"Dear Tony, tell me the truth, are we really here for our honeymoon?"

  "Oh~~ beautiful Miss Potts... ah, now it's time to call Mrs. Stark. Ah, my beautiful lady, of course we're here...

  Not for the honeymoon. "

  After being sold out, he got a scorn from his new wife, and Tony Stark, who was married, did not change his rude nature.

  Wearing thick warm clothes with Pepper, Tony Stark jumped directly from the helicopter to the ice sheet, then caught Pepper who jumped down, and waved to signal that the helicopter could get out.

  After watching the helicopter leave, Tony Stark looked around, and the endless silver wraps covered the end of the line of sight. The sun in the sky seemed to never set, and the reflected silver light made this ice and snow continent sparkle.

  After confirming that there was no suspicious existence around, Tony Stark rubbed the ring on his finger, and the latest Iron Man suit appeared in front of the two and quickly put it on Tony Stark.The little pepper on the side saw it, and hurriedly opened the suitcase in his hand and put on the portable steel battle suit that Tony Stark specially made for her.

  "Tony, are we going to fight?"

  "No, dear, we're just going to wake up a sleeping hero, an ally who can be counted on."

  Tony Stark responded to his wife's doubts. He had the experience of S.H.I.E.L.D. being eroded into a Hydra Bureau, and he was also worried that he was being watched by someone, so he also did a lot of covert work in this operation.In order to wake up the man smoothly without disturbing others.

  Well, at the same time harvest another wave of points.

  Take out the tracing compass that has been prepared and purchased from the chat group mall, and then fly towards the target following the guidance of the compass.Because both of them were wearing Iron Man suits, although the target was hundreds of kilometers away from them, they still quickly found where the target was.


  Flames from the engines melted the snow on the ice sheet, exposing the ice beneath the snow.Because the ice sheet in the Arctic is at minus tens of degrees all the year round, this thick layer of ice is frozen stronger than steel, and it is difficult for ordinary people to dig a passage without a large mining machine, but this is a pair of ready Tony Stars. It's not that difficult for K.

  "Honey, stay away, I'm going to blast this ice away."

  "Tony...what the hell are you doing?"

  "Find a guy that all Americans have seen in textbooks~!"

  I saw Tony Stark's palm facing down, and the arm-thick laser penetrated the thick layer of ice directly, all the way to a metal wall, which was a large transport plane buried forty meters under the ice layer.

  Tony Stark and Pepper Stark (Pots) flew down the channel melted by the laser. Under the guidance of the compass, they found a man wrapped in ice. The man was standing in front of him. A round shield with a star icon drawn on the shield.Seeing this iconic shield, the identity of the Frozen is self-evident.

  "Captain America?! Oh my gosh, dear Tony, it's Captain America~~!"

  Seeing the real face of the frozen person, Little Pepper couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation.For Americans in this world, Captain America, a hero who became famous in fighting the Nazis in World War II, has long become a symbol of the American spirit and American belief; so, it is not difficult to understand that Little Pepper shouted after seeing Captain America. Screamed.

  For Tony Stark, who has watched the entire Marvel series of movies, Captain America in front of him is the first partner he chose to change his fate.

  Steve Rogers, this person's life does not need to be described, in the Marvel universe is an American who basically knows everything by heart.In the Avengers to be formed in the future, his strength is only in the middle, and he is not even worth mentioning in the Marvel universe, but his specialness lies in the essence of kindness and noble character. In this way, he even uses his own His actions to write the American spirit of the Marvel universe have inspired generations to the point that even those far stronger than him hold him in awe, because he is also unique in the Marvel universe.

  What is even more commendable is that although his book strength is not good, he has a specialty that most Marvel heroes do not have - extraordinary awareness and operation, which is due to his uninterrupted battles.

  In the Marvel universe, dual identities are an inescapable topic for most superheroes, but not Captain America.When Iron Man was busy sponsoring funds for college students, Captain America was fighting and saving people all over the world; when Spider-Man was studying, and Ant-Man and Hawkeye were nursing, Captain America was teaming up to clean up the remnants of Hydra; when Steve Rogers, who had given up his shield and the Captain America title, was still leading the team to fight in secret while Tony Stark put down his burdens and started family life with Pepper.

