Lucius kept Freya near him for the past month and observed her. At first, he doubted that she was a spy sent by his stepbrother. It was possible that she would collect information and send it to Hart.

There were some that were like that.

The people he picked as a servant put poison on his food, and put poison on his chemise. They tried to strangle him with a rope in his sleep and attacked him with a dagger.

It was endless.

Because of that Lucius slowly kept his distance from people, and in the end, he couldn’t trust anyone. He was able to survive as he doubted everyone that wasn’t Gemini or Herro.

I doubted that she was a lady sent by Milady…

Milady, unlike Hart, tried to destroy Lucius’s determination. She tried to persuade Lucius by sending an endless amount of young and pretty ladies. It seemed like she wanted to laugh at him who was all washed up because of love.

But it’s so weird.

What was the connection between the lady who was eating meat while having grease on her cheeks and licking her ten fingers and Milady?

No way she thought that I would fall for that right?

It seemed certain that she wasn’t sent by Hart nor Milady.

Huh, why does her eating bother me?

Freya didn’t pay any attention to Lucius who was beside her and focused on the meat. Her cheeks were full of grease.

She looks like a chipmunk.

Lucius was worried that she might suffocate.

“Slow down. You’re going to get heartburn.”

“It’s ok. My digesting ability is no match.”

As Lucius was looking at Freya, who waved her hand and ate meat again, his headaches a moment.

Freya, eat slowly. You’re going to get heartburn.

In Lucius’s head was a kind voice that didn’t seem like his.

What is this?

When Lucius put his hand on his forehead, Freya stopped eating.

“Ah! Hold on a moment.”

She wiped her greasy hands on the clothes and brought a small glass bottle. It was made by Herro and he asked her to feed it to Lucius if he was in pain.

“Here, drink it quickly.”

Lucius took the bottle she gave and stared into Freya’s eyes. The green eyes were emitting mystery under the lamp.

She feels oddly familiar….

But between the noble Royal like him and Freya, there was almost no chance of them knowing each other.

I can’t believe I’m thinking this. Am I going insane as Milady wanted him to?

Lucius grabbed the medicine bottle and put on a bitter smile.

“You may leave now.”

“Yes, rest well.”

Freya took the old cape on the wall and looked back at the food, then bowed before she left. As the tent opened, Lucius saw Freya’s jagged hair wave in the wind. He covered his eyes with one arm and let out a long sigh.

“I was wondering why he was being so nice.”

Freya stood outside the tent and sniffed her meat-smelling hands while looking gloomy.

“There’s nothing worse than to give it and then take it away…”

Freya mumbled the entire way back.

When she arrived at Archer’s tent, he was already asleep.

“As if he couldn’t sleep because he was worried.”

The tent was full of leftovers of the food Archer ate. Freya squatted down to clean it up a little and then found her spot. The moment she put the blanket on the ground and laid down she felt body-breaking pain.

“Whew. Feels like I’ll die of exhaustion before I get my money.”

As she was massaging her shoulder, she could see the shadow of the soldier patrolling.

How did I even get here?

She felt like she was going to get depressed by thinking so she thought of the moment she was eating meat.

“Anyways, it was great meat.”

Then she remembered Lucius’s face that was staring at her for a long time. The voice that was criticizing her eating fast sounded like something she heard before.

“Can’t believe I’m saying this gibberish after eating so much meat.”

Freya shook her hands to erase Lucius’s face and then closed her eyes.


Freya pumped out her chest confidently after wearing the white shirt and black pants. The black pants were a little bit so she wrapped lace around her waist a few times, and it was a sign of sewing as it had many holes. The white short also was made from the one that was thrown away by someone so it didn’t fit her well.

“But this is still much more comfortable!”

As she threw away the white shirt that had no practical use, she was humming. The clothes before were just for the look and were uncomfortable.

“No way he would take off the clothes I’m wearing.”

The sight of Lucius’s tent felt a little different than usual for some reason.

“Why is it so noisy?”

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