"It looks like the class time is coming, Sikong classmate, I'll go to the classroom first."

  "Uh... um, goodbye."

  Watching Kato Megumi leave in a hurry, Sikong Xuan blinked, feeling that the other party suddenly felt a sense of alienation.

  "Hmm~ It's because of Zhihui..." He quickly understood, with a low EQ, "Sage Hui thought that I and Zhihui were lovers, so he deliberately alienated me, so that Zhihui would not misunderstand our relationship?"


  Too soft.

  Thinking of this, the corner of Sikongxuan's mouth couldn't help showing a gentle smile, which made several female classmates who happened to catch a glimpse of him, including Shiyu Xiazhiqiu, who was also preparing to leave.

  However, in the blink of an eye, the gentle smile on Sikong Xuan's face disappeared.Instead, there was a cynical smile.

  "However, it's not as good as the sky, Sage Hui-kun~~ Besides, I'm more interested in you~~"

  After talking to himself like this, Sikong Xuan also left the bulletin board.


  After cleaning the desk and stool with a towel, and putting away the schoolbag, Kato Megumi sat down with her skirt pressed down.

  Kato Megumi's seat is the second-to-last seat by the window. In ACG, it is usually the position of the female lead or the male lead.It is a pity that the passer-by heroine does not have this consciousness.

  I saw her holding her cheek with one hand and looking out of the window, the quietness was out of place in the somewhat noisy classroom.

  No, not out of place, but subconsciously ignored.Obviously it is a new semester and a new class, and the adolescent students are trying to make friends with unfamiliar classmates with curiosity, but the classmates who come and go always subconsciously but ignore Kato Megumi, who is sitting quietly in the seat. As if she didn't exist.

  In the eyes of uninformed people, this is already considered cold violence, right?However, Kato Megumi was accustomed to this and didn't pay much attention to it. She just tilted her head and looked at the scenery outside the window, quietly being her own beautiful girl.

  After an unknown amount of time, the quiet and beautiful girl was still unattended, Kato Megumi turned around, looked down at the desk of the desk, and let out a lonely sigh.

  'Is it over before it begins? '

  Kato Megumi thought so.That's right, she doesn't care about being ignored, it's better that she's used to it.She looks like a melancholy girl at the moment, all because of Bai Sikongxuan.

  Just as Sikongxuan guessed, she really took into account Zhihui's feelings and was afraid that Zhihui would misunderstand her relationship with Sikongxuan, so she distanced herself from Sikongxuan.Such a girl who is used to being ignored, but has such a gentle heart that is used to thinking about others, I have to say that the world is so wonderful.

  However, for Megumi Kato, this is a bit cruel.

  As mentioned earlier, Kato Megumi is a girl who is always ignored, even by her family, and a girl who is used to being ignored.At home, her mother always forgets to make her a bento, so she pays for it at the school's convenience belt; she is always ignored by teachers and classmates at school, so she sits quietly in her seat; What friend, she's playing with her smartphone alone...

  (PS: When I wrote this, the author is so heartbroken. Thinking about how such a sage Hui really came here, in reality, he already suffered from depression, right?)

  However, a girl who is used to being ignored like this, suddenly met a somewhat unfamiliar classmate during a cherry blossom season.He picked up the flying hat for himself, said something to himself (in Chinese) that he did not understand, and praised himself as a beauty very seriously, and finally asked himself not to throw away his hat.

  Such an experience was like a perfect encounter, and it left a deep impression on Megumi Kato, who was still an ordinary girl after all.

  Can we meet again?Can we become friends after meeting?

  Megumi Kato thought in her heart after the separation.This is the first boy who did not ignore her existence, and the first boy who praised her appearance. For Megumi Kato, she is definitely a special existence.


  "Is it over before it begins?"

  Sighing again, Miss Hui, the saint who couldn't lift herself up, lay down on the table regardless of her image.But then, a familiar voice made her 'bass' and sat up straight again.

  "What's over?"


  Quickly sitting up straight, then pretending to turn around naturally, Ms. Kato Megumi saw the smiling Sikong Xuan sitting behind her, looking at herself with a curious expression.

  "Sikong... classmate?"

  There was a hint of doubt on his face, but in his eyes, there was a hint of surprise that the girl didn't even notice.She stared blankly at the boy in front of her, and then seemed to realize something.

  "Could it be that classmate Sikong...are we in the same class as me?"

  "That's right, but unfortunately there is no reward."

  Putting away the schoolbag, Sikong Xuan sat on the seat.Resting his chin with one hand, he first glanced at the girl carefully, and then glanced at his classmates who were making new friends in the classroom.

  "Speaking of which, I have vaguely noticed it before... Kato-san, it seems that she has no sense of existence~~"

  "I'm sorry, classmate Sikong, I'm really sorry that I don't have a sense of existence."

  If other people say that her presence is low, the girl may feel lonely and sad.But to the girl's surprise, when the boy in front of her mentioned this point, she surprisingly didn't have a trace of sadness.

  Is it because he won't ignore me?It's the third time~

  Miss Kato Megumi thought so in her heart, she couldn't help letting go of the idea of ​​alienation, and asked Sikong Xuan curiously:

  "Classmate Sikong came so late, did you want to apologize to the student just now?"

