them for you, don't feel shabby."

    "shabby what" smiled warmly, "It's not easy to hold a wedding now."

    Chu Han smiled and said: "It's good, there is still a happy event when I die, everyone is very happy."

    "Where is An Min?" Wen Nuan looked around, but saw no one.

    Chu Han pointed to the lounge at the back, "He's inside."


    "I seem to be watching your wedding speech. After all, you asked him to be your witness, so he takes this matter very seriously." This was the first time Chu Han saw An Min so serious, When he was developing the antidote for "Rebirth", he had never seen him so solemnly.

    "I'll go see him."


    Huan Wen walked to the lounge in the backstage, the door was not closed, she looked through the crack of the door, and saw An Min staring at a piece of paper, full of words, the original sentence on the paper was People crossed out heavily and then re-written it, as if the person who wrote something was not satisfied with the words on the paper.

    An Min felt an itchy nose, he pinched it with his hands skillfully, and wanted to get the tissue on the table.

    When he saw the tissue handed to him, he paused, then looked up and said, "Didn't you go to try on the wedding dress?"

    "Try it." Wen Nuan watched him plug his nose, and the blood instantly stained the tissue, "Do you want treatment?"

    An Min raised his brows and reached out, "Don't waste it."

    Warm helped him relieve his symptoms, looked at the paper on the table, "What are you writing?"

    An Min felt warm all over her body, and her nosebleeds stopped, "A speech that the witness needs to say."

    Warm saw that the paper was scratched several times, and it seemed that An Min was not satisfied, "Is it difficult?"

    It was just a speech from a witness, An Min seemed to have encountered the biggest incurable disease in the world.

    An Min nodded seriously: "It's harder than doing experiments."

    He raised his eyes, looking warmly expectantly, "Can I not..."

    Warm naturally knew what he was going to say, and interrupted him with a smile, "No way."

    An Min's firm back collapsed instantly, he sighed faintly.

    Warm and gloating smile: "Come on, I'll see your performance tomorrow."

    An Min: "..."

    He seriously suspects that the warmth is taking revenge on him.

    Warm returned to the dormitory and found that Sang Er was not in the room, but there was food on the table that Sang made for her, which was still hot, which meant that Sang was still in the room just now before going out.

    Hanging on the wall are two white wedding dresses, simple in style, made for them by the tailors in the base, but the materials are too few, after all, no one thought that anyone would be there Want to get married in the end times.

    [How does it feel to be married again? 】The system asked.

    Sitting on the bed warmly, he smiled: "It feels very good."

    [The heroine's blackening value is still 0.2. I feel that at the wedding, the heroine's blackening value will be completely cleared. ] The system speculates.


    Warm knows in her heart that once she and Sang get married, the blackening value will be eliminated, and she will also leave.

    The system can feel the warm emotions a little low, it comforts: [There are four worlds, you can stay together. 】

    "Yeah." Touching the wedding dress warmly, deep thoughts appeared in her eyes, "We will be together forever."

    The door was opened, and Sang Er saw the warmth looking at the wedding dress.

    She looked at the food on the table and asked, "Didn't you eat?"

    "Waiting for you," Wen Nuan said, "where have you been?"

    Sang Er dodged her eyes and touched the back of her head, "Mu Xuan, he has something to do with me, he said yes... Tell me about the funeral."

    Warm can see at a glance that Sang Er is lying, this little girl is too easy for her to see through her lies.

    She didn't break her, "wash your hands and eat."

    Seeing that Nuan did not continue to ask her, Sang sighed with relief, touched the things in her pocket, and went to the bathroom to wash.

    She washed her hands, walked out, saw Nuan still looking at the wedding dress, and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem with the wedding dress?"

    "No problem, just a little new."

    "What's new?" Sam asked, "What's new?"

    "I've never worn a wedding dress, so I'm a little excited."

    Whether in the original world or in the previous mission world, warmth never wore a wedding dress.


