Hearing the girl's name, Sikong Xuan was shocked.He looked at the girl carefully, and then placed the girl standing in front of him with the paper-man wife who had impressed him in memory, and then he couldn't help showing a stunned expression.

  As for the black cat who had been staring at Sikongxuan, feeling the scrutinizing gaze cast by Sikongxuan, and then looking at the changing face of the other party, the girl was a little shy, and more curious.

  "What, what's wrong?"

  "Um... ah, nothing. Wugen Ruri... Wugen Ruri? Well, what a pretty cute name~~"


  Hearing Sikongxuan's slightly casual praise, Wugeng Liuli's cheeks suddenly turned red, and she became a little flustered.

  In normal circumstances, she must not have been broken so easily, but she was rescued by the hero Sikong Xuan just now, and when she was most desperate and helpless, he rescued her like a hero.

  Such a Sikong Xuan is a special existence for black cats.

  The same is true, when girls are asked their names, they choose to say their real names instead of the online nickname 'Black Cat'.

  Now, when she is praised by Sikong Xuan, whom she regards as a hero, and looking at the other party's gentle smile like the sun, the black cat is really hard to resist. Drooling in the dark at night.

  "You, what are you talking about?!"


  "Name, name or something, it's not cute, not at all, not cute~!"


  Seeing the black cat whose voice was suddenly raised, Sikong Xuan couldn't react. He thought to himself why he suddenly became angry. Could it be that I said something wrong?

  [Hee hee hee~~ Xuan is really stupid, this girl is obviously shy~~]

  'Shy? '

  [certainly.To her, you are her hero.Thin-skinned girls tend to be shy when they hear their heroes praise them~~]

  'is that so? '

  Hearing the system's explanation, Sikong Xuan seemed to understand a little.And Kaguya, who played an unknown number of Galgames and claimed to be an old driver in the Raiders world, was the first to notice the emotional changes of the black cat.She secretly said that it was not good, and hurriedly pulled the black cat, then bowed to Sikong Xuan and said:

  "Sorry, sorry, it's the black cat who is a bit willful and unreasonable."

  And the black cat also reacted from the arrogant state, and also felt regret and guilt.Obviously the other party saved him and praised his name, but he was angry with the other party, just like Takasaka Kirino.

  With this thought in mind, the black cat hurriedly bowed to Sikong Xuan and said:

  "It's me who should apologize. I was the one who made trouble just now. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

  She paused, her cheeks became red again, lowered her head and said in a thin mosquito voice:

  "And just now, you praised my name, I'm actually very happy."

  "That's it~"

  Seeing the girl who suddenly became serious and candid, Sikong Xuan showed a surprised expression.But then, he smiled, then waved his hand casually and said:

  "Is that so? However, I'm not lying, Wugeng Liuli, this name sounds cute~~"


  Seeing Sikongxuan's sincere praise again, the black cat once again became shy, his flushed face couldn't stop steaming, and he couldn't help but let out a cat-like moan.This...

  This is the rhythm of being attacked~!

  Hui Ye couldn't help but lift the small table in her heart. She looked at the black cat blushing like a ripe apple, her face was full of envy and jealousy for Sikong Xuan and hatred for the black cat. .

  The speed of this strategy is too fast, right?It's almost for nothing. Hey~!

  It can't go on like this.

  Not wanting to see his favorite paper man wife being attacked by a stranger in front of him, Kaguya pulled the black cat's hand, and then said politely to Sikong Xuan:

  "Brother's great kindness, we will keep it in our hearts. It's getting late, and we still have important things to do, so let's just let it go."

  "Eh? Kaguya, what do we need..."

  "Black cat, I came here specially to save you, and it's the first time I came to your world, aren't you going to entertain your concubine?"

  Seeing the black cat speak, Kaguya hurriedly interrupted her, then pulled her aside and bit her ear.In this regard, the black cat was a little reluctant to give up, but Sikong Xuan, who was on the opposite side, said one step ahead with great understanding:

  "Well, it just so happens that I have something to do, so let's meet again~~"

  Saying that, Sikong Xuan smiled and waved his hand, then turned and left gracefully.Leaving the little black cat looking at Sikong Xuan's back, the gratitude and apology in his heart became stronger and stronger.


  [Neet Ji: Well, the black cat is saved. 】

  [Sikongjing: Well done, Kaguya. 】

  [Neet Ji: Come on, I'm late.By the time I arrived, the black cat had already been rescued by a hero.Alas, my real black cat pillow ε=(ο`*)))]

  [Danwumei: Huh~~ Hero saves beauty Σ(⊙▽⊙a? Sounds so romantic~~]

  [Neet Ji: Not really.You look at the little black cat after the incident, with red-faced and shy face, it's almost a confession to the strategy. 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: ah ah ah ah~! Neet Ji, you are actually spreading rumors in the group? !What's been raided, I didn't have it~! !My dignified black cat, how could it be attacked by mere mortals so easily? ! 】

  [Neet Ji: What.Look at the reluctance you looked when the other party left. If I hadn't spoken, would you have stayed with the other party until it was dark, and then followed to the other party's house? 】

  [Dianwumei: What?Is it really? 】

  [Playboy: Tsk tsk~~ No way, little black cat, this is too white, right?If you are so easy for others to get your hands on, it is not easy for others to cherish it. 】

  [Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat: Ahhhhh~! ! !Small buried ~!Stark~! !And you, Neet Ji, I won't tear your mouth apart~! ! ! 】

  Reminder,【Chiba's Fallen Saint Black Cat】has been offline

  Prompt, 【Neet Ji】has been offline

  PS: Fushimi old thief loses his conscience, I live and die with the black cat~! ! .

