"Then do you think there are other ways to make him stop stalking you besides violence?"


  Kato Megumi bit her chopsticks and remembered the scene on Saturday, when the police dared to refuse the last chance she gave...

  Well, it seems that only violence can get rid of the entangled An Yi-kun.


  After lunch, Sikong Xuan and the two girls rested on the rooftop for a while before returning to the classroom to continue the class.However, before ten minutes of a class, the prompt tone of the dimensional chat group attracted the attention of Sikong Xuan, who had been listening carefully to the class.

  "Mei, I'll take a nap for a while. Remember to remind me when the teacher is here~~"

  He whispered to Kato Megumi in the back row, and then, before the girl could agree, Sikong Xuan covered himself with a book and lay on the table, causing Ms. Kato Megumi in the back row to stare at his hunched back with sad eyes. .

  Prompt, the administrator [Comprehensive Man Daily Men's Protagonist] is online

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Comrades, I took time out of my busy schedule to go online.What's up, who's going to start a group live broadcast? 】

  [Sikongjing: Ah~~ Stewardess Sikong... Ah bah, brother Sikong, are you online? 】

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: ... Quietly, you are still my good sister, not to mention Daomei]

  [Neet Ji: Good sister?Is it a good (fourth tone) sister, or a dry (fourth tone) sister? 】

  Reminder, [Neet Ji] was banned by the group owner [Si Kongjing] for one hour

  Prompt, the administrator [Comprehensive Daily Man] has lifted the ban on [Neet Ji]

  Prompt, [Neet Ji] was banned for six hours by the administrator [Comprehensive daily text male protagonist]

  [Comprehensive daily male protagonist: Come on, everyone, tell me, who else of you likes Biao Huang jokes, I will fulfill your wishes]

  [Si Kongjing: Yes, group owners and administrators are very democratic, and we will give you full freedom.Sa, everyone, please start your performance]

  【Sister of Dry Matter: ... 】


  【Grey Wolf: ... 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat:...]

  【General Flash: ... 】

  I'm afraid, I'm afraid, this group is managed by your brother and sister together, how dare we perform?

  After slaughtering Hui Ye's chicken, the monkeys in the group immediately realized the majesty of the group leader and administrator, and they farted all kinds of rainbows at Situ Jing and Skong Xuan.In an instant, there was a harmonious atmosphere of joy and harmony in the group.

  After enjoying the praise from the group members for a while, Sikong Xuan nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: By the way, you haven't told me who is going to start the group live broadcast?It can't be the scumbag of Kaguya, right? 】

  [General Flash: Yohohoho~~ little brother Sikong, Abu, your respected administrator, this time it is the old man who started the group live broadcast~~]

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: You?Why did you start the group live broadcast?You're not going to catch Blackbeard or Whitebeard II, are you? 】

  [The flash general: 嚯嚯嚯~~ Your Excellency the administrator is really clever, predictable, resourceful, and blessed with wisdom... (The [-]-character idiom is omitted below to boast)]

  [Playboy: Hey~~ (contempt.jpg), you yellow monkey, hurry up and do business~! 】

  [Dianwumei: That's it~! 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Black Cat: The touted idioms have made you a monkey finish talking, what should we say? 】

  [Comprehensive daily man protagonist: ...is this the point you are upset about? 】

  [General Flash: Hohoho~~ Sorry, sorry, I will start the live broadcast now]

  After speaking, within a few seconds, everyone in the group received a prompt from the chat group, asking whether to enter the live broadcast room opened by [General Flash].

  Immediately, except for Hui Tailang, who had to take care of Red Tailang and Xiao Huihui, who had no time to watch the live broadcast, the other melon eaters all clicked 'Yes'.Then, the group of friends saw a huge city like a fountain.

  "This is... the capital of seven waters?"

  PS: Who knows who the girl in this picture is?It doesn't look like Robin. .

Chapter 63

  Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "Hahaha, I, Hu Hansan, are back (* ̄▽ ̄*)/"

  Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "Comrades, you are so easily succumbed to the tyranny of the group leader and administrator, I am so disappointed~! Today, I, Princess of the Moon, Penglai Mountain Hui Ye, are in This live broadcast room raises the banner of resistance~!"

  Hui Ye of Penglai Mountain: "Bah~! The owner of the poisonous vegetable group, the administrator who helps Zhou's abuse, experience the power of the oppressed people~!!"

  As soon as they entered the live broadcast room of Huang Yuan, everyone saw Kaguya's barrage constantly swiping the screen.And it seems that Kaguya has studied the rebellious scriptures of my Dahuahua family, and it is a set of tricks to deceive people. The 'oppressed' group members like Xiaobui Hei Mao are eager to try.


  Sikong Xuan: "Oh?"

  Situ Jing: "Hui Ye, you look very shy~"

  Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Hey, of course, I'm super attractive (* ̄▽ ̄*)/?"

  Sikong Xuan: "The one-week banning package, one-month banning package, and one-year banning package, which of these three plans would you like to choose?"

  Penglai Mountain Hui Ye: "..."

  Penglaishan Huiye: "I'm sorry to disturb you, farewell~!"

  Under the threat of Sikong Xuan, Kaguya decided to play dead by diving.

  In this regard, Situ Jing just smiled and made fun of the ban on Hui Ye in the group, and then gave Hui Ye a banning 48-hour package.