    Sang Er squeezed her hand, "I'm not wearing a wedding dress, but I'm not excited about it."

    Warm turned her head to look at her and asked with a smile, "Then why are you excited?"

    "Married to you," Sang Er's eyes were sincere and gentle, "I am very excited to marry you."

    He smiled warmly: "Why did you marry me? Why didn't you marry me?"

    "Also, I can do it, whether you marry me or I marry you, as long as that person is you, I can do it." Sang Er narrowed his eyes, smiled sweetly, and said charmingly .

    Warmly moved, she whispered, "Little ears?"

    Sang Er replied: "Well, I am here."

    She hugged San in her arms, "I am honored to meet you and fall in love with you."

    Sang Er's chest was agitated, and she smiled: "...Me too."

    I am lucky to meet you and fall in love with you.

    The wedding began, the auditorium was full of people, and all those who knew or did not know came to join in the fun.

    An Min stood on the high platform and watched Wennuan and Sang Er come over hand in hand in white wedding dresses.

    He was a little nervous, so he lowered his voice and read aloud the speech he had written for a long time. Tears filled the eyes of the people present, and even the warmth felt a little sour in the eyes.

    Warm Chong An Min raised his eyebrows: "It's well written."


    He looked at Sang Er and said, "Please... ask Miss Sang to take the oath."

    Warmly paused, then wondered: "And what about the oath?"

    She didn't make any preparations.

    The system despised her: [Don't think I don't know what you think, you are just anxious to enter the bridal chamber. 】

     Warm and awkward smile: "..."

    An Min spread her hands and pointed at Sang Er, "She gave me the procedure, I just follow the procedure."

    Sang Er's hands were entangled nervously, she took out the ring box, her eyes were lustrous, the corners of her eyes were already red, and she was nervous even stammering.

    "Lin Nuan, I love you and know...you love me, I am grateful to the gods in this world...let you be my wife, this is... Your desires... and pursuits, I have unconditional... trust in you, I am willing to submit to you, I am willing to..."

    Warm saw her hands shaking so much, she held her hand and comforted: "Speak slowly, I will listen slowly."

    Sang Er took a deep breath, tears flowed uncontrollably, and continued: "I am willing to be loyal to you forever, love you forever, where will you go... , I will follow you wherever you are, where you are...my destination, you are my forever...home I want to go back to, and the light I long for in my life."

    He sniffed his nose warmly, but tears had already blurred his eyes.

    Sang Er opened the ring box, took out the crimson diamond ring inside, and brought warmth with her fingers trembling, she forced her choking: "Warm, I love you."

    System: [Drop! The heroine's blackening value has been cleared, and a replica is being built. The tasker is about to split the task world, please be prepared. 】

     Looking warmly at the red diamond ring on the ring finger, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes

    She bit her red lips and smiled: "Sang Er, I love you too."

    [Three, two, one... The replica was built successfully, and the tasker was stripped! 】

    -Wait for me.

    Chapter 139

    My years as a general

    Gu Mingtao, the eldest son of Gu Mingtao, the general of the Ming Anguo Township, was conferred the title of "Shaozhen" deputy general by the first emperor just after reaching the crown.

    Later, Gu Mingtao, the general of Zhenguo, was attacked by Yao Dongguo and poisoned with arrows, causing Gu Mingtao to die on the battlefield from poison.

    And just when Yao Dongguo was proud of Ming Anguo, the major general Gu Nuan was not in a hurry to be distraught, and quickly assembled troops to attack Yao Dongguo, which lasted half a month, and finally killed the emperor Yao Dongguo in the dragon chair Above, the corpse was hung at the entrance of Luo Ning City, and the corpse was violently killed for seven days and seven nights, shocking the world.

    After this battle. Gu Nuan became famous as a young man, with outstanding military exploits, his son inherited his father's business, and became the new general of Ming Anguo, and he was also an invincible "God of War" in the hearts of the people.

    Gu Wennuan is good at conspiracy and weirdness.

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