In the tall cornfield that overshadowed her height, the information on the map meant nothing to her.

“Feels like I’ve been here before.”

Freya left a mark wherever she passed as she was trying to get out. She caressed the string at the tip of her fingers and mumbled.

“Ah, I’m hungry.”

She remembered the bread she was carrying but then shook her head. She couldn’t have her emergency yet.

“Should I try a corn?”

Come to think of it, there was corn everywhere.

She took an ear of corn and sniffed it. It smelt sweet and tasty. She peeled it off and then bit into it. It was softer and sweeter than she thought and edible.

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“Ah, whatever.”

Her legs hurt from walking around and she was tired. She threw the empty cob and lay down.

“The sky is so pretty here.”

The sky she looked out the windows of the orphanage was always ash-like.

“Anyways, I should revise my plan. I have nothing.”

She stopped thinking about the few change she had in her small bag and kicked the corn stalk.

“I worked so hard and didn’t get a single gold coin!”

She felt bitter thinking about that.

She felt lost when she was separated from Ruth and felt pathetic that she was basically in the same situation.

“I should stop resting and get out. It might become dark at this rate.”

Even though she was brave, it didn’t mean she wasn’t scared of sleeping out.

Freya stood up, spread her arms out, tried to guess the direction, chose one, and then started walking again. Then the sun really started to go down.

“Am I really stuck in here?”

The cornfield started to become orange. As she felt hungry, Freya felt defeated.

“The sun comes down early.”

As it became dark, she wouldn’t be able to see anything soon.

“Looks like I’ll be sleeping in the cornfield…..”

As she was complaining, she heard an unknown sound.

“Is it an animal?”

Since it’s a cornfield, it was obvious that there will be wild animals. By the sound of the ground rumbling, it seemed like a pretty big one.

“I hope it’s the sound of the wind.”

She was caressing the dagger on her waist and swallowed. But she had no confidence in beating an animal with such little training she had.

“No. It’s important to always have confidence.”

She spoke as she was scared.

A moment later, the corn stalk swayed, and the thing that was making the sound appeared.

“What is that. A monster…?”

The tusk around the mount of an animal that was around three times the size of Archer shone with moonlight. Freya froze as she met an animal she’s never even heard of, let alone seen. She spoke to the animal with her eyes.

Please just go. I’m not tasty.

Despite Freya’s effort, the animal’s eyes became more vicious.

Prrr, prrr.

The animal that became excited started to dig the ground in front of it. It looked like it was getting ready to charge at her. The sharp dusk shone as it nodded.

I’ll be dead if I get stabbed by that.

The hand that was holding the dagger started to become sweaty.

Where should I stab if it charges at me? Can I even stab it?

The leather of the animal seemed so thick that the dagger didn’t seem to be sufficient. It was when she was trembling in nerves. Someone came to her quietly and covered her eyes.

“…. Your-.”

She felt Lucius’s form she got familiar with by spending time together behind her.

“…. Sh. It’s ok.”

She was surprised at the sudden appearance of Lucius, but the animal was about to charge at them so she couldn’t pay attention to him. He brushed Freya’s frozen arm and whispered.

“Just stand here. Don’t run or scream.”

“…. OK.”

Lucius took out a long sword with the hands that covered her eyes and then breathed silently.

It was that moment.

The animal kicked in and then started charging at them. The ground shook like there was an earthquake, and there was so much dust that it was hard to keep her eyes open. Freya covered her eyes in fear.

The sword seemed to slash the air and then the beast screamed.

“Oh my….”

As she carefully uncovered her face and lowered her hands, she saw Lucius putting one foot on the beast with his sword deep in its side.

“It’s ok now. Freya.”

Lucius whispered while wiping the blood off the side of his face. Freya blankly stared at him and breathed a sigh of relief.

This is a scary sight for sure….

Lucius looked like how the rumour had it with slaying the beast with one slash.

Anyone freezes when they meet his vicious eyes that bring blood.

But with his blonde hair that shone with moonlight and his smile, he looked rather fancy.

I’m crazy. What am I thinking right now?

Lucius took care of his sword and went to her and grabbed her wrist. Freya’s eyes became round like rabbit’s in surprise.

“Uh, uh….”

Freya looked at the wrist that was being held and screamed.

“Your Majesty, there’s blood…..!”

The blood from Lucius’s wound streamed down the back of her hand. It must be a wound he got from taking care of the beast.

“Looks like I got him. Ah, I’m dizzy.”

His face instantly turned white, his legs wobbled and Freya quickly helped him.


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