
  Thinking about it carefully, this is a good time, and Sikong Xuan can also have enough time to adapt.After all, if he had to go to school on the day of time-travel, and get in touch with the classmates and teachers he 'knows', Sikong Xuan could not guarantee that he would perform as usual.

  Well, it's better to say, the performance must feel weird and abnormal, right?

  After going out, Sikong Xuan was walking on the street. The people and scenery that came and went made Sikong Xuan feel both strange and familiar contradictions.He looked around curiously as he walked, looking at the scenery he had seen on the computer before, causing passersby to cast strange looks.In this regard, Sikong Xuan just smiled apologetically, then restrained his curiosity, and continued to walk towards the destination.


  Seems to be out of boredom, right?The system in Sikongxuan suddenly asked:

  [Xuan comes out...what do you want to do? ]

  "Huh? Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

  [Because Xuan only crossed into this world this morning, right?As a result, I came out after breakfast, and it didn't look like I was hanging out... What are you going to do, Xuan? ]

  "Hmm~ Did you see it? It's a surprise, System-chan, your observation is very keen~~"

  Hearing the system's words, Sikong Xuan smiled slightly, and then said:

  "Well, I just want to get used to this world as soon as possible. So I wanted to go out for a walk and stop by to see the high school where I will be staying for the next three years, the private Chiyoda school.

  Of course, it would be even better if I could meet a few former 'wives' (ˉ▽ˉ)~*"

  [is that so?In this way, Xuan is very cautious~]

  "I can't say I'm cautious, I just want to find something for myself to do, so that I can quickly integrate into the world, and satisfy my curiosity by the way."

  In the face of the system's praise, Sikong Xuan smiled and waved his hand. In the eyes of passersby, this behavior seemed to be talking to himself and seemed very strange, as if he was in a spirit...cough, in short, it doesn't feel very good, passers-by Seeing that Sikong Xuan was all walking around, it made Sikong Xuan quite embarrassed.

  "Cough~ That, System Sauce, do you have that kind of ability... to communicate mentally with me? I always feel weird chatting with you on the street."

  [Huh~~ Has Xuancai reacted?Hee hee~~ Such a dull Hyun is kinda cute~~]


  [Hee hee~~ Actually, Xuan can just talk to me in his heart, I can hear it... puff~~ The more I think about it, the more I think this kind of Xuan is so cute~~]

  '...All right. '

  After listening to the system, although he felt even more embarrassed, Sikong Xuan quickly got used to it and started chatting with the system in his heart.

  'Hey~ System sauce...'

  [Um? ]

  'Why me? '

  [what? ]

  'It's just... um, how to say it?Why do I travel to that space after I die, why do you want me to choose one of you? '

  [Hee hee~~ It seems that Xuan is feeling at a loss because the pie fell from the sky and hit you? ]

  'Eh, as expected of the system sauce.That's it. '

  [Hee hee~~ how do you say it?Those of us who do not have a master or host can also be said to be locked in that space.As a result, Xuan, you suddenly broke into there, chatting and playing with us. It is not incomprehensible that we like you, right? ]

  The system in Sikongxuan laughed lightly, and said something like a confession in a pure and sincere voice. This made Sikongxuan's face a little unnatural, and he only felt that something was touched in his heart.

  [Furthermore, if our system leaves that world, it is generally unable to choose its own master or host according to its own wishes.So, instead of choosing a stranger, it's better to choose Xuan as your own master. I think other companions think the same way? ]

  'is that so?That's understandable...'

  [The most important thing is, Xuan, is the special one~~]

  'The special one? '

  This sentence is a bit familiar, and Sikong Xuan vaguely remembers which light group once said this sentence.In this regard, the system did not hide:

  [If I guess right, Xuan, you are the protagonist~~]

  "main character...?"

  Sikong Xuan, who was walking on the street, suddenly froze, and a JK wearing a white headband behind him almost bumped into him.However, Sikong Xuan ignored JK who was in an unhappy mood behind him.

  'The protagonist...what does that mean? '

  [Xuan, you are actually the protagonist of your original world.I just don't know why, I suddenly died early, and then inexplicably crossed into that space. ]

  'Lord, does the protagonist still have an early death?Could it be that I'm still the protagonist of a novel that starts out as a eunuch? '

  Hearing the system's explanation, Sikong Xuan's mouth twitched, and his face was filled with speechlessness.And the system in his body also felt a little funny, and continued:

  [Well, Xuan's guess may be right~~ The key is that Xuan, the protagonist who died early, is like a bug with a program error, and has become a special existence under a series of yin and yang coincidences.

  Well, the current Xuan, for us systems, is like a firefly in the dark, so vivid and so outstanding.Your melancholy eyes...cough cough~~ Sorry for digressing. ]

  '...' System sauce, I have also watched "Domestic Lingling Paint".

  [In short, the current Xuan, for the world, is a bug.For those of us systems, it's like...well, analogy, like a male version of Haruhi Suzumiya. ]

  "Haruhi Suzumiya?"

  Being too curious, Sikong Xuan couldn't help but say it, but then he reacted again and continued to say to the system in his heart:

  'What's the meaning? '

  [That is, Xuan's existence contains an extremely large amount of... information, that is, information.