  A group of people who eat melons watched the dying Kaguya be sanctioned again, and they fell to the ground, condemning Kaguya's rebellious actions of inciting rebellion, conspiring to subvert the group owner and administrator's regime; at the same time, all kinds of rainbow farts in the live broadcast room Flying around, let Situ Jing once again enjoy the joy that everyone touts.

  Alas~~ The daily life of the authority dog ​​of the group owner is always so unpretentious and boring.

  "Hey hey~~ everyone, can you give me some face, this is the first time this old man has started a live broadcast~~"

  Looking at the barrage of the group members flattering in the live broadcast room, Kizaru spoke reluctantly to attract everyone's attention back.

  Sikong Xuan: "Is this place the capital of seven waters?"

  "Yoohooah~~ Yes, little brother Sikong."

  Standing on the mast of a naval ship, Kizaru looked ahead.Through Kizaru's line of sight, everyone in the live broadcast room saw WaterSeven in the distance, which looked like a large fountain.

  Tony Stark: "What a wonderful city."

  Buried soil: "I heard that the prototype of the Seven Waters is Venice, the water city~~"

  Wugeng Liuli: "This city is so beautiful~~"

  "Well, although there are countless islands in this world, the capital of seven waters is indeed a pearl in the first half of the Great Route. After all, the shipbuilders on this island made ancient weapons eight hundred years ago." Hades' ah."

  As Kizaru said, he couldn't help thinking of the dream that Shi Changbingshan, the capital of seven waters in the anime, once confided:

  "Building a giant ship that can carry the Seven Waters City? The chief of the Seven Waters City is simply a monster-like shipbuilder, yo ho ho ~~"

  Having said that, Kizaru teleported to the deck of the warship and said to the adjutant:

  "Okay, you can go to the Seven Waters and stand by."

  "Mr. Kizuna, what is the purpose of your voyage this time..."

  "Ah, that's not what you should know. Come on, I'll go ahead. Hey~~ Mr. Gunner in the bow, please shoot at the junkyard in the Seven Waters~~"

  "Ah? Hi~! Admiral Kizuna~!"

  So, along with the sound of a cannon from the Kiaburi, the scene that should have happened in the Chambord Islands appeared in the capital of seven waters ahead of schedule.

  I saw Kizaru stepping on the shells that came out of their chambers as light as a feather. When the shells were about to fall, he stomped the shells. As a result, the shells exploded in the air, and Kizaru had already appeared on the outer city wall of the Seven Waters. .

  Tsubasa: "Handsome~!"

  Situ Jing: "Cool~!"

  Tony Stark: "Awesome~!"

  Sikong Xuan: "It's just to match the honor of Mr. Huang Yuan's wretchedness to the bottom of his bones. It's going to be crazy (squint smile.jpg)"

  Seeing the barrage of Sikong Xuanfa, Kizaru's face darkened.But thinking of the identity of the administrator of Sikong Xuan...

  Forget it, after all, the old man is an admiral of the navy, and this amount of belly is still necessary.

  Definitely not from the heart, well, definitely not.

  Wugeng Liuli: "Speaking of this city of seven waters, why are there so many people on the roof? What are they doing?"

  "Ah ah~~ This old man has heard a little. It is said that the city of seven waters is hit by a huge tsunami named "Aqua Ragna (God of Water)" every year, and the entire city is hit by the water gods. After the capital, high concentrations of sea salt will be left on the eaves of each house, and local residents will also use the sea salt left by the gods of water to cook dishes.”

  Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: "Ah, I remember, Sanji bought this kind of sea salt in the anime, and he spoke highly of this kind of sea salt."

  Tusamabu: "Wait, the gods of water have attacked the capital of seven waters, doesn't that mean that the Judicial Island incident is over... The Straw Hat Pirates are in the capital of seven waters?!!"

  Buried soil: "Nice~! Hey, Grandpa Kisaragi, let's go see the Straw Hat Pirates, I really want to see the real Straw Hat boy Luffy and the pirate hunter Zoro, and the thief cat Na. Mei, my favorite marshmallow-loving Chopper. It’s great, Grandpa Kizaru, please (~ ̄▽ ̄)~”

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????????????

  "Yohoo, if you don't say it, I'll forget that the Straw Hats who attacked Judicial Island are now repairing in the Seven Waters."

  Sikong Xuan: "..."

  Situ Jing: "..."

  Wugeng Liuli: "Xiaobu, what grudges do you have with the Straw Hat Pirates?"

  Penglaishan Hui Ye: "Let the Admiral go to find the Straw Hat gang who are pirates. Could this be the fans of the legendary idols?"

  Buried in the soil: "..."

  Earthen Buried: "?!!"

  Buried soil: "Well, Grandpa Kisarazu, I suddenly remembered that Blackbeard and Whitebeard II should be killed first, a group of new pirates like the Straw Hat Kid is not worth the shot of a naval admiral like Grandpa Kisarazu. ,Is it right?"

  "Hehe~ Don't worry, Mr. Garp is already on his way. I don't want to fight with Mr. Garp for catching his grandson."

......... 0 ......

  Sikong Xuan: "As expected of you, Huang Yuan, you are the smoothest among the three generals."

  "Hehe~~ I've won awards, after all, this old man believes in ambiguous justice."

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