With a sigh, Sikong Xuan also understood that if he wanted to let this yellow monkey who was used to catching fish fight him again, he would probably give up.Therefore, after hesitating for a while, Sikong Xuan also chose to compromise.

  "One last time."


  "One move decides the outcome, I feel like I'm about to touch the essence of the origin of the sword."

  "That's it!"

  After replying in seconds, Kizaru showed a surprised smile.

  In fact, Huang Yuan was not as smooth as Sikong Xuan guessed. If Sikong Xuan asked to continue fighting, Huang Yuan, who asked for him, would not refuse and fish.As for his previous complaints, it was really just a casual complaint, and he didn't mean to give up.

  At this time, Sikong Xuan also reacted.His face darkened, he took a deep breath, and clenched the long sword in both hands.

  "Then, Mr. Kizaru, please take this move from me. This...is the real power of my awakening of the origin of the sword."

  The terrifying power flowed through Sikongxuan's body, and merged with both hands into the long sword in Sikongxuan's hand.Before the sword's edge fell, the body of the sword had already exposed cracks under the oppression of such terrifying power.

  Facing Sikong Xuan at this time, Kizaru put away the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose with a serious expression on his face.

  "It's scary, like a monster~~"

  "In this case, in order to repay Brother Sikong's kindness, let this old man do his best as well~!"

  Saying that, Huang Yuan teleported back, distanced himself from Sikong Xuan, and then made a strange gesture with both hands towards Sikong Xuan. Terrifying power also gathered in Huang Yuan's hands.

  Seeing Sikong Xuan and Kizaru who were about to zoom in, the group members watching the battle also became nervous.Situ Jing opened her palm even more, strengthening the protection of the audience through the ability of the chat group system.

  "Is this going to be a big move?"

  "It's a terrible feeling, and my body trembled involuntarily."

  "These two people, even in Gensokyo, can be at the top level."

  "Jarvis, make sure to fully record what happened next."

  Then, under the gaze of a melon-eating crowd, Sikong Xuan and Kizaru poured out the energy they had accumulated.

  In the next second, the sword energy that tore the earth collided with the dazzling light.

  In an instant, the world fell silent.

  PS: The hand injury is still not healed. It hurts too much to write on one hand. I still take the manuscript to deal with it today.

  PS: When I was bored, I watched Daxian's "Moba: Showdown, I'm Really Very Cuisine". The style is a bit like the richest man in the game that I like very much.Originally, I was very disgusted with the showdown text, but today I read it out of control.

  Alas, I didn't say anything, I went to recharge, and finished this novel tonight! .

Chapter 45

  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Julonghu Endorsement" for the reward

  With his mind out of the dimensional chat group, Sikong Xuan, who was lying on the sofa, suddenly opened his eyes.

  "Ni, Nisan, you... are you all right?"

  It was Sagiri who spoke.Sikong Xuan opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was the face of Sagiri.She is bowing her head, her nose is only about 20cm away from Sikongxuan's face, she seems to be... observing Sikongxuan's face?

  As a result, Sikong Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, so frightened that Sagiri almost didn't jump up.When she took two steps back, her heels accidentally hit the edge of the coffee table, which made the silver-haired Loli sit on the coffee table in pain, covering her heels and her eyes and began to store water.

  "Sagiri?! You are too careless~~"

  Seeing Sagiri's sobbing appearance, Sikong Xuan hurriedly hugged her to the sofa in distress, and then checked her injuries.

  Taking a closer look, maybe the silver-haired loli's body is really weak to a certain level, right?Or is the edge of the coffee table a bit sharp?It was just a knock, and the skin on the heel was actually broken, and blood slowly seeped out along the wound.

  "Tsk~~ It's a little serious. Sagiri is good, don't cry, I'll go to the medicine box and wrap it up for you."


  Hearing Sikong Xuan's words, although she wanted to cry in pain, Sagiri held back the tears in her eyes, looking like a little girl who pretended to be strong.Uh, thinking about it carefully, Sagiri is barely a child.

  However, when Sikong Xuan turned and left, Sagiri, who had been holding back her tears just now, suddenly showed a remorseful expression.This remorse was even more unforgettable than the heel injury.

  "Qaq is so close, I can take away Nissan's first kiss, how can it be such a coincidence~~"

  What Sagiri didn't know was that when Sikong Xuan turned to leave, he whispered to himself:

  "Just now... Sagiri wanted to kiss me?"

  No way?

  This Sagiri is actually the same as the original, is a brother control?


  Because of this incident, Sikong Xuan, who was going to be late for the test with Huang Yuan, simply didn't go to school.After calling and asking Baishan Xiaochun to take a leave, Sikong Xuan stayed at home and took good care of Sagiri.

  This time, Sagiri, who was still annoyed just now, felt that the wound that had been bandaged was no longer painful, and happily ate breakfast with Sikong Xuan.

  Well, that's right, Sagiri hasn't eaten breakfast yet.

  Because Sikongxuan immersed himself in the dimensional chat group and competed with Kaizuka, Sagiri, who was on the second floor, thought that something had happened to Sikongxuan, and ran out of the room in a panic.When the silver-haired Lolita found Sikong Xuan lying on the sofa 'sleeping' and confirmed that Nissan didn't seem to be tired or sick, she was relieved, and then she wanted to secretly kiss Sikong Xuan and give her first kiss to her. By the way, I snatched Nissan's first kiss.

