Lucius’ office was set up in the Imperial Palace, but there was a separate place where he handled things secretly. Sitting at his desk and looking at maps and documents, he flew a dagger that reached toward the door. As soon as the dagger which was making the sound of cutting the wind was stuck in the door, Hero stuck his head out.


“I told you to make some footsteps and walk,” Lucius said.

Hero swept his chest as he looked at the sharp dagger stuck in the door.

“Sir, just because I’m a magician doesn’t mean I can avoid all threats.”

“I wonder if I can call you a magician for that kind of course.” When Lucius was sarcastic, Hero gave up replying.

“By the way, Your Highness, what’s that frame over there?”

At first glance, a sheet of paper with a lot of scary black lines like a curse spell hung on the frame.

“You know what?”

When asked by Hero, Lucius breathed heavily as he wrapped his hands around the hot ball.

“Your Highness, are you starting to have an attack?”

As a side effect of the strong drug, Lucius was suffering from headaches, vomiting, seizures, and insomnia. Hero, who rose from his seat in a hurry, showed light at his fingertips.

“Get your hands off me, Hero. I’m fine.”

Lucius, who removed his hand from his face, was smiling unbecomingly. It was almost five years since Hero saw such a smile again.

“Your Highness, are you going crazy?”

“Ha, you’ll be the only one who can talk like that fearlessly in front of me.”

Hero’s words swept his hair and his eyes were fierce.

“If not, why are you laughing so hard?”

“There’s something you’ll never know.”

Lucius laughed again as he looked up at the most noticeable wall in the office with his back buried in the chair.

I can’t believe I was the first person she drew.….

Lucius’ heart tickled as if he had received a confession of love from her.

It was not unusual for his master to behave strangely, so Hero sat back calmly in his chair.

“This engagement issue.”

Hero decided to have a serious conversation with his Highness about this. It was sudden, So, Hero couldn’t afford to ask Lucius’ intention.

“Well, what’s with my engagement?”

“It may not be true, but why don’t we find another way now?”

“Why do you think so?”

Lucius, who returned with a cool expression with a serious look at Hero’s words, broke his knuckles. Hero looked around for no reason because it seemed like a small vortex was being created in a not-so-wide room.

“That’s what it is.”

“I’ll sacrifice anything for your crown.”

That was his pledge, and he kept it well until now.

Although Freya prevented Lucius from being humiliated in public, there was much to be desired. The del Mundo area will not empower Lucius at all. Hero ruled out the personal favor he had for Freya and only thoroughly considered what was beneficial to his Highness.

“Wouldn’t Selena of the Edelion family be more suitable in many ways?”

It was necessary to be protected by the Edelion family, who could rally the forces of the south.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

It was Lucius, who was more serious than ever, and Hero got up and bowed his seat and bowed his head.

“I’m always ready.”

So far, Lucius has fought the enemy with all his might.

“My main goal is to avenge my mother to the person who stole her life!”

But now there was a small sprout in his heart, where fiery hatred was taking hold. He is stronger than yesterday.

“I will protect Freya and will not let go of her hand.”

Lucius looked somewhere in the faraway Imperial Palace with longing eyes. Even if he tried not to do so, Lucius kept getting nervous.

“Oh, my Freya,” he whispered.

Knowing how dangerous it was, knowing how hard it would be, Lucius was overwhelmed to control his growing heart. With his secret, which he could not tell anyone, tucked into his heart, Lucius managed to say it.

“So please follow my choice.”

Hero bowed his head toward Lucius, who stood with his back in front of the small window.

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