  It is precisely because of his continuous fighting that endows him with extraordinary awareness and operation, enabling him to ignore the gap in level and strength and fight back and forth with opponents much stronger than himself, giving him the nickname 'Marvel'. Kakashi'.

  Looking at the ice cubes under his feet, Tony Stark's mind recalled the Marvel series of movies he had watched, including his cooperation with Captain America, and his parting ways with Captain America.

  He also had doubts, if he followed the plot of the movie, would he be safe? On the contrary, if he changed the plot rashly, he would lose the advantage of knowing the plot, and would he do it if he knew the ending? worse.

  But in the end, Kaguya in the chat group woke him up.

  "Strength, the most important thing is strength. Worrying about gains and losses is the norm for the weak. When you have strength, you can freely change your destiny."

  "So that half the life of the universe doesn't dissipate in a snap of your fingers, Steve, great hero, you...it's time to wake up early."

  【Ding!Captain America's plot changed, reward 1500 points]

  Hearing the voice in his mind, Tony Stark's mouth showed a faint smile, and then the smile gradually spread.

  "The first step of the plan was a complete success. Next, it's the turn of S.H.I.E.L.D.... Oh, it should be called the Hydra Bureau now."

  Beneath the deep ice, Tony Stark looked up at the sky, smug.

  "This is just the beginning!"

  PS: Xinhang actually decided at the beginning that it was Feng Wang’s transformation, but the appearance of the Pokémon’s Feng Wang was too flattering, so he changed it directly to a phoenix. The phoenix from my big flower gardener looks good~~.

Chapter 37

  She fell asleep happily, got up happily and ate the breakfast prepared by her sister for herself, then happily went to school with her childhood sweetheart Zhihui like yesterday, and happily fished in class, and occasionally molested the saint Hui in the back row. , Sikong Xuan's daily life is so unpretentious and boring.

  Well, Tony Stark, who had to take his wife to the North Pole to pick up an old popsicle who had been single for nearly [-] years with his newlywed honeymoon, Sikong Xuan's small life should not be too easy.

  Noon, rooftop.

  "I was born with magic, but Demacia made me a sinner. They thought I was a monster, so I'll satisfy them!


  Silas, I hear you in prison, I hear your cries, I feel your pain.


  Rise up, compatriots!From now on, there will be no more kings, no queens, no more witch hunters.The great struggle of the mage starts here!


  Let me show you the power of Demacia!


  Laxana, I will keep your secret, and I will not forget your goodness.


  Those who violate my German state will be punished even if they are far away!


  I am not a traitor, I am what Demacia is.


  Silas, maybe you were innocent once, but not anymore.


  Finally...no more walls. "

  (PS: Do you know which hero the above lines belong to?)

  After quietly reading the outline that Sikong Xuan rushed to draft overnight, Chi Hui and Kato Megumi were silent for a long time, and their faces showed an unforgettable expression.

  "How is it, Chie, Megumi?"

  "How do you say it?" Facing Sikongxuan, Zhihui pondered for a while, then gave Sikongxuan a thumbs up, her excitement overflowing, "It's really great~!"

  "Such a complex character design, such an interesting plot, although it exposes the tip of the iceberg, it can be vaguely felt a huge world view. Hey, Xuanjun, is this really what you wrote in one night? Could it be you? I wrote it before, and now I show it off?"

  "Hey~~ What kind of person am I, Jihye, don't you know yet?"

  Eating the bento that Zhihui prepared for him, Sikong Xuan patted his chest proudly.Although there are game background stories borrowed from LOL, it is his credit for connecting these stories together.

  After he made up his mind to write Demacia's story last night, after returning home and having dinner, Sikong Xuan thought up the outline overnight, and stayed up all night fighting all night to come up with an outline that even he was very satisfied with.

  After such a tossing all night, if his body hadn't been strengthened by the system in all directions, he probably would have just slept on the table this morning until after school in the afternoon.

