"But it's very late."

  "It's a big deal to stay up all night. I heard that anime is just a plot line of the game. Don't you want to know about the other plot lines of the game, Hui-chan?"

  "Then... stay up late?"

  "I'll go get two gamepads, let's play together."


  Then, Chi Hui sneaked out of the room and brought back two gamepads.And Kato Megumi had put the game disc, and the two girls immediately started the game.

  And then...

  "Hui Jiang, my stomach hurts."

  "Me too."

  “Xue Cai is too miserable qaq”

  "East Malaysia too."

  "What, isn't it because East Malaysia interferes? East Malaysia junior!"

  "Eh~~~ It's just Yukina who is a step ahead, right? Yukina is too much."



  With panda eyes, Chi Hui and Kato Megumi looked at each other for a long time, and then...


  PS: I never thought about writing White 2. I always thought that Xue Cai and Dong Ma Lily would do. .

Chapter 60

  PS: Thanks to the book friend "p_ink" for the reward, Thanks(ω)


  Admin [Comprehensive manga daily male protagonist] is online

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Yoho, comrades, what are you talking about, so lively? 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Huh?Senior Sikong is online?Why didn't he go online after the test with Mr. Huang Yuan? 】

  [Neet Ji: Could it be that after the fight between the local tyrant and Kiabou, he had an epiphany, just like the heroes of the fantasy fairy tale novels, and then retreated and upgraded after the fight? 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily comics: Go, even if I am the male protagonist, I am also the male protagonist of the daily novels, but I don't have the talent to upgrade the fight like the male protagonist of the fantasy fairy tale novel. 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive manga: It's just that I encountered a little trouble yesterday, and it's not a big problem.By the way, what did you just talk about?So hot. 】

  [Sikongjing: Hee hee~~ Brother Sikong, we were just discussing the League of Legends in the group game. 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: ... Jingjing, aren't you by my side?Why are you still sending a message? 】

  Returning to reality, Sikongxuan glanced at Situ Jing who was lying on the sofa, and saw the girl sticking out her little tongue mischievously, then went straight to it, leaning on Sikongxuan 29 with a friendly face and continued chatting in the chat group.

  In this regard, Sikong Xuan just doted on the girl's messy bangs, and then continued to chat in the chat group.

  [Comprehensive daily text male protagonist: How about League of Legends?Can I play online rankings? 】

  [Qianwumei: Don't mention it, it doesn't work at all, you can only hit the human machine and customize it. 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: It was when he beat us last night to fight custom, this bitch Kaguya really made us miserable]

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Slut?What happened to Kaguya? 】

  [Si Kongjing: League of Legends in the chat group, you can customize the man-machine by yourself.Then Kaguya, the slut, secretly set the opposite top laner as TheShy, the jungler as Ning, the mid laner as Faker, the ADC as UZI, and the assistant as Ming, and set us directly as the host. All five heads were hammered! 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive comics: ... ]

  Awesome, this fairy lineup, can there be another lineup on earth that can beat them?

  [Qianwumei: The most irritating thing is that at that time, I was playing the wild, Black Cat was the top laner, the group was the ADC, and Stark was the support. Originally, the Black Cat and I could play two moves against the opponent, and the group leader and Stark were also dogs. Hold on, Kaguya, the slut mid laner who played Yasuo, flew up, gave 35 heads in 25 minutes, and the opposite Faker directly blew us up with a [-]v[-]]

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: 666, does Hui Ye have a bright dog tag? 】

  [Neet Ji: Of course (proud chest.jpg)]

  【Si Kongjing: Of course you are a hammer~! ! 】

  Reminder, [Neet Ji] was banned by the group owner [Si Kongjing] for 12 hours

  [Sikongjing: You orphan, go to the little black room and reflect~! ! ! 】

  [Danwumei: This scumbag, I won't take her to play next time~! 】

  Gensokyo, seeing the news that he had been banned for 12 hours, even if he was thick-skinned into Kaguya, he couldn't help showing an embarrassed expression.

  "Ah~~ Forget it, if you can't play games in the chat group, you can only play in reality... ah no, play games~~"

  Saying that, Hui Ye skillfully boarded the trumpet in his Zuan District, and then started to rank while humming a song, thinking about the lucky ones who could be tricked by him today, who would have thought...

  [Sorry, you will be banned from qualifying for 12 hours due to multiple reports from players]

  Kaguya: "..."

  Kaguya: "I ¥#@*..."

  (PS: Phew~~ This is my anger at being pitted for three consecutive rankings~! I really hope that League of Legends can launch the function of being reported as too pitiful and then banned!!!)