Chapter 7

  "Look I don't tear your mouth apart~!"

  "Ah~! It hurts, little black cat, I was wrong~!"

  In the small alley, Kaguya probably forgot that she was not in Gensokyo now, but she had been teasing the black cat in the group just now, and was caught by the black long straight girl beside her.

  Although in terms of strength, Hui Ye can easily kill the black cat with just one finger, but the black cat is Hui Ye's paper wife. Naturally, Hui Ye can't resist it hard, but let the black cat pull him like a girlfriend Cheeks, with a begging expression on his face.

  "Surrender, surrender~! I surrendered, little black cat~~"

  "Hmph, I don't accept it~! Do you dare to spread my rumors in the group?"

  "Yeah~~ little black cat, please spare me, how can I say that I came here on purpose to save you~~"

  Hearing Hui Ye's words, the black cat was stunned for a moment, and his heart warmed, and he let go of Hui Ye, but said angrily:

  "Hmph~! Come on, you didn't have any good intentions when you came to save me, right?"


  Kaguya just feigned a silly smile, trying to get away with it.Then, the black cat sighed helplessly, and said:

  "It's really unfortunate. I encountered such a thing when I first moved to Tokyo. If I knew it earlier, I would have spent the 500 points I got earlier."

  "Huh? Little black cat, have you earned points?"

  "Well. After moving from Chiba to Tokyo, the chat group said that I changed the plot and rewarded 500 points."

  Speaking of this, the black cat said with a gloomy expression:

  "Obviously I also have a lot of roles in my sister, but I left Chiba with my family to give me such a few points. Is the chat group despising me for being an irrelevant supporting role? Or is it discriminating against us everyday fans? character of?"

  "Ahaha, don't care about supporting roles or not. In my heart, the little black cat is my sister's unique heroine...Ah no, how can the mere scumbag Kosaka Kyosuke be worthy of our episode two, arrogant, poor A little black cat with cute points such as milk, tear mole, black long straight, ingenious, and Japanese beauty?

  If you want me to say, you should stay in Chiba City, little black cat, take the initiative to attack, NTR Takasaka Kyosuke, and all Ayase, Saori, Kirino, and Tumei will be captured and collected in the harem~! ! "

  "...There are so many flaws, I don't know where to complain."

  Looking at Kaguya who was inexplicably excited, the black cat said with a black line on his face:

  "Also, my sexuality is straight! I'm not a resident of your Oriental Lily Township (the nickname of Gensokyo)~~"

  "Hey~~ The little black cat really doesn't think about it. If you have this idea, plus the help of this princess, who is comparable to the goddess of the gods (Kuimu Guima), you have to break the bend and then attack Ayase and Tumei. These paper wives are so easy~!"

  "Do you need me to shatter your ridiculous fantasy? I'll do it~!"

  A hand knife gently tapped Kaguya's forehead, and the black cat said angrily:

  "I repeat, my sexual orientation is straight. Even if I watched "My Sister Can't Be So Cute" by Sikong Jing, and had a good impression of Ayase and Manami, it was impossible for me to retaliate against Kasaka Kyosuke. Go and attack them~!"

  Speaking of this, the black cat paused, as if thinking of something, a slight redness appeared on his cheeks:

  "Rather than attacking Ayase and the others, I might as well attack that senior just now."

  "Hey~~ Little Black Cat, you won't really be attacked by that stinky man just now, right? Don't~! It's just a mere hero to save the beauty, I can do it too~~"

  "Do your job~!"

  After rewarding Kaguya with a hand knife, the black cat was already desperate for Kaguya, a resident of Lily Township who made no secret of his bent sexual orientation.

  She ravaged Kaguya's face for a while, then let go of her hand and smiled at Kaguya, who was covering her face pitifully:

  "Okay, Kaguya, come to my world for a rare time, come to my house as a guest."

  "Hey, is this a black cat dating a concubine (*^▽^*)?"

  "It's not~! It's just a chat to express my thanks."

  "The little black cat really doesn't understand style... well, I just want to hug the kawaii Hyuga and Zhuxi (the black cat's two younger sisters). Hehe, two little loli who are soft and easy to push down~~ Suck~"

  "Slobber, Kaguya, your drool is coming out~! Really, I warn you, Kaguya, if you scare Hyuga and Zhuxi, I will definitely ask Sikong Jing to reward you with a one-month banning package~!"

  While talking and laughing, the black cat and Kaguya held hands and left the alley while chatting.


  "Hmm~ This is a wonderful encounter, right?"

  Walking on the street, Sikong Xuan recalled the previous hero to save the beauty, with a happy smile on his face.

  [Hyun, looks very happy~~]

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