  It's just... I wasted a while because of shyness and hesitation, but when Saagiri made up her mind to take action, Sikong Xuan woke up...


  The hatred in Sagiri's heart, why is she so shy?What are you hesitating about?If you don't act, Nissan will be snatched by Sister Situ and the female fox outside~!

  Fortunately, what made Sagiri very happy was that Nissan took a day off because he cared about himself, so he could stay at home and take care of himself.Hmm, sure enough, Nissan still attaches great importance to and cares about itself. This feeling of being cared for is awesome!

  Sagiri, who is so happy in her heart, feels that her breakfast is much more delicious, even her green peppers...

  Well, it's still hard to eat.

  Sagiri picked out the green peppers in the dish with disgust, put them on the plate, and then...



  Facing Sikongxuan's gaze, Sagiri still wanted to play cute and coquettish to pass the test, but under Sikongxuan's unselfish gaze, she could only let out a whimper like a small animal, then clipped the green pepper with a sad face, and then sent it in with her eyes closed. Swallow it in your mouth.

  "Really... are green peppers so unpalatable? I cooked them using the Chinese cooking method, so it shouldn't be so unpalatable, right?"

  (PS: Japanese children hate eating green peppers. One is that Japanese school lunches are stipulated by the government, and the other is that Japanese green peppers are mostly boiled (or put a small amount of oil), and the smell is not delicious)

  "Hmph~! No matter how you cook the green peppers, it's still unpalatable~!"

  Facing Sikongxuan's question, Sha misty replied, and the childish answer made Sikongxuan couldn't help but smile.

  "Okay, since you don't like green peppers, I won't make green peppers in the future."

  "Nissan, really?"

  "Yeah. But you are frail and sick. Nissan will make you black chicken soup and garlic honey to nourish your body."

  "Garlic, garlic paste?"

  Hearing Sikongxuan's words, Sawu's face turned green, and she quickly lowered her head to swallow all the green peppers, and at the same time did not forget to reply:

  "Nissan, you should still fry green peppers, I'd rather eat green peppers than garlic~!"


  Seeing Sagiri, who knew the lesser of the two evils, Sikongxuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and finally explained:

  "The garlic honey I am talking about is mixing equal parts garlic and honey, and then taking it with boiled water, only one tablespoon at a time, but a little more times a day, it needs to be taken 4 to 6 times. Physical weakness and anorexia help.”

  "After all that, don't you still want to eat garlic paste?"

  "...Anyway, it's taken by swallowing water, so you should take medicine."

  "Well... well. But Nissan, you said earlier, I eat that garlic honey, so you don't make green peppers for me to eat anymore, it counts~~"

  "...You little bastard, you are still haggling with me~~"

  Seeing Sagiri who was negotiating seriously, Sikong Xuan finally couldn't help laughing out loud.The opposite Sagiri also felt that this behavior was a bit funny, couldn't help blushing, and lowered her head to continue cooking.

  Perhaps it was because of the company of Sikong Xuan that Sagiri's appetite increased significantly during this meal.After Sagiri finished eating, she saw the silver-haired Loli lying lazily on the sofa, rubbing her belly with satisfaction, while Sikong Xuan packed up and cleaned the tableware and then walked out of the kitchen.

  "Sagiri, it's easy to get fat when you're full when you lie down~~"


  Hearing Sikong Xuan's words, Sagiri sat up straight like an electric shock.In this regard, Sikong Xuan just smiled, then sat next to Sagiri and stroked Sagiri's little head with some relief.

  "It's grown a lot, Sagiri."

  "Nissan...don't treat me like a child~~" What I want is to be your wife.

  Of course, the latter sentence Sagiri did not say.Because of the warm scene in front of her, Sagiri really felt enjoyment and nostalgia, and she couldn't bear to destroy the harmonious atmosphere.

  "By the way, the number of times Sagiri has been out of the room has increased in the past few days. I believe it will not be long before Sagiri can return to normal and walk out of this house, right?"

  "Home, at home is fine, outside..."

  Shaking her head lightly, Sagiri looked at the world outside the window and was still terrified.In this regard, Sikong Xuan just sighed helplessly, and then changed the conversation:

  "Well, if you can't do it now, it doesn't mean you can't do it in the future. If you are confined to this small home, Sagiri, you will lose a lot of fun in life. Think about the future when you enter the palace of marriage, but you can only wear it in the room. It's so boring to go to a wedding dress~"

  "Nissan...I'll try my best."

  "Well, Sagiri is awesome~!"

  Hearing Sagiri's words, Sikong Xuan couldn't help touching Sagiri's head again, and the tone of coaxing a child made Sagiri very dissatisfied.However, Sikong Xuan's next words made Sagiri instantly put these dissatisfactions behind her.

  "As a reward for Sagiri's successful exit from the room, Sagiri can make a request to your brother and let him satisfy you~~"


  "When, of course..."

  Sikong Xuan was stunned for a moment when he saw Sagiri, who changed into Eromanga's form in seconds, suddenly felt a little guilty, and hurriedly added:

  "But it can't be too demanding..."

  "Then Nissan will be my mannequin~!"

  "Sub... huh?!"

  Hearing Sagiri's impatient request, Sikong Xuan's face darkened as he looked down at the excited Sagiri and asked:

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