  "It's a sad story. Everyone is right, everyone wants to protect Demacia, but in the end everyone suffers, and the Demacia they protect is also in turmoil."

  Looking down at the outline in her hand, Kato Megumi sighed and said:

  "Sylas, who rebelled on behalf of the mage, Lux who was betrayed by his best friend, Galen who chose his sister between honor and family, Jarvan IV who was swept away by hatred..."

  Gently stroking the paper in his hand, the sage, who had always been expressionless, showed a sad expression, his brown pupils were shrouded in a faint mist, and his hazy eyes were even more pitiful.This caused Sikong Xuan, who was sitting opposite, to slightly widen his eyes, and his face showed a hidden expression of infatuation.

  'Saint disqualified...?Such a saint, so beautiful...'

  Zhihui on the side did not notice Sikong Xuan's reaction, but nodded in agreement with Kato Megumi's words:

  "Silas is because of the dogma of Demacia's forbidden magic and his own experience leading the mage to resist. Lux is tortured by her powerful magic talent and the contradiction between her belief and love for Demacia, and Galen is in glory. , Between the law and the family, he chose to protect his sister. After the death of his father, King Jarvan IV denied Jarvan III's decision because of hatred...

  If there's one bug to find, it's Demacia itself.But Demacia was founded because they were hunted down by black magicians in the Rune War, and their city was also built with forbidden magic stones. In addition to the Demacian people's belief in the angel of justice, Kyle, forbidden magic has been around for a long time. It has evolved into the Law of Demacia over the course of its history, so Demacia is not wrong. "

  "Umm~ So, it's wrong... the world?"

  Tilt her head, Kato Megumi suddenly popped out such a sentence.This made Sikongxuan and Zhihui stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and then laughed out loud.

  "Puhaha~~ Megumi, you seem to have the potential to become a nerd."

  "Haha, it's not the world that's wrong, it's all the time's fault~~"

  "Eh? Did I say something wrong?" Looking at the laughing boy and girl, Ms. Kato Megumi was a little overwhelmed, and couldn't help but say what was in her heart: "Also, forget about the house, parents will know what to do. taught me."

  "Hmm~ Do Mee-chan's parents have the same prejudice against otaku friends as everyone else?"

  "Well, this is also made by the dead house in Japan. My home country has no prejudice against the dead house. On the contrary, because the dead house over there has unique skills and is generally self-reliant, they worship the capable people in the dead house. Woolen cloth."

  "Is this a cultural difference? After all... It seems that most of the dead houses here are gnawing old people, and many of them really need to be educated."

  Chi Hui also frowned when she remembered the dead houses where her bookstore bought properties.Although it is only a part, she does feel that some of the dead houses are really dark inside.If it wasn't for her love of the second dimension, it is estimated that she and the average Japanese view of the dead house are not much different.

  "Forget it, don't talk about that."

  Zhihui sorted out the outline text, and then said:

  "In short, in the name of my Takasago bookstore shopping guide, if this outline can be written into a book, it definitely has the potential to be a god~!"

  "Haha~~ With the approval of Takasago's shopping guide, it seems that my debut is almost certain~!"

  Hearing Zhihui's words, Sikong Xuan echoed with a smile.Then, I saw Zhihui asking Sikong Xuan:

  "However, Xuanjun, if you use your outline, this novel will end in five volumes at most, right?"

  "Well, Jihui, you're right, I'm only going to write three volumes plus a biography of "Demacia"."

  "Oh... eh?"

  Seeing that Zhihui first nodded, and then showed a confused expression, Sikong Xuan couldn't help but smile, and then said:

  "Wise Lord Zhihui, with your wisdom, can't you guess what I'm thinking?"

  "Hmm~~" After hearing Sikong Xuan's words, Zhihui thought for a while, and then showed a surprised expression, "Wait, the worldview revealed by this outline, Xuan-Jun, do you mean..."

  "Yes, I'm going to create a League of Legends universe like the Marvel movies. Demacia is just a part of the League of Legends series."

  Hearing Sikongxuan admit his guess and then reveal his blueprint, Zhihui thought for a while, and then said:

  "That...Marvel movie...what is it?"

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