  On the other side, after shutting the black sheep Hui Ye into the small dark room, the chat group continued to chat lively.

  [Playboy: Speaking of which, the Hextech in League of Legends is really interesting.A new and unexpected fusion of magic and technology?I tried to study the steam robot I chose before, and found a lot of interesting things]

  [Sikongjing: Is this the reason why you hang up at the spring for five minutes at the beginning? 】

  [Qianwumei: Except for the second pit of Hui Ye, you are the one! ! ! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: Has the Q-skill Mechanical Flying Claw hit Q once?What's the use of your assistance? ! 】

  [Playboy: Hey~~ Ladies, you have to be reasonable.Even if Uncle Tony is a genius, it is impossible to learn how to play this game right from the start? 】

  In the Marvel world, Tony Stark couldn't help crying and laughing when he watched the people in the group who denounced him.

  He, Tony Shushu, has been uninhibited and loved freedom since he was a child. He has never had much contact with video games or anything at all. After playing a few man-machine games, he can barely compete with top professional players. Hang up and fight with Ming, but he didn't give much.

  That's only eight heads.

  [Ganwumei: 嚯嚯嚯~~Tony Shu Mi of the Wizards of Heaven, do you want to say this to Black Cat Sauce? 】

  [Playboy: Emmm...that's fine]

  Thinking of the black cat playing a few games, he dared to play with TheShy's talent in ghost and animal games. Although he was hung up and beaten by TheShy, after all, they cooperated with Xiaobu's jungler and killed TheShy several times. -0 Tony Milo doesn't have the guts to speak out loud at all.

  However, Tony Stark, who was thinking about Hextech, couldn't help but say:

  [Playboy: By the way, everyone in the group, do you want to play again, I also want to study the internal structure of the steam robot]

  [Si Kongjing: If you dare to hang up with spring water again, I will dare to kill you (knife.jpg) (knife.jpg) (knife.jpg)]

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: Hey, Senior Sikong, do you want to play with us? 】

  [The male protagonist of the daily text of the comprehensive manga: Okay, I still want to play with Daomei~~]

  【Si Kongjing: ... 】

  【Sister of Dry Matter: ... 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat:...]


  A series of weird ellipses, but the four people in the group didn't say much, instead they enthusiastically pulled Sikong Xuan into the room, and then the five people chose the hero they wanted to play, and then...

  "Ionia, keep your spirits high~!"


  In the familiar and unfamiliar Summoner Canyon, Sikong Xuan stood in the spring with a stiff expression.

  The voice I couldn't help shouting echoed in the canyon, but this voice... No, I...

  Touching the extra pair of cotton balls on his chest, his beautiful long hair hanging down to his hips, and the light armor wrapping his body, Sikong Xuan vaguely heard the snickering sounds of the other four.

  "You, you guys... why didn't you tell me this game is played by possessed heroes?!!"

  "Pfft haha~~!!"*4

  Situ Jing, who looked like Kasha, smiled and patted Sister Dao... Skongxuan on the shoulder, and then said with a smirk:

  "Hello, Brother Sikong... ah no, it's Sister Sikong, welcome to Summoner's Canyon~~"

  "Boss, after listening to what I said in the group before, you should have guessed that this game is about fighting with heroes, right? I thought you had a fetish for women's clothing... or the eccentric hobby of becoming a woman. ."

  Tony Stark, who was possessed by the steam robot, said to Sikong Xuan in a teasing tone while studying the internal structure of the robot.

  What can Sikong Xuan say about this?

  "No, isn't Kaguya playing Yasuo? Yasuo is a man."

  "Ha~? Senior Sikong, do you think Kaguya is a normal person?"

  The black cat who chose the angel of judgment, the tone of spit and Kyle's awe-inspiring voice sounded very strange.

  "Let's say, Kaguya is the kind of person who is very curious about becoming a man, right?"

  Xiaobu, who chose the Embrace of Pain as a jungler, made the same spit out by Evelyn's voice, but it was charming and moving.

  "Also, boss, please remind me, the lineup on the opposite side of this game has not changed from the previous game~~ Come on, Xiaobu believes that the boss can beat Faker~!"


  "Yes, come on, Sister Sikong, I believe you can do it~!"


  Glancing at Situ Jing, Xiaobu, and Black Cat, he saw that the three girls were all gloating over their misfortunes, and Skongxuan's head was covered in black lines.

  "...And you guys feel that you are not willing to be abused, and you want to pull me into the water, right?"

  "Also, playing Faker... May I hang up under the tower?".

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