  "Apologies? That classmate...? Oh, you're talking about Ji Hye~~"

  Sikong Xuan, who had reacted, quickly shook his head, and then said with a smile:

  "Don't worry, Zhihui is not a careful girl. Also, when I came to the classroom just now, I encountered someone who needed help, so I helped me and wasted a little time."

  "That's right."

  Kato Megumi nodded lightly, then was about to end the conversation and turned around, but Sikong Xuan opened his mouth and said:

  "That... Kato-san, I think you misunderstood my relationship with Chi Hui."


  "That... Chi Hye is my childhood sweetheart and my good friend, but we're not dating now. Well, although I don't mind dating Chi Hye, it doesn't feel like it's too familiar."


  Imperceptibly, the eyes of Sage Hui's eyes lit up.Then, she blinked, looking at Sikongxuan with puzzled eyes, as if wondering why Sikongxuan suddenly said this to her.

  "Well... just because I wanted to explain it to Kato-san."


  "Ah, I don't know how to read minds. It's just that Kato-san's mind is easier to guess."


  After listening to Sikongxuan's explanation, the sage Miss Hui still did not speak, but her tender face bulged slightly. Sikongxuan couldn't help thinking in her heart because of her cute appearance:


  "...Classmate Sikong?"

  Not realizing that her expression made the other party cute, Miss Sage Hui looked at Sikong Xuan, who was staring blankly at her without speaking.

  As for Sikong Xuan, who was brought back to his senses by Kato Megumi's voice, the boy coughed awkwardly. Then, he showed a smile as bright as the sun, which had become a signature, and said to the girl:

  "Then, Kato-san, let's be friends~~"


  The one who responded to the boy was the girl who pondered for a moment, and then a smile like flowers blooming after the rain bloomed on her face.

  PS: Does the plot line of Sage Megumi feel too fast?Well, it doesn't seem to be much compared to Zhihui, who was given for nothing.

  PS: As a reminder, here, the sage Hui only has a good impression of Sikong Xuan, but he has not liked him yet.The feelings in the arms may be a little bigger than the components of love.

  Well, it is also easy for me to hide the foreshadowing deeper when I write. If the relatives who read the book don't notice it, I will be blinded.

  PS: Speaking of three chapters in a row into the little black house, I'm about to... um, I've already vomited.

Chapter 23

  "Hey, Lun Ye, do you have the "Amber Concerto" over there?"

  "You mean... the Amber Concerto?"

  "Yes, it is said to be a pretty good work among the beautiful girl games released this year, and the original is an adult game, I think you must start it?"

  In the corridor of Toyonozaki School, Kasuga Yoshihiko and his classmate An Yilun also walked towards the school gymnasium, preparing to attend the opening ceremony.So, taking advantage of this effort, Shangxiang Xiyan asked in a pleasing tone:

  "Hey, Lun Ye, you must have played the game to the end, right? Then lend it to me to play."

  "Refused. If you want to play the game, you can buy it yourself. Also, in your eyes, will I start with any beautiful girl games with good reviews?"

  "Huh? Isn't it?"

  Shangxiang Xiyan is also begging for games to play against An Yilun. After all, he is not An Yilun, but he has no extra money to buy games.However, just when An Yilun was about to let go, suddenly, a hand stopped him.

  Then, before Shangxiang Xiyan could react, he first heard a slightly unpleasant voice:

  "This classmate, even if you are chatting with friends, please pay attention to the front and don't bump into others."


  Shangxiang Yoshihiko, who had just come back to his senses, looked at the master who was blocking his hand, a handsome boy with black broken hair, and a girl who was not very conspicuous in front of him turned his head suspiciously.Looking at this posture, it is obvious that he almost bumped into the girl just now.

  "I'm so sorry, I was careless."

  A little embarrassed, he bowed to the boys and girls in front of him and apologized, Shangxiang Xiyan and An Yilun quickly walked to the gymnasium.Looking at the backs of the two boys who seemed to be fleeing, the boy shook his head helplessly, then turned his head and saw the back of An Yi Lun Ye, who was staring at the inconspicuous girl, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

  "What's the matter, Kato-san?"

  "It's nothing, student Sikong, I just thought the boy's voice was a little familiar."


  Hearing Kato Megumi's words, the boy, that is, Sikong Xuan's heart skipped a beat, but he still pretended not to care and said:

  "Ah, Kato-san, you forgot, that boy was there when we first met a few days ago."

  "Huh? Is that so?" Hearing Sikongxuan's words, Kato Megumi blinked, with a faint playful expression on his face, "But that boy didn't talk to me that day, how could I possibly do that? Does his voice sound familiar?"

  "Um...Is that so? It sounds familiar, haha, why is that?"

  Looking at the sage, Miss Hui, whose face was flat but her eyes seemed to be able to read people's hearts, Sikong Xuan turned his head unnaturally, and then awkwardly changed the subject and said:

  "By the way, Kato-san's presence is a little too weak. Even if the two classmates were distracted by chatting just now, they shouldn't be able to see Kato-san as such a big person~~"

  "Classmate Sikong...Is this changing the subject?"

  There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Sikongxuan's somewhat embarrassed face, the sage Miss Hui had no idea of ​​continuing to tease:

  "Ah, sorry, classmate Sikong. But don't worry too much, classmate Sikong, I'm used to it anyway."

  "It's not a matter of getting used to it, isn't it?"

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