  Xuan, you see, each of our systems has very wonderful and even sky-defying abilities.But in fact, for our systems to use these capabilities, we also need conditions, and that is information.

  In the eyes of our system, everything in the world is composed of information, and even the world is composed of information.Our systems, the reason why we can endow the selected people with wonderful abilities is that our systems have the ability to absorb and transform information.And the existence that is qualified to become the system host and even the master must be the kind of existence that lives in a wonderful and great atmosphere.Through these hosts or masters, our systems can obtain more information, and then convert this information into various abilities or items to help the host or master of the system become stronger. ]

  'is that so? '

  [That's right.But... hee hee, Xuan, do you know?Although our systems can obtain a lot of information through the host or host, there are systems that will take rebates for various reasons.If you encounter a system that is stingy, or is incompatible with the host, then the host of the system will be very hard, and it is difficult to become stronger.But if you come across a system that is generous, or want to be lazy, or get along very well with the owner, then the owner of the system can simply change the pattern to become stronger, and enjoy the life of Long Aotian as he wishes~~]


  Although your explanation is serious, I always feel that your integrity has been lost in the system.In addition, System Sauce, tell me these secrets about the system, is it really up to your husband?

  [Hee hee, it's okay, because you are Xuan, my Xuan~~]


  A little moved, this somewhat heavy sense of trust.

  Sikong Xuan thought so in his heart, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth became softer.Then, I heard the system continue to say:

  [Well, Xuan, since I told you all this.So, Xuan, remember to sign for your novice benefits. ]

  'Newbie benefits? '

  [Well, Xuan, see for yourself. ]


  When Sikong Xuan confirmed in his heart that he accepted the novice benefits, he suddenly felt his body... no, even his soul felt two new powers.These two forces...

  Sikong Xuan paused for a while, and then he naturally got into a small alley next to him.After turning several corners and walking all the way to the depths of the alley, Sikongxuan stopped, then raised his right hand, and suddenly there were sparks of light in the air, gathering in Sikongxuan's hands, forming a A flaming dagger.

  "The... origin of sword and fire?"

  [That's right.When Xuan died, what he remembered most was the endless flames and the sword in his hands, and Xuan entered the space we were in with such memories.Just like that, Xuan's origin became flame and sword.And the novice benefit I give you is the awakening of the origin. ]

  'Is that so? '

  After listening to the explanation of the system, Sikong Xuan nodded clearly.His mind moved, and the flaming dagger in his hand suddenly flew in the air, just like the sword in "Assassin Wu Liuqi". The alleys were brightly lit, and the temperature in the alleys also heated up rapidly without Sikong Xuan noticing.

  'These two abilities feel quite powerful. '

  Extending his finger, the swirling flaming dagger spun rapidly above his index finger. Sikong Xuan could feel that as long as he threw it out, he could definitely raze the tall buildings on both sides of this alley to the ground.


  'I want such a strong ability, it's useless?I just want to live a simple and happy life. '

  Although it is a bit hypocritical, this is indeed Sikong Xuan's first feeling.In response, the system sauce replied in a slightly embarrassed voice:

  [Emmm... That's why I said, Xuan, you chose the wrong system.This system of mine... is actually not very suitable for you, and it can't help you much in this world...]


  [I'm afraid it will even cause you trouble. ]

  'how could be?System sauce, how could you mess with me...'

  Hearing the system's words, Sikong Xuan thought that the system was belittling him, and hurriedly seemed to comfort her in his heart.Unexpectedly, the system's next words made his heart suddenly burst.

  [Xuan, if you don't believe it, you might as well look behind you...]


  Unable to speak, Sikong Xuan turned to look behind him, and saw a long, straight black girl looking at the flaming dagger swirling on his index finger in shock.The four eyes met, and the atmosphere suddenly became subtle.

  Sikong Xuan: "..."

  Black long straight girl: "..."

  "Oh, Xuan, you were seen by a stranger."

  The system sauce that suddenly made a sound was not in Sikongxuan's heart, but made a voice like a human speaking.In this dim alley, the sound of the system suddenly sounded, causing the black long straight girl's pupils to shrink and shudder.

  'Super, super powers and... and ghosts? '

  "Huh? It's..."

  "Xuan, this girl, discovered your super power~~"

  Hearing the system suddenly speak, Sikong Xuan also felt a little strange.He was about to speak, but was interrupted directly by the system.Then, Sikong Xuan heard the system say in a playful tone:

  "I seem to be causing trouble for Xuan. In that case... Since this girl saw something she shouldn't see, Xuan, or else..."

  He deliberately didn't say his own suggestion, but with this gloomy environment and this malicious tone, what is the suggestion that needs to be said?

  He heard a scream of Hei Changzhi piercing his eardrums, and then, the next second, Hei Changzhi turned around and ran away.Sikong Xuan was left to stare blankly at the back of the black long straight girl who escaped, his face full of circles and speechlessness. .

Chapter 5

  "Help me~! Someone is coming~! Someone is going to kill someone~!!!"

  Seeing the black long straight girl screaming for help while running away desperately, Sikong Xuan stretched out his hand and finally put it down helplessly, and then said to the system